C.W.K.A Inc. ~ Labor Day Challenge!!

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  • Welcome all! Okay I've come to accept that I have a problem....I am TOTALLY addicted to 3FC challenges! Seriously, I don't do challenges anywhere else like I do here! I've even made it official and put it in my sig! LOL So I'm starting yet another one, one for Labor Day which is September 4th. That means we have a good long time for our challenge! I hope you'll all join.

    Edited to say: BTW, C.W.K.A stands for Chicks Who Kick ***. Describes us to the T in my opinion.

    Shari ~ 244
    Ellen ~ 231
    Jannelle ~ 202.8
    Donna ~ 155.8
    Jenn ~ 180
    Lorra ~ 239
    Hpnotg ~ 300
    Chicky ~ 184.5
    Gina ~ 203.5
    Bobbie ~ 180
    Wendy ~ 136
    Monica ~ 168
    Chicky ~ 187.5
    Junebug ~ 204
  • Okay so after fluctuantely (sp?) between 248 and 245 for the past two weeks, my weight has came to a rest at 244.8...the exact same weight I was at about three weeks ago. Freakin weird. I have NO idea what's up with me. I can't seem to get below 244. I've heard of people having plateus after losing 30, 40, 50 lbs but the first 10?! OMG it would have to be me. I haven't even really started my WL and already I'm at a standstill. *sigh*

    But on the bright side, the internet on my computer is back up. YAY! And I've officially finished my first two weeks at my new job. It's pretty cool there. I nearly blew a gasket when I discovered that my department has a rotating shift so every three months I'll have different days off. Right now I have Monday's and Tuesday's off. I was pissed because I thought it was a Monday-Friday shift. But I took a breath and thought about it. This could help me in the long run. How? See I love my friends and I love hanging out with them but when I'm with them, I don't watch what I eat or drink. With me working weekends now, I can't hang out with them which means I can stick to my diet! Believe me, I'm gonna miss hanging with my friends but **** I used to spend all my weekends at home when I was in high school and didn't really have any friends so I'll be okay. I'm going to be hanging out with most of them in three weeks for one last weekend bash for my birthday. We're spending the weekend in Atlanta, going to Six Flags and the Underground. I can't wait!
  • Sharri~I am joining you here! I am going to start at 233 and aim for 225. I have been going so slowly so I am going to be conservative and aim for 8 pounds. Can't wait to get started!!
  • YAY Ellen! Thanks for joining!
  • OK, the hippy(and I do mean HIPPY) chic is in the house! Shari, I added your thread to my subscriptions.

    So I guess the challenge ends on Labor Day? If that's the case, I'm gonna set my goal for 195, I should be able to handle 10 lil ole pounds in the next 8 weeks....I think. anyhoo, Good Luck to all you beautiful goddesses

    love love love

    ps I'm a little hyper, just had a great workout at the gym
  • Jannelle ~ Thanks for joining!
  • You know me Shari..I'm in too...I would like to be at 150 by labor day...thats 12lbs for me....I'm with you about the weight loss being stuck..I've been at 162 for over a month....I'm hoping to change up my routine and get it moving again..
  • YAY Donna! Thanks for joining! I haven't even decided what my goal will be....
  • Okay guys, as you can see at the bottom of my sig, I have been suckin so freakin hard my last couple of challenges. I've finally decided to bite the bullet and get my *** back to the WW meetings. I stopped going because I was working at a grocery store making minimum wage and I have bills to pay. But now I have a good paying job, I need to get back. I'm going to wait till they do that free registration thing again (yeah, I know, I am SO cheap!). I actually excited about going back. I'm thinking of going to a new meeting location because I've heard such good things about the leader and members. I'll let you all know when I do officially go back.
  • Where is everyone/

    anyway I'm still OP for eating but haven't got my butt moving yet...I hope to see some exercise in my future...

    Shari-have you decided on what your goal is yet?
  • Donna, no not yet. I'm actually waiting till I start officially at my meetings again. I went last night, just to sit in and OMG it was SO boring! They have a new leader and she's just.....ugh. And there was no one there from when I used to go there last time. Sooo, I have to find me another meeting. When I was working at the grocery store, people used to tell me to go to the meetings over at Pleasant Ridge in Hueytown, which is a community right next to mine. But my mama won't let me drive her car till I get my license and I have to learn how to park and back out before I can get my license! So this weekend my friend Nik is going to start teaching me how to do that so I can hurry up and get my license and get to a fun meeting!
  • Goodmorning Ladies... I just found this thread and I hope I'm not to late to join in with you. I'm starting at 180pds and I'm hoping by Labor Day, I'm at 165pds.
  • I wanna Join too......I went on vacation this summer and gained just about all the weight I had lost all but a big 3 pounds. I need something to keep my butt in gear. I'm 236 and would like to set my goal to 224....I'm just starting dieting again after being so out of control so that shouldn't be to hard to do
  • Welcome Jenn and Lorra!
  • thanks!!! One of these goals I'm GONNA make