Any Muslims Around?

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  • Wondering if there are any muslimahs here trying to lose weight?
  • Me!
  • Assalamu alaykum Jigglybits

    Glad to see a fellow muslim here .

    What approach are you following in terms of dieting?
  • Well, basically right now I'm just staying under 1600 kcals per day. I did WW for a while but didn't help much.
    Before that I used to count calories and lost around 44lbs.
    I'm trying to get in 45 mins of cardio exercise a day for 5 days a week. I'm also trying to squeeze in a bit of strength training to tone up a bit.
    I've been diagnosed with PCOS 2 years ago and it has been slowing down the process of weight loss but I'm trying to hang in there and get to my goal of 140lbs
    How about you?
  • Wow, what do you know??? I was also diagnosed with PCOS - 3 years ago. Then I lost a lot of weight and my symptoms disappeared, but after having a baby I am overweight again and my PCOS symptoms are back

    I am calorie counting right now. I try to focus on low GI foods. I also try to get 30 minutes cardio 3 x a week.

    I weighed in this morning - two,two pounds down, so many still to go

    You have come such a long way - you must be really proud of yourself
  • I am new to this forum, and a Muslimah. I have lost 40 over the last three years and really want to lose 55 more. Hope to hear from all. Salams, Mumina
  • As Salam Alaikum! I'm new here this is my first post. I'm so happy to see other Muslims here, I just wanted to give the greetings ! Good Luck to all. Ma-Salam.
  • Would any one be interested in starting a support group for Muslimahs, espeically w/ Ramahdan coming soon in October?
  • Hello Hadiya and Mumina!
    I'm worried about Ramadan, I'm not sure how I'm going to stay on diet with all the yummy foods being prepared. We need to brainstorm a ramadan diet plan... and the workouts... ugh.. I can't workout while fasting! and hardly have the time after eftar
  • Asalam Alaikum
    I've been doing Atkins since April. I decided to look for a Muslim based group for additional support with Ramadan coming up, so I think that would be great! I'm glad to see that there are other sisters here!
  • Asalam Alaikum
    Anyone doing Atkins? I think I'm going to have a bad month as far as weight loss goes during Ramadan. I need to eat and drink every few hours. Well, I suppose as long as I don't gain it will be a success!
  • As Salaam Alaikum,
    I'm not on any particular diet. I eat 2 eggs & two pieces of turkey bacon for breakfast, a salad & meat (chicken or fish) for lunch, and dinner I have a salad, a cup of vegetable of choice and more meat cooked anyway except fried. I also drink tea at breakfast and have grapefruit juices w/ every meal. If I get hungry between meals I have a piece fruit. I've been doing this for 8 weeks now and lost a total of 17 pounds without exercise. I've just purchase Walk the Pounds Away videos, so I plan to start working out.

    During Ramadan I plan to break my fast w/ water only, then load up on protein and salad, and a piece of fruit for dessert (insha'Allah)... I hope this works.
  • Asalam Alaikum
    That sounds pretty close to an Atkins type diet. I just omit the fruit and juice. and have a cheese stick or hard boiled egg. Yeah, I know, sounds appetizing doesn't it? I could probably incorporate fruit in at this point but since I'm doing pretty well I don't want to mess things up.
    Sounds like your plan will probably work well. It's just that I always hear that you should have something every few hours to keep your metabolism moving. Otherwise your body thinks it's being deprived and starts wanting to hold onto the fat. (But I don't know for sure if that's true because my body has never been deprived of food!! lol)
    Inshalllah, all will work out for the best. I put it in the hands of Allah for that month! what ever happens, I'll worry about it in NOvember!
    It's so nice to have found sisters on this site.
    have a good day all
    Asalam Alikum
  • I'm counting calories right now, trying to stay below 1550.
    I personally plan on having something light for iftar, like a few dates, a cup of soup and some water. I always feel bloated after iftar so keeping it light will help me workout afterwards. I think having small light meals instead of a big fat one is easier on our stomachs, specially that we'll be fasting all day.
  • I totally agree. Idon't like dates and they are loaded with carbs, but my husband does make some good soups that I'm sure I can have!