1 Yr / 100 Lbs -- July/August '06

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  • Here we are, chickies . . . thought we'd try two months this time since a lot of people will be going away over the summer and things will likely not be as busy as usual on the thread . . .
  • Linda -- Thanks for starting our new home! It is very slow here today so many people are probably doing something for the fourth of July weekend. HAPPY CANADA DAY to you! Are you doing anything special to celebrate? What is the main thing people do to celebrate this holiday? We're just staying around home, but when it used to be cheaper, we always would go to the rodeo and fire works show.
  • Hi MICHELLE . . .

    Lots of stuff goes on; a lot of corporate and church picnics and stuff; plus fireworks, of course. Always used to do the fireworks thing when the kids were around but now I just tend to veg. Although businesses that are usually not open on Saturday anyway, will be closed on Monday, Canada Day is celebrated on the actual day in most cases so all the stores are closed today. Nova Scotia is the only province that does NOT allow Sunday shopping, so they will be closed tomorrow, too.

    Have a good one.
  • Michelle, just a quick note...I LOVE Hello Kitty! Cute avatar...miss your smiling face though...but cute!!!
  • Quote: Michelle, just a quick note...I LOVE Hello Kitty! Cute avatar...miss your smiling face though...but cute!!!
    Thank you, I also LOVE Hello Kitty! I have a few of her avatars, so I thought I would try them for awhile for a change.
  • Hi Ladies...Things are pretty hectic here. The FD's have been pains, and it looks like it will be a very long weekend. They are grounded from the internet, so they are making life pretty miserable. Looks like I might lock myself back in my room after church tomorrow. Only one more side left to do on the quilt and I will be done. Did a stupid thing this afternoon Put the machine needle through my finger and of course I was bleeding on my quilt!! So I have that to try and get out tomorrow.

    MichelleRae...Congrats on riding your bike to work. WTG!!

    Erin...Have a Happy and Safe Trip. Relax and enjoy!!!

    Tracy...I feel your excitement, girl!! AWESOME! WTG!! So proud of you!!

    Louie...Have a happy, relaxing day off. Your dinner out with hubby sounds so yummy!!

    Michelle...Gald you are having cooler weather. Yes, I hope you have about 75 when I'm out. Enjoy your weekend.

    Tina...Girl, you look awesome!! Love the picture of you. Congrats on the 1 pound the fairt fat mother took. My hubby was stationed there. I went over to be with him, but had to leave when he got orders for Viet Nam. I came home, and he never left for Nam. Which was a good thing!!

    Robbin...WHOOHOO on the .6 lbs the fairt fat mother took.

    Ryanmi...Congrats on lugging the pots up 2 floors. Bet they look beautiful. Rhubarb Cheesecake turned out great. It's one of my favorites. I post it tomorrow.

    Linda...Happy Canada Day to you!!! Glad you are starting to get relief from the weather.

    Well gang, I have to get up at 4:30 to get hubby off to work and I didn't get much sleep lastnight because of storms. Have a good one and I'll try to check in tomorrow.
  • Hey Ladies!!

    I'm almost caught up with the bookkeeping now just have to write some checks and pay the company bills and we'll be good to go! We bought a fire pit today it's very nice and has a marble ledge the whole way around it, so we went out and roasted some marshmallows tonight with the kids. They had a blast.

    Michelle, yes your avatar is very cute We're just staying home too. We buy a few fountain fireworks and light them off in the driveway and it's enough for us. We hate going out on the "drinking" holidays we're too afraid of some idiot driving drunk.

    Cheryl, OUCH! I hope your finger is okay! I can't imagine that happening! do you have any pictures of your quilts? I've always wanted to try it but I don't think I'm that creative

    Linda, thanks for starting the new thread! How is your weekend going?

    Well chicks, I'm gonna get outta here and get to bed so I can get up early tomorrow. I hope you all have a lovely evening!

  • Hey girls, looks like I have alot to catch up on for personals, but right now I just wanted to drop in and give my good news. I have alot on the plate for today so I will probably not be back until tomorrow for personals.

    AWESOME scale victory for me this morning. Scales were down another 2 pounds. That makes 3 pounds for this week. I haven't lost 3 pounds in 1 week since I first started this journey. For the past 2 or 3 weeks it has just been tiny bits of pounds. I am so excited. I didn't believe it at first but I weighed myself 3 times and it was the same every time.

    I hope everyone on both sides of the border is enjoying their holiday weekend. See you all a bit later.
  • Good Morning ~ ooooh a brand new thread for the summer Good idea.

    I had a very low key day yesterday. Finished off some more of my painting (so far I have 6 snowmen and 2 santas done) and that leaves me with 2 more santas today. I will try to post pictures when I am done. Other then that I relaxed on the couch, watched some TV, and even caught a nap.

    Today I have some shopping to do.. I think every paper product in the house all ran out on the same day.. funny how that happens.. so it is off to WalMart to restock. I also need to get some shorts/tshirts as I'm going to start going to the gym on Tuesday morning.

    Meowee ~ hope you enjoyed your Canada Day. We got a call to go to the fireworks last night, but hubby doesn't particularly like crowds so we took a pass.. did you get up to anything ?

    Michelle ~ I must have missed Hello Kitty, cause it is your smiling face I see this morning

    Cheryl ~ ouch !! Hope your finger is feeling better and you are able to get your quilt cleaned. Sorry to hear that the FD's are being a pain.. but locking yourself in your room and working on your quilt for the day sounds like a good plan.

    MRae ~ yummmm.. marshmallows. There are things that I ate as a child that I don't think I would go anywhere near now.. but marshmallows aren't one of them !!

    To all the other chicks ~ hope you have a enjoyable and relaxing Sunday.
  • Robbin - we must have been posting at the same time. CONGRATULATIONS !!!
  • Thanks Louie, sounds like you are having a good weekend.
  • Afternoon...Woke up to a nice surprise, the fairy fat mother paid me a visit and took another pound with her. I changed my ticker to show the highest weight I was before starting here, and my new goal. My new goal seem more doable than shooting for 150 lbs right now. Besides, I have worked very hard for every pound of fat I have lost. Going to slap a bandaid on my finger and go up and get the blood out of my quilt and start laying out the final side.

    Robbin...Congrats!!! I am so excited for the 3 pounds you have lost!!

    MichelleRae...Your fire pit sounds real nice and roasting mashmellows, YUM!! Bet your little ones enjoyed themselves. I would love to have a fire pit, but would have to wear a suit of armor just to keep the biting bugs away. LOL

    Louie...Finger hurts like.... I have finally learned not to eat when stressed, but to go sew which relieves my stress and music to soothe my soul.

    I'll check back later.
  • Hi guys!!

    Another great day here stayed totally on plan and I feel good This week will be busy for me because I have finals due this week but can't wait to be finished for a few weeks!

    Cheryl, yes the fire pit is wonderful thankfully the mosquitos aren't so bad here at the moment. Can you send the fairy fat mother my way?

    Robbin congrats! I hear ya on paper products running out at the same time! Its so frustrating!

    Louie its funny, I didn't particularly care for marshmallows when I was younger now I kinda like them

    Linda, hope you had a lovely day

    Okay guys again it's starting to get late and I need to get some sleep for work tomorrow I'll be back tomorrow afternoon! Hope you all have a lovely evening.

  • Robbin--I had to take a double look, because I thought we had a new girl in our group! You are so pretty and you look like a totally different person that your other pic! CONGRATS on your weight loss!!!

    Louie--Yes, I had a different avatar up, but decided for now to change it back.
  • Good Morning Ladies ~ everyone must be off enjoying the long weekend. For those of you in the states, I know tomorrow is the holiday but do you have today off as well ??? I thought that July 4th holiday was usually longer ?!?!?!? (or maybe I am just nuts !!)

    Again, no plans for me today. Although at some point I need to go get groceries.. it is like Old Mother Hubbard around here.. the fridge and cupboards are bare. I think I may even go to the market to get some fresh veggies and fruit, they tend to be nicer there and not as expensive. This eating healthy puts a bit of a dent in the old budget !!

    Tomorrow morning I am back to work and I am going to start going to the gym. Do any of you belong to a gym ?? If so, what sort of routine do you follow ??

    Robbin ~ wowsers.. your new picture is beautiful. Didn't recognize you at all !! So do tell, what do you think made the difference in getting over your plateau ?

    Michelle ~ how has your weather been there ?? Has it cooled off any or just as hot ?

    MRae ~ Well done on having an OP day. You have probably mentioned this already, but what are you studying at school ??

    Cheryl ~ Adios 1 pound.. whoohooo !!! How is the finger today ? Did you get lots done on your quilt ??

    To all the other chicks ~ have a good day !!

    Well gals I am off ... have a great day and see ya soon