Back In Kindergarten #12!

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  • WELCOME to Back In Kindergarten #12 to anyone reading this!

    I feel like I am back in kindergarten in many ways... personal, sometimes at work and now with the weight loss. I have done so many things wrong over the years.....emotional eating, pills for weight loss, eating the wrong things, failed diets, etc.
    Now it's time to start fresh, kinda like back in kindergarten......~* Jules

    Please join us in our chit chat as we discuss our weight loss journey and daily lives!!!
  • Bep post from #11

    For me, I have a ton of different motivators.

    1) I am going to be 29 in a few days...which is going to put me at 30 in just over a year. I want to look good BEFORE I turn 30.

    2) I want to have another baby...hopefully be pregnant around the time I turn 30. I have had 2 c-sec and desperately want to try for a VBAC with #3. Better health may help me be able to do that...who knows???

    3) I am so stinkin sick of dodging out of pictures. I want to feel ok about having pictures taken with my children. I barely have any at all with them...and I don't like the few that I do have because I can't look at them and remember the fun we were having...only can think about how rediculous I look.

    4) I HATE plus sized clothing. It is poopy and granny! Now...I am pretty conservative in dress (I go for skirts knee length or longer, no cleavage, stuff like that). That isn't going to change just because I get's just me. I don't like the whole 'flaunt your body' kind of thing. I don't feel the need to have men drool over me and have other women jealous. But I still want to be able to wear cuter clothes! I want to shop for the same sizes as my sisters and friends when I am out with them instead of just hanging out and saying 'oh...that is cute' but not even being able to pick up something and try it on. I want to be able to find cute clothes! No such thing in the plus-sized world.

    The list go on and on...sooooooo many reasons not to be overweight!!!
  • Michelle post from #11

    SUSAN... CONGRATS on losing that stubborn pound! All of that exercising has really helped out! I'm so tired of this 102 degree weather; it makes everyone tired and irritable!

    BEP... WOW, CONGRATS on losing 3 pounds! Being down in the teens is such an accomplishment! I think your motivators are great! I totally agree with the plus size clothing being granny looking; I hate it! So did you say that you are also counting calories? If so, are you using Fitday?
  • 1 more!!! Bep post from #11

    Michelle No...I am not using Fitday. I look at the packages of things I use and I use to look up whatever doesn't have a label on it. I keep a word document right here on my laptop and log every time I eat something. Ya know...our starting weights and goal weights are similar! 150 is only a temp goal weight for me. I want to get rid of the 'chunk' first, then I can work on toning down to 140 or 130ish. I have to wait and see when I get there. All my adult years have been spent at 160+ so I don't know what I will look like at 150 or less. I weighed about 165/170 about 6 years ago when I got married. About 4 months later I started gaining and exploded to well over 200. Since then, I have never been below 210 with all the yo-yo & crazy low-carb dieting. I want to get to the weight I was 6 yrs ago when I got married, but I don't want to stop there either. I am sooooo done being fat and that is all there is to it. I am doing this and what's funny is I am the only one who can mess it up for me so I only have myself to blame for screw-ups.
  • Happy Monday!
    Hello ladies...

    Just when I was getting used to finding us here we are going to be moved, poopy. Did you ladies see the notice at the top about the forum being moved July 1 to the Support forum? Might want to take a gander. Anyway...

    Started the day by over sleeping. Stayed up too late trying to finish my book. Had planned on getting up at 6 and going for a walk at the park, come back water the lawn, clean some and then head to It Figures. Still did it all but instead of the park I walked 1.51 miles on the treadmill...the rest is done though. And I just finished my lunch. Couldn't decide between a lean cuisine pizza or english muffin with peanut butter and an apple...went with the muffin and apple and boy was it good! Off to a good start for the week. I am bound and determined to be in ONEDERLAND next WI! Again, same ole, same ole...stuck at 201.6, lol. Don't know where the 1.5 pounds went but who's gone! Guess it was just from TOM.

    SUSAN...good to see ya back and I hear ya about the money thing, here today, gone tomorrow. Hope you are feeling better and Doug is as well. Swimming sounds so nice...our little pool here gets so busy and I don't really want to get in a suit yet, but one day. Hate that there is a pool and I never use it. Okay, did I miss that you lost a stubborn pound? to you missy! I saw a Napoleon wannabe...that stupid, and I do mean STUPID...Date Movie...they did a little part at the beginning of the movie, it was kind of funny. The little part, not the movie. Don't know who was playing Napoleon but he looked almost identical...his shirt said "Don't Vote For Pedro" lol.

    HI MICHELLE...hope you are feeling well today. I am surprised at the temps you guys are having. Seems like when it's hot there we have the cool weather and when it's cool there it's hot here. This morning the bank said it was 65...really nice walking weather. Hope tomorrow it is the same...I do plan on walking at the park first thing in the morning for sure. Would definitely prefer being outdoors than on the treadmill. The treadmill though is definitely good for short walks, but more than two miles, ick.

    SHAWNA...happy moving! I've been there, done that too. I had a ford explorer that I moved quite a bit in and then had to hire movers to get the big stuff. It was a lot of trips but since it was a short distance move it actually seemed easier. I took boxes of stuff over and unpacked and put away the stuff as I took it there so it was the smoothest move I ever had...and I have moved a lot over the years, ugh. Hope you are feeling better.

    BEP...those are some great motivators. I used to not have my picture took too but then realized that my kids will never have any pictures of me. So fat or not, I do have pictures taken now. There was a lot of stuff too that I wouldn't do. Kept saying, I will wait until I lose the weight...guess reading a bunch of books made me realize I shouldn't wait or put things on hold until I lost weight. So now I just enjoy, figure the weight will come off eventually but I am not going to stop living because of it, not saying that you are of course. I don't like looking at myself in pictures either but I will take them. on your 3 lbs. gone forever! You are doing a great job!

    HI KATY, JULES, & KATHY, and anyone and everyone reading this.

    Talked to Josh on the phone last night. He's doing good. They have had them do stuff to prepare them for their trip to Kuwait. Of course the whole training has been to prepare them for Kuwait/Iraq. They had to get a lot of their stuff packed to be sent overseas. For some reason he said they were shipping it to Japan where it will sit there for a while and then off to Kuwait to be there waiting for them when they get there. The trip was almost called off, darn it wish it would have been. Need to quit watching the world news and the stuff about Iraq...anyway...other than that nothing else going on with me.

    Just finished my fourth bottle of water, yippee! Trying to stay away from the diet coke...have one for breakfast and with dinner maybe. Today will be a 6 bottle day. I'll have another with a snack about 3:30 and then one while I cook dinner. Always try to have one while I cook because it fills me up and I eat less. Okay, guess i'll get going.

    Hope everyone is having a GREAT day!
  • Hi Cristi-

    No, I didn't see that about being moved. I will go read it in a second.

    Gaby was sick and I had to go get her from the sitter. Poor baby, she was sitting in a corner - her clothes off because they were being washed. Anyway, I will go read that and be back ........
  • Notice from Suzanne
    Club Forums to be moved

    We're moving the Club forums to the Support Groups area! Your current forums will appear as sub-forums, next to the 300 + group, Featherweights, and other forums. This will help organize the forum, and it will also bring your forums closer to the top so newbies will be able to find you. We will not be adding any new forums, we're just relocating the existing ones. This will not be effective until July 1, because we want to make sure everyone has a chance to read this notice and not feel lost when the move occurs.
  • Ya think ALL the groups are moving or just the Misc. Clubs? Hmmmm....

    SUSAN...ah, what's wrong with Miss Gaby? {{{{{GABY}}}}} hope she feels better soon.
  • Just the misc - I dunno. It would be kind of nice to move up in the line of forums though and get out of the basement. I try and post as much as I am able because at least it keeps us on radar!! What I do for you chickies!!
    I think Gaby was dehydrated, it is a guess. She was fine in the pool last night and started whimpering during the night. She was warm but not hot. I took her temp at 98 and she held her juice down on the way home. I went and bought some jucies and crackers for her at the store, when I came back she was asleep on my bed with Rachel.
    I think she will be ok. I have off tomorrow to go down to a ceremony for my down in Salem - if she still isn't feeling well I guess I could always stay home.

    I would be stressed if my child was in the military! HUGS to you!!

    ugh.....someone is here for me......*bother*....
  • SUSAN...I am STRESSED! I try not to think about it but doesn't work. The thought of him going over there scares the h-e-double hockey sticks outta me! I wish I could go see him off before he goes but not possible. Last night after talking with Josh, my heart was doing funny things...don't like when I can actually feel my heart feeling like it was flip-flopping. UGH! Anyway...I would be nice to get out of the basement, lol! Just going to have to remember where the heck we are... Well, I hope Gaby gets to feeling better what ever is wrong with her. More {{{{{{GABY}}}}}}

    Better get going. Was e-mailing my mother and thought I would check back here before signing off. Think I am caught up with all that stuff. V will be home in a few minutes and can't miss my Jeopardy, lol!

    Take care and have a good day!
  • I would be stressed too. Is there any support group for family?

    My back to killing me with TOM, the older I get the worse the pain gets. I hate when Gaby is not feeling well. I hate this weather......wah, wah....

    ugh - I better get busy! chat later....HUGS
  • howdy
    ok so im going to miss wi day again, ill go in the morning before i go to work. we havent bought a scale for home yet daggumit.
    started moving stuff again this morning. by the end of the day everything should be there except the beds. i had to be at work at 1 so dh and the kids are finishing everything else up. now the unpacking to look forward too.....blah.
    im going to the dr tomorrow to see what the heck this pain is in my chest, it feels like pleurisy but as much lifting as ive done lately it might be a pulled muscle or something, all i know is it wont go away and its ticking me off!! i feel absolutely worthless at work right now, i cant lift anything over my head and when you have the tall shelving like we do that doesnt cut hopefully the dr can figure out what the crap is going on!!! i just hope i havent torn a muscle that would be really bad.
    well back to work until close, i will check back later.
  • Hey lil chickie (aka Shawna!) I will send you my scale!! You need the joy of weighing too!
    Are you moving? I forget.
    It is 103 right now - ugh. I am staying in my AC office.
    Poor Rach & Gab though - it usually stays cool in the apt but it was kind of stuffy this morning.
    I have drank 60 ozs of water so far today, feel good about that.
    brrrrrrrrr, I am starting to get

    chat later!

    Post so I have something to read!! waaaaa, waaaaaa
  • Good Afternoon Girlies -- This weather is a killer!!! I'm already sick of it and summer has just started, but this is going just a little too far!!! Do you think I've made my opinion show LOL!

    SUSAN... I'm so sorry about Gaby. It's so hard when the kids are sick, and especially the little ones. You're doing good on your water. My DH keeps refilling my glass because he said I'm not drinking enough for these hot days. So we're going to be moving up in the world on July 1st, but it will be easier to find us then, we can't hide anymore!

    BEP... You're right, our stats are almost the same. I don't even know either about my goal weight until I ever get down there and see. I just know that the day I got married, I was 122 pounds, and when I graduated from HS, I was 115 pounds, oh the good ol days! I'm either going to start using Fitday or just having my own little notebook and write everything down in it.

    CRISTI... I'm jealous of your 65 degree weather -- PLEASE COME SAVE ME...PLEASE!!! I'm sorry that you can't see Josh first before he would be sent away; that's horrible and I feel so bad for you and the whole family!

    SHAWNA... I sure hope you find something out at the doctor! That's not a good situation with chest pains. I keep having the same pain on my right side, but I've had it for years and always been told it was probably from stress; I guess that's what they all say!

    Well, I'm about to strip down to runnin around naked, I'm so desperate! Wouldn't that just be a great site...NOT!!!
  • Hi Michelle -

    The ex is being a butt still. I think I could have half a chance at parenting if he would remove himself.
    I asked the girls if they would move to Hawaii and they will get back to me.
    I don't know....I need a spouse or a partner. I can't keep up with all this "life" stuff.
    I don't know if I said this but I am proud of myself!! I asked the state lady if the plaque for my father could go to his family instead of the place he last worked. It is for his whole body of work and he worked in several places besides this one. He basically was a 1 man show and kept it going without money - amazing but he did it somehow. Anyway, she agreed it should be given to the family!! Soooooo happy about that...we go in the morning for the ceremony.

    If you run naked, I will run naked Michelle and if I run naked......Bep will run naked and so on and so

    chat later!!