Glad I found this help...I'm gonna cry

  • I haven't made a really serious weight loss attempt in years. I am terrified. As I sit here reading all the supportive posts and looking at all the resources, I am overwhelmed. I need help to do this. I know I can't do it in a bubble. I need to be accountable - a buddy, a check-in group. I don't know. Today was the first day and I can't tell you how many times I almost messed up just because my impulse to grab crap to eat, just without thinking. There is so much to relearn and it's intense and I depend on food for so much comfort. I'm glad this site is here. I hope to find some people with whom to connect and find mutual support. I'm overwhelmed. I love the internet!!!
  • Hi Soulnik

    Hey, don't cry! You have found a LOT of wonderful people who care and understand! Or really it is okay if you cry once in a while; just don't focus on it and your discouragement!

    I can tell you that MOST (if not ALL) of us here at 3FC have felt like sitting down and crying, and giving up. But we just pick ourselves back up and keep going.

    I would encourage you to look around the boards here and find specific groups or challenges you would enjoy and join in! Just jump in anywhere... you will receive a warm welcome!
  • Welcome and Congratulations on getting started. The people here are great and very supportive. Jump in wherever you like, I know you will love the help that you get here.
  • You fell into the right place! Stick around here, and you'll find LOTS of support and motivation! If you still want a buddy, I'm available!
  • Hey Soulnik
    What's up? I saw you on the journal...its Nikki in Orlando...yes this website is really really helps me do something other than eat in the evenings. What part of NY do you live in? And what is your weapon of choice for the weight loss strategy that you are using?
  • I think many of us have been where you are. It does seem overwhelming at first, but remember, you just have to get through one day at a time. We are all here to offer support, whether you need a listening ear, or a shoulder to cry on, or some advice from someone who's gone through it before.

    Definitely look around, there are lots of groups and threads to join in on.
  • Cha-ching! Jtammy has the right idea on everything.

    If you need a ear, shoulder or story swap this is the right place!

    I'm really glad I found this website...I'm glad you did as well!
  • you took the first step! You decided to do something. need a plan. I know i'm a big planner, but it really does help you get through. Clean the kitchen, get rid of the junk food. Make a menu for several days and go shopping for the right food. I wish you luck. I know you can do it. There are lots of good groups here too, Just look around to find one that you are comfortable with. If you think you would like a more 1 to 1 support and would like an e-mail buddy, let me know. Just remember, you can do this!