TMI cutting out caffeine causing *problems*

  • since I stopped nursing my son (over a year ago) I've had a cup of coffee with my breakfast and one with my lunch (black)... but I've decided to cut out the caffeine and I haven't had a single cup since last Tuesday for me... BUT...... it's causing problems. I think it was keeping me regular. I've never been constipated in my life and I think I am now it's no fun. I jogged/walked 5k this am and I'm pretty sure I get enough fiber (average 26g a day) and enough water... but it's not working!!! What can I do? I'm pretty sure it's why I gained a lb. last week.... this is not fun. HELP
  • I understand your problem. I cut caffeine when I was losing my bulk (now I work at 4 a.m. and it's just not an option). It took a week or two for things to seem normal again. You're doing everything I would reccomend- especially the exercise. Are you cutting just coffee or caffiene completely? Sometimes teas can help. Sorry I don't have more of an answer . Good luck, dear!
  • Pretty much all the caffeine... I drink tea but it's herbal and the amount is pretty low I'd think... Thanks for the encouragement... at least I know it's somewhat normal *sigh*!
  • Psyllium husks .... just sprinkle them on a few things throughout the day and make sure you're drinking enough.
  • I make homemade bran muffins. I have one every morning for breakfast and only 140 calories. They are very tasty too. They have tons of fiber in them. I was having problems with constipation and ever since I started this recipe it's been alot better.
  • How funny!! I JUST made a batch this morning and had one... but so far it's not working... maybe I'll have another as an afternoon snack.

    I used this recipe with oat bran
  • your body will adjust - just allow it time. its a big shock to go from having caffine every day to none at all. your body does become dependant on it.

    keep the fibre up and i am sure your body will balance out.
  • I agree with Daisy, your body will adjust. At frist fiber may not do all that it usually does, you may want to consider a stool softener just temporarily, and of course follow the directions. Sometimes when something like that changes, you just need a little "nudge" to get you through it. After that you should be totally fine!
  • Quote: Psyllium husks .... just sprinkle them on a few things throughout the day and make sure you're drinking enough.
    i take psyllium husk too. you can get it at any specialty shop, and it's not something that you grow a tolerence to, meaning, if you stop taking it, you become constipated. it just helps me clean out before the gym so i don't have to get off the treadmill in the middle of my exercise.

    ok, now i'm a bit embarassed for the TMI.

    i've used it in pill form or i've used something called Tri-Cleanse that has it in it, from Papanature dot com.
  • try drinking a mug of hot water or herbal tea in the AM. i've read that warm liquid helps.

    also, i take psyllium husk, but i get it in the pure form from the indian store. i mix it in with yogurt. get the telephone brand.