need a buddy!

  • I currently weigh 235-240 and want to get down to 160-165 at least! Need someone to be accountable to and someone that wants the same in return! Need an online buddy. A healthy eating penpal! Female, married with 2 kids!
  • I'll be your buddy
    I am also looking for a buddy. I just joined the other night. I have 2 boys 8 & 4. I weight 208 and would absolutely LOVE to weigh 105 again, but, have settle for a goal of 135. I can't wait until I hit the point where I won't think about how to lose weight. If you want to buddy up, let me know.
  • I'll be your buddy!
    Hi my name is Anna and I'm 38. Married mom to three kids boys ages 13, 10 and a girl 9. I used to work full time but quit my job on May 9 to stay at home with the kids. I was going to weight watchers but haven't been able to go for a few weeks due to finances. I am going to start back counting points and journaling on Monday (July 3). So I'd love to buddy up. I can email or snail mail which ever you prefer. Hope to hear from you soon.

    OH YEAH I currently weigh about 245 lbs. Down from 260. My goal would be about 175.


    Anna in Ohio
  • Hi Yocalot,

    I'm new to this forum and am also looking for a buddy. I weigh 155 lbs. I use to weigh almost 200 lbs. and managed to get down to 123 lbs., but I never maintained it. A couple times I got back down to 120 to 130, but as soon as I have emotional upheavals...well, I bet you know what happens!

    So I'm at the point in my life where I want so badly to put aside this "weight" issue and get on with my life. I don't want to be hindered by my weight anymore.

    Well, hope to buddy up with someone who understands.
  • Also new to this group...Missouri??? I live in O'Fallon, MO. i posted the thread looking for a Cardfinals fan!
    Good luck to us all,doing ww and have lost 6 pds first 2 weeks
  • Hi I am back and also would love to lose a lot of weight. I am setting mini goals so I do not get overwhelmed. I have 2 kids 9 and 6. I am a stay at home mom and really need the help here. i did do this in the fall and did great. I lost 14 pds but gained it all 0back.....I am going to try ww on my own...... I hope I record that is the hardest for me..... lookinf forward to a good group......