Weigh in day disappointment...need support

  • Friday June 9--checking in ..today is weigh in day...weighing puts me in to tail spin mode..i'm either not losing enough or gaining or even if i lose a lot..obsessed with plotting how to lose more....

    my wt is almost exactly the same as last week if not a 2/10 of lb more..
    i'm really shocked because i've been working out.. and following the plan as best as I could..I'm trying to tell myself.." you probably lost inches, or gained muscle from exercising daily / resistance training, etc" After the first week on the plan i lost about 11 lbs...now at week 3 i'm still at that same loss...i also tell myself..well it must be that the wt loss is still within the guidelines jorge talks about...but it's just very frustrating...

    I also wonder..was it dinner last night that was a problem making me weigh more this am ...it was a good meal for me though ..Applebees has weight watcher menu...had broccoli, 1/2 cup rice pilaf, and steak stewkers...the only off plan thing was a small scoop of icecream.---dh and I had a nice night out and when he suggested it I caved.....My plan was to eat half of the scoop that night and save half for today , but it was too good....i'd had a bad day at work, my timing was off of 3 hrs..missed the afternoon snack and the treat so counted the ice cream

    would like any advice or suggestions..thanks
  • Hi Goddess~
    11lbs in the first week is a lot of weight to lose. Your body is probably still trying to adjust to that. Don't get discouraged and keep doing what you're doing, it'll pay off for you.
  • Your body is adjusting to the new calories you are eating as well as different foods. Give it a chance to catch up and you will see the scale drop soon.
  • How are you doing with drinking water? That helps to flush some of the weight out. Also, when you start an excersize routine, your body holds some of the fluid to cushion your joints so you don't hurt them...this can add a bit of weight...Keep going this does work!