Who is McSkinny, anyway? (Loozing Floozie thread #77)

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    P.S. Put an "e" in that McSkinney!!
  • Request
    I'd like to compose a Floozie address book again (snail addresses). I had some of y'all's already, but lost them when I moved from Southwest back to Northeast AR. Plus, some of you have moved recently--Ramona & Sherry. Then there are the newbies!!

    Those of you who don't mind, please PM me your addresses. I'll figure out something special to do with them as time goes on

    Thanks in advance, Cheryl.
  • I too would like email addresses and emails of anyone that wouldn't mind. I have lost most of them but I do have Shelley's, Gayle's and Sherry's. Anyone that would like to PM me with that info I would appreciate it.

    Gayle are haven't said lately how you are doing with your weight. Are you motivated? It is a tough thing to lose weight but now is the best time because when it is warm it is easier to get moving than when we have to freeze out butts off.

    Shelley even though you are 132 you still are a light weight. I know that you won't let yourself get any higher. Sometimes I think that you aren't eatting enough. I know that use to be my problem.

    Cheryl thanks for starting a new thread for us. I look forward to seeing the new thread because I never know what you are going to do.

    Oh man I have to run again. It is time to make dinner. Please forgive me for not posting to you all. Soon I promise.
  • This darn computer keeps shutting down. Cheryl, I'll quickly PM you my address.
  • Hey! Newbie in Kentucky here
    I'm new to 3FC, really enjoy lurking here at this group and just wanted to say hi. About me, I'm married w/ 3 kids (ages 9, 15, and 18-Lord, help me), work full time, gained 35 pounds just this past year, full of excuses not to exercise. But you know what, I did actually work out this morning 30 minutes, I cant believe it. I'm rewarding myself with a glass of wine tonight (instead of whine!). Anyway, hello to all. Hope to get to know you!
  • WELCOME BELLA! I have a daughter with the middle name Noelle. Several of us here have teenagers so we can sympathize with you! Great job working out this AM!

    Dee, I'm holding my own, not losing, not gaining. Considering my lifestyle and the weddings/graduations etc. over the past few months I am not surprised I haven't lost. HOPEFULLY things will slow down. I keep saying that don't I?

    Cheryl, I think you have my address. If not, I will send it to you! I have Ramona's new address if you want it.
  • I keep forgetting, here is the lineup for Country Stampede.

    Thursday, June 22

    4:30 PM 94 Country Colgate Showdown

    6:00 PM Jason Boland and the Stragglers

    7:30 PM Keith Anderson

    9:30 PM Gretchen Wilson

    Friday, June 23

    12:00 PM The Blaine Younger Band

    1:30 PM Angela Peterson

    3:00 PM The Red Dogs

    5:00 PM Trent Tomlinson

    7:15 PM Joe Nichols

    9:30 PM Toby Keith

    Saturday, June 24

    12:00 PM Jerrod Niemann

    1:00 PM Shevy Smith

    3:00 PM Eric Church

    5:00 PM Jason Aldean

    7:15 PM Sara Evans

    9:30 PM Brad Paisley

    Sunday, June 25

    12:30 PM Cross Country the Band

    2:00 PM Western Underground

    4:00 PM Miranda Lambert

    6:00 PM Chris Cagle

    8:00 PM Terri Clark
  • Welcome, Bella! I am so sorry you have an 18 year old!! I do too, and it's no fun at all, especially since she is leaving for college in August and knows everything there is to know about anything!!
  • Hi Bella! I don't have any kids, but I do have nieces and nephews, the teen years are hard! You have my sympathy!

    Gayle, I am going to the library on Friday, is there one book more than another of Sylvia's you would recommend?

    How is everyone else doing?

    Still working on that silly closet we are building! Hope to have it all finished today, then I can finish priming and painting. Hopefully, by Friday, will be dry and can start putting stuff back in, tired of the piles of clothes on the dresser, that really belongs in closet as well as shoes everywhere! I have to work Thurs. so no time for working on the closet then. Off to start the laundry here, not a fun day! Do hope to do an exercise tape after I start the laundry.
  • Bella ~ Welcome! I'm looking forward to getting to know you!

    Gayle ~ You are going to have a great time...what a line up! I would love to see Brad Paisley! Can I come too???

    Debbi ~ All the work and mess is going to be worth it! It's going to be so nice to have a big walk in closet with shelves and a place for everything!

    Sounds like everyone has been super busy...I guess that happens once the weather gets nice. Have a good day everyone! Don't forget to drink your water today!
  • I can get all of you FREE tickets! Just shout if you want to go!
  • Oh my gosh...we would have so much fun! I just wish it were free to fly to Kansas! I really do need to win the lottery and buy myself a private jet!
  • Good Morning
    Hi All! Sorry I haven't posted much. Been too busy at work. I've changed my work hours to work longer 4 days a week so I can take off on Mondays and have a 3 day weekend. So now I'm actually playing "catch-up" at work instead of playing on the computer for most of the day. I know ... cushy job! But I also have a part time job a couple of nights a week. Feel like I work ALL the time.

    Sounds like everybody has been busy too. Congrats on the weight loss and the willpower. None of which I have had this past weekend.

    On Saturday my little nephew and his dad had a joint birthday party. Was GOOOOOODDDD food!! Couldn't turn down boiled crawfish, fried catfish, fries, and homemade hushpuppies!!!! But I did manage to stop whenever I got full instead of being a !!

    But I went dancing Friday and Saturday night and my dance partner showed up both nights and we worked up a good sweat. That man makes me look so good! And he's nice and good-looking to boot! I hope all that dancing counter acts me eating crazy like I did. But I did enjoy it! I know, I know ... shame on me.

    Hope y'all have a great rest of the day!
  • Gayle that looks like a great line up of singers. I would love to come. The festivals are so much fun.

    Bella I am glad that you made your way over here. We are a great bunch of ladies. I know what it is to have teenagers in the house. My two are twenty and twenty two.

    Debbi it sounds like a lot of work to get your walk in closet but it sure will be worth it when it is done. I would love to have a walk in closet.

    Suzy that would be great if we could all fly to Kansas. Aren't we all a bunch of dreamers. Are you still doing manual labor for your company?

    Linda long weekends are a treat for most people, you are one lucky girl. You did well not over eatting. I think that the main thing is to stop when you are full, there are some days you just got to do it.

    Shelley that sucks that your computer is still crashing. I miss your posts. Have a run for me, I have a booboo leg.

    Janice how are you doing? I bet you are getting nice weather. We had nice warm weather until last night. It is cool now, only about 10 out. Brr. Last night I slept with wooly socks and flannel pj's plus an extra thick blankie.

    Girls I had a rough day yesterday. I went to see that specialist for prolotherepy. I thought that we were only going to talk and have a bit of a check up. Well be prodded me and pulled me every which way. After he was done that he put in about a dozen needles into my back to see if it would freeze and that I would be pain free. If I could be pain free for 15 minutes to 4 hours he knew that the therepy would work. Well I was pain free for about an hour and a half. Talk about stress, I was not mentally prepared for this pain and blood but I did it. Now today my leg and back are worse than before. I had to walk to my doctor's today and barely could do it. Now I have to decide if this therepy is for me. It will cost a lot of money. It is $125 a session and I need at least 6 (one every two weeks) to see if it is working and then maybe another few months to a year or two. Out insurance doesn't cover this. They inject needles into the ligaments which causes a local inflamation response which will cause increased pain for 2 to 14 days. I guess there is nothing to it except emptying my purse and dealing with more pain. Any of you know someone that has had this treatment?

    Yesterday two of my cousins kids were hit by a truck. The driver is Dez's age and her brother is 15. He wasn't wearing a seat belt. He is in critical care and she has just been released. There mom my cousin is my age, I think that it could have been my two kids. They bought a lot from mom and dad. They live in the barn yard at home. Pretty scarey after Larry's cousin being killed in march from a vehicle accident. Please pray for them.
  • Quote: Gayle that looks like a great line up of singers. I would love to come. The festivals are so much fun.

    Bella I am glad that you made your way over here. We are a great bunch of ladies. I know what it is to have teenagers in the house. My two are twenty and twenty two.

    Debbi it sounds like a lot of work to get your walk in closet but it sure will be worth it when it is done. I would love to have a walk in closet.

    Suzy that would be great if we could all fly to Kansas. Aren't we all a bunch of dreamers. Are you still doing manual labor for your company?

    Linda long weekends are a treat for most people, you are one lucky girl. You did well not over eatting. I think that the main thing is to stop when you are full, there are some days you just got to do it.

    Shelley that sucks that your computer is still crashing. I miss your posts. Have a run for me, I have a booboo leg.

    Janice how are you doing? I bet you are getting nice weather. We had nice warm weather until last night. It is cool now, only about 10 out. Brr. Last night I slept with wooly socks and flannel pj's plus an extra thick blankie.

    Girls I had a rough day yesterday. I went to see that specialist for prolotherepy. I thought that we were only going to talk and have a bit of a check up. Well be prodded me and pulled me every which way. After he was done that he put in about a dozen needles into my back to see if it would freeze and that I would be pain free. If I could be pain free for 15 minutes to 4 hours he knew that the therepy would work. Well I was pain free for about an hour and a half. Talk about stress, I was not mentally prepared for this pain and blood but I did it. Now today my leg and back are worse than before. I had to walk to my doctor's today and barely could do it. Now I have to decide if this therepy is for me. It will cost a lot of money. It is $125 a session and I need at least 6 (one every two weeks) to see if it is working and then maybe another few months to a year or two. Out insurance doesn't cover this. They inject needles into the ligaments which causes a local inflamation response which will cause increased pain for 2 to 14 days. I guess there is nothing to it except emptying my purse and dealing with more pain. Any of you know someone that has had this treatment?

    Yesterday two of my cousins kids were hit by a truck. The driver is Dez's age and her brother is 15. He wasn't wearing a seat belt. He is in critical care and she has just been released. There mom my cousin is my age, I think that it could have been my two kids. They bought a lot from mom and dad. They live in the barn yard at home. Pretty scarey after Larry's cousin being killed in march from a vehicle accident. Please pray for them.
    Gayle- we NEVER have anything that good to come to my area. I'm deprived!! But Kansas is a far piece for me to travel so just enjoy them for me. I'd love to be dancing to all that good music so 2-step for me too.

    Bella - welcome aboard. I've really enjoyed meeting all these friendly ladies and getting their wonderful advice. Helps on some moments when I want to eat everything in sight.

    Debbie- you will LOVE your walk-in closet. Mine is so packed. Good thing I don't have a hubby or he'd be putting his clothes in a bag.

    Dee - I'm not familiar with your prolotherepy so I'm not sure what it is. But I'm wishing you the best.

    Sorry to hear about your cousin's children. How is the son today? I know it's hard. My sister was killed in a car wreck almost six years ago. She left behind two kids and a brand new grandbaby.

    I can't imagine it being 10 degrees in June. We're roasting at 90 degrees right now and it's not even summer yet. You'd think I'd sweat some of this fat off. But I've got a great tan so far.