Does anyone eat at a higher point level ??

  • Hi everyone.. My target is 28 and I am a 43 yr young mother who weighs 234.. my weight loss has been very slow about an avg of 1 lb a week... I wanted to know has any of you found you had to eat at a higher point target.. see even if I take all my flex points and avg them all week.. that is 33.. but yesterday I ate upwards of 38-40 and today down 2 lbs.. just curious about any of you if you tweaked your own points to find where you lost the most weight?? I exercise 6 days a week for 30 min.. I do a 2 mile watp video... and leg lifts and 2 x a week lift weights for 10 min...thanks..Kim
  • 1) yes I did while losing stayed at 24 TPs + AP + FPs and lost even at 149 pounds

    2) you can't take daily weights because your weight will fluctuate a lot depending on various factors

    3) average weight loss is about 1 pound a week (safe weight loss is between .5-2 pounds a week with most people averaging 1 pound a week)
  • Hi Kim and Kelly (and those that follow) -
    I am doing WW from home on my 6th week. The last time I was on WW was about 5 years ago (and then several times before that). This time around I decided not to know how much I weighed. It seemed like everytime I WI it was not good enough for me! So this time, I am determined NOT to know how much I weigh. As there are no WW close to me, a friend of mine who has been doing WW for ages has agreed to weigh me every week but not tell me how much I weigh. (She will only weigh me should I gain 3 weeks in a row.)

    You can see my dilema when it came to how many points should be my target. I randomly selected 28 points. I figured that even if I was above or below, I still had all of my flex points. Anyway, I am finding it hard to stay within my target. But I am noticing that my pants are feeling better; and people have been complimenting me at work. What I figure is that no matter what - I am still eating less than I was before I started!! So until I start to feel that I need to be more rigid, I am going at a nice gradual pace that I am comfortable with. As I am eating healthier too, I just feel better also.

    Long winded reply and not sure I really answered your question

    Here's to staying focused. Enjoy the journey!
  • SlimKim, I had the same thing happen to me. I had a point range of 26-31 pts (no flex points, I'm doing winning points) and I was losing an avg of 2 lbs per week.

    I lost some weight and then I had to switch to lower point range 24-29, all of a sudden the weight loss slowed down to an avg of 1 lb per week. I notice that when I eat more I lose more. So maybe I need to eat a little more. I'm still staying within my range of 24-29 pts, but I try to eat the high end of it, rather than the low end.

    I've read a lot of different threads in here, when people hit a plateau other people recommend re-evaluating the diet, some people need to eat a little more to start losing again. I guess if you eat too little the body hangs on to what little it gets. I'm definitely not an expert, but I understand where you're coming from b/c the same has happened to me.

    Just try different things and see what works best. Bottom line, as long as your losing at a safe pace for you body, that's all that matters.

    Good luck!
  • I don't really intend to eat at a "higher level". I just cheat a lot so it happens that way.

    I checked my stats and have averaged 31.8 points since starting WW. This means I have consumed my 24 points + all my extra points, plus (on average) about 20 points per week beyond my original 35 extra points -- and I have still lost 35 lbs.
  • Like Kelly said already though WW official stand on what average is is a HALF to Two pounds a week. So one pound a week is NOT slow. It's average and healthy and normal. We all want the weight to fall off in 3,4,5 pound increments but WW is DESIGNED not to do that after the first couple weeks.

    I think it's ok to find the points target that is good for you. With all that exercise are you counting your activity points and using them? How about zero points veggies? WW builds in a buffer to allow for several servings of them through out the day, while not affecting the actual number of points you consume. That is a great way to up your calories with out adding a lot of points per say. If you do bump up your points make sure you are adding in healthy lean proteins instead of just using them for a "treat" to give your body the best nutrtion I am very guilty of adding in the treats LOL.

    Most of all give yourself time. It's a slow and steady process. Be happy with that one pound loss and don't set yourself up fo rdisappointment by expecting far more Great Job on your loss so far!!!
  • 1) I am a firm believer in eating every point given and/or earned.
    2) I am a firm believer in not dropping down to the next range until you quit losing. Thus if you are at 24 TPs and the weight is down to where you drop inot the 22 TPs if you are still losing stay at 24 until you hit a plateau.
  • i agree w ya kelly