Time For Serious Fun #132

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    We are a thread dedicated to making losing weight a pleasant experience. We laugh, cry and talk together. We have challenges, points for staying on program, drinking our water, and exercising. We have a daily topic to join in. Our only focus is to help us realize that dieting and all that goes with it need not be unpleasant, but can be fun. Come join the fun here at Time for Serious Fun! Everyone is Welcome!


    Monday: Mission Monday New mission each week
    Tuesday: Target Tuesday We target something to work on
    Wednesday: Wednesday's Woes Our day to complain about anything and everything
    Thursday: Time for Us Thursday The day set aside to pamper us!
    Friday: Fabulous Lbs Down Friday. Report our losses!



  • Ok, gals, I got us set up in a new thread as it was starting to get long again.

    Amanda: I got tickled about being "knackered." Yeah, I think the first day I was beyond knackered and went straight to totally POOPED! I didn't notice until I was out of the pool though. I love the pool so much and being all alone and it is quiet except for being in the landing zone of the international airport AND Memphis being the main hub for Federal Express and having planes fly over ever 5 minutes, it is great! I did 60 yesterday and just 45 today as it was kind of cool and windy and started to rain so I went ahead and got out. Jack is partially on Slimfast. He has cereal and juice for breakfast then either slimfast, soup, or a WW type meal for lunch then regular dinner and usually a 100 calorie snack. When he went to the doctor's on Tuesday he weighed 234 and the nurse said the last time he was in a few months ago he was 248 so he is doing better than we thought. Good luck with it and I hope you do really well!

    To everyone else, have a great weekend and get out in the sun and have fun!

  • This Looks Like fun
    I just happened to be browsing and noticed this thread. I normally post on the TOPs forum, but need some additional motivation and interaction. I will check back again on Monday for the new week.

  • Good morning gals! I am just going to move us to the front of the pack for today. Hope you all are having a good weekend. I have commissary shopping today and Jack wants to go see Over the Hedge so we are going to a matinee.

    Welcome Lyn, the more the merrier.

  • Hi all,

    I got 4 points yesterday - the initial starving hunger from doing Slimfast is wearing off, yesterday I was only slightly hungry all day, whereas the first day I was absolutely ravenous! Slimfast is a good plan for me because I don't enjoy cooking and am a very lazy cook - now I know that my breakfast and lunch take 1 minute to make I've got no excuse to by fatty snacks on the way home from the gym!

    FAYE - It's lovely when you have the pool to yourself - it's only happened to me on 1 or 2 occasions, but it's bliss! That's good news about Jack's weight. I agree that even doing Slimfast for one meal a day could really help with weightloss.

    LYNN - Hi there! Love the cat avatar, I'm a cat lover too! Hope to get to know you soon!

    Have a nice weekend - I'm off out tonight. Is vodka included on the Slimfast plan?

    Love Amanda x
  • Good morning gals! Hope all is well with you!



    Have a great Sunday!

  • What a weekend!!!

    Amelia (Will be 3 in two weeks) BROKE HER LEG! We were at our neighbor's house and the kids were all playing together nicely. Then we heard Amelia screaming. She tried to climb a tree that wasn't rooted to the ground and it fell on her!

    What I mean is, they had some logs (a bit under a meter thick) standing upright instead of laying on the ground. Joe was checking out the idea of turning them into barstool high outdoor chairs... Amelia picked the tippiest one to climb on and it came down right on top of her.

    I was nervous that she had shattered her ankle. (There was absolutely no doubt that it was broken...) I started picturing operations and metal pins through her legs, etc... Michelle (our next door neighbor whose house we were at..) babysat Deanna while I held Amelia's leg immobile and Dave drove the 35 minute trip to the hospital in 15 minutes. (Ha ha! Just exactly how dast was he going? I don't know, but more than 85 mph/135 kph!!)

    Fortunately, it was a small break just above her ankle that will heal nicely in lightning fast time.

    They gave her morphine. It must have been good because she said nothing hurts anymore. Then she started trying to catch imaginary bugs in front of her eyes... LOL! "Mommy, I can't get the red ones!"

    So now she's in a cast and she's fine. she doesn't even need tylenol more than once a day, and she's milking it for all it's worth! I'm almost expecting her to say "Mommy... I want... a villa in Tuscany! And a red corvette to go with it!" LOL!!

    So needless to say, I haven't been doing well on my diet at all! Darn Little Caesars and their $5 pizzas to go!!!

    -Lee Ann
  • MONDAY: Today is Mission Monday and our mission this week is substitutions. If you have a dessert or a food you just can't seem to live without, do some work and find a way to make it in a lower fat and calorie variety. There are hundreds of cookbooks and free sites that help you out in that way and you shouldn't have to deprive yourself of something you love. Just take some time and you will see you can skim tons of calories and fats from your favorite foods and still be able to eat them.

    LeeAnn: Hope your little one is still doing ok with her leg. I broke my foot over 30 years ago and I remember that the first two nights were agony then it was more of a nuisance. Of course now, the old me has arthritis in that foot, so I guess we eventually pay for it!

    I hope everyone is having a good day today and staying op! I need to get my behind in gear and start posting my points. I have been forgetting.

  • Good advice - thanks. I got 2 points over the weekend with exercise. Walked 5 miles yesterday with my DH and gardening on Saturday (in the drizzle and fog). Didn't quite stick to plan as I had 2 pieces of cake at church.

    Weigh-in is tonite after 2 weeks off - Here's hoping for a loss.

  • Lyn- Ha ha! Isn't church evil? (Huge Joke!) There's always doughnuts and cake and 5 or 6 people saying "Have some!"

    Faye- I never bother with posting my points if the answer is 0.

    The day's only just starting, so I haven't any points to post yet. I just wanted to stop in and see if there was any good news for Susan yet...

    Amanda- Slimfast, huh? Some of those flavors were too yummy! I wanted more of it. LOL!

    Anyhow, Amelia's yelling for help, so I'm off.

    -Lee Ann


    The worst are the potluck suppers at church. Some of the older ladies sure could cook at our last church and some of them were... We had one lady who used to always bring some kind of "wild" meat dish, deer, rabbit, etc. I used to run the kitchen so would always watch for her stuff and avoid it! We used to have a coffee and donut thing in our SS class once a month, then the class broke up when we got in a new crazy minister, who is still there. He ran off about 75% of the congregation including the two of us. We held a whole bunch of positions at the church and left them hanging when we couldn't take it any longer. My dh was a deacon and he had called an emergency meeting with the rest of the board regarding the preacher and the changes he wanted to make (one of which was to rewrite our constitution and charter so that he basically could stay forever), which were way out of biblical teaching for our beliefs. They didn't want to listen to him so he told them we were leaving and wouldn't be back and we did. They ended up a deacon short, 2 SS teachers, the missionary secretary treasurer (I was the only one who knew how to run the program that paid the missionaries and I refused to go back to the church and teach someone), the ss secretary and the ss superintendent. We had a group of very close friends that are all still there, mostly because they are in their 70's and their parents started the church. It is sad, truly sad, because the church had been thriving before that. If you know anything about Calvanism, that is what this minister expounded to and that was outside our teachings. Anyway, my original thought was that church is ususally a place for lots of good fattening food!

    Have a good day gals. I am going over in just a few and do my pool workout.

    **I removed my tracker etc for the time being until I can get a new scale in the house again and get an accurate reading.**

  • Good morning ladies! My dh is in for more surgery sometime this week - a skin graft to close the wound from his knee to hip and surgery to remove part of the heel on his left foot. The infection has spread there. This morning they have 2 technicians coming to draw blood, take it about 60 miles to a special lab, make it radio active, comeback and put it back in him. Then they will do a special xray what will tell them if it's just tissue or tissue and bone that is infected and they will know how much has to be removed. It all is another scary thing to me. He's actually in good spirits and very positive which is the best thing at this point.

    I've done pretty well with not eating badly.
  • Faye,

    Oh my G-d! You've really been through it with your church and weird preacher. Are Calvanists the Fire and Brimestone people? Or somethng about predestination? Hope you have managed to find another church home. At our church our Finance Chair just quit after 6 years and I was asked to take over until Jan. It's not bad, however, we are running a 40K/year deficit right now and no one seems to care. At this rate we will be out of our reserve money in 6-7 years....of course most say to "have faith" - that if it is meant to be God will provide. Wish I had that much faith.

    In any case I'm off to a good start today. Had a salad for lunch and fruit for dessert. Walked a bit and will walk more tonight.

  • LeeAnn,

    I love the photo for your Avitar. It must be your 3 year old...how's the leg doing? Hey, we're practically neighbors...I'm in the Rochester area.

  • Hey...I made it to "Onderland" tonight!! I have not been below 200# for 4 years!
