WW attitude adjustment?

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  • Hello,

    I did WW a few years ago and lost 75 lbs in about seven or so months. The beauty of it was that although I pretty much stuck to the program, I didn't beat myself up or go hog wild if I had an off plan day, I just started again. I didn't pay much attention to the scale because I knew it would just work, even if it takes time for the weight loss to get going...

    What happenned? Now, if I fall off the wagon, I turn to an eating machine, eating stuff that I'm not even hungry for. I just eat, and then feel crappy afterwards because I ate so much. It's starting to feel hopeless... the reason it all worked for me before was because I was consistent. I walked daily, drank my water more often then not, and it just worked. I just made it happen with out making it into a second job.

    Now, I just can't stick with it. I know it's the only thing that works for me, but yet I can't even make it more than a week. I get up every day saying "this is the day that I'm going to start over, with a new attitude/outlook". Then an hour later, I've eaten a huuuuge bowl of cereal, and am heading towards the fridge again!

    I'm moving soon, and I want to try to get a better grasp on eating healthy and exersizing before the added stress of moving to a new city.

    My big wonder is how could I be so much more laid back about it then, when I have less to lose now? I don't get it!
  • i hear ya i lost alot also& now its more 2work starting over again. if you go to the frige bc youve eaten cereal, you have to change the belief you have and say i didnt come to ww over a bowl of cereal. does this help? also, have you looked at core? i restarted core last week and i eat enough at meals and now i dont snack.
  • Thank you..

    I thought about doing core, but I am concerned with being able to keep my portions under control with out counting points. What I"ve decided to do is to continue to count points, but lean towards "core friendly" foods. So that if I am someplace where i will have to use my flex points, I'll have a tendency to eat better foods for me
  • good luck!
    if in the future you decide to go'hard core' what alot of ppl do is start w 1-2 portions of anything thats not veggies and work from there(i left out veggies in this example bc no one over does veggies)
  • One thing that could be a tremendous help is to plan your food the night before. Having that plan gives you a starting place without having to think about it first thing in the morning.
  • Hi,

    I usually plan my day around dinner. Since this tends to be the biggest meal of the day, it really puts your whole day in perspective and it gets you planning ahead a bit, so you can't let yourself binge in the middle of the day.

    Also, congrats on the weight you already lost! That's a huge accomplishment! I bet its harder now to lose weight because you feel much happier with your image, and the reward isnt as great as it was before since you don't have as much to lose! Just keep in mind that WW is a lifestyle! Take it a day at a time while knowing that you're living a healthy lifestyle, and keep in mind how proud you'll be once you accomplish your next goal!

    Have fun!! :-D
  • I have had a week exactly like yours. What helps me is that I am planning on doing WW for the rest of my life. A one or two day setback won't kill me.

    Also, if I have completely blown my extra points for the week, I go to a max points plan. For example. I have 24 points per day. If I were to spread the 35 extra points out over a week I would add 5 points to each day, so I could have a maximum of 29 points per day.

    So, lets say I blew all my extra points in Margaritas (or cereal or chocolate....) whatever, on the first day or two of the week. Well their is no way I could keep up 24 point days for the rest of the week. The old me would call it a blown week and just keep eating until I started over on Monday.

    Now I still call it a blown week, but stick to 29 points per day until I get through to the next weigh in.

    Also, tracking EVERTHING I eat, even on bad days helps alot. If I have a 40 or 70 point day, I admit to it and type it into my journal. Before, I would stop counting that 3rd bowl of cereal. Now I own up to it.

    Because I often would lose track of my journal, I write down all my food here on the "lets track together" thread. Because I am often using a computer, it is just easier to write my food down here, then find the paper journal that I left at home or left in my car or left at work or something.
  • morrgan,
    i like that!
  • Thank you for your ideas...especially journaling everything, even the mistakes. Even though I lost a lot of weight in the past, I think I have a worse body image now. For instance, it's been about five years since I've worn shorts or a swimsuit. Egads, no!
    I think it's because like many people, we all want change RIGHT NOW. I think before I was big all over, now it's in my butt, hips, belly and thighs. It's isolated, and it's much more visible to me than it used to be... I am also trying to eat more vegetables because they are allegedly filling and low point. There are few vegetables that I like and even fewer that I can eat raw. But I am also understanding that just because someone says, say, Beets or tomatoes are good for me doesn't mean I need to suffer through them. There are other healthy alternatives. Like someone said, this is a life time commitment. Eating things I loathe isn't going to help.

    This morning I did have a bowl of cereal, and I'll admit to bad judgement on the amount ( I ate the rest of the box, thinking it was one cup...more like 1.5). But I counted it anyway. It'll only ruin my day if I want it to!
  • I'm not a great vegetable eater myself, but I love soup. Especially Taco soup and a Santa Fe soup that I make and I add extra onion, bell pepper, celery and shredded carrot to it to make them more filling and give me extra vegetables.
  • Exquisite,

    Where do you find the WW Taco Soup receipe? I love anything hot and spicy or mexican. Do I see another pound dropped from your tracker?! Woo Hoo!!
  • Hey Linda, What part of LA are you in? I am here too over in the southeastern part. It is nice to see fellow Louisianians here.
  • Here is the recipe for the Taco Soup that I use. I adapted it alittle to my tastes. You can do the same and make it hotter if you want more kick to it.
    ½ Pound Extra Lean Ground Beef
    1 large onion-chopped
    1 large bell pepper-chopped
    3 carrots- grated
    1 large celery stalk- chopped thin
    1 (10 oz.) can mild Rotel tomatoes
    1 (15 oz) can Tomato sauce
    1 (15 oz) can fat free Chicken broth
    1 (11 oz) can Niblets corn
    1 (15 oz) can Cannelini beans
    1 (15 oz) can Fat free refried beans
    2 (15 oz) cans Ranch style Black beans
    1 envelope Taco seasoning mix
    1 (15 oz) can Mexican stewed tomatoes

    Brown ground beef, chopped onion, chopped bell pepper, grated carrots and chopped celery in a large pot. Cook until the meat is fully cooked and the onions are translucent.
    Drain meat and open all the cans and dump into pot and mix together well, add Taco seasoning mix. Let cook for about 30 minutes and it ready. Even better the next day.

    Great with a salad and very filling

    WW points- 2 points per cup

    I really like it and make it about every other week and do the Santa Fe soup on the opposite weeks. I'll have to bring the Santa Fe soup recipe from home. It uses 3 WW Santa Fe chicken dinners in it.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    I weigh in Tomorrow. I hope I lost 2-3 lbs. Anyway, I'm hopeing. My scale at home is sometimes a deceiver!!!!
  • Thanks!
    Thanks for the good soup!! I'll have to go shopping now! Let me know how your weigh-in goes. I go tomorrow also. Keeping my fingers crossed for both of us!

    Kempyd, I'm in the northeast corner of Louisiana - Monroe! I was wondering if there were other Louisiana people on here! Nice to meet you!
  • I am going to make a copy of that soup recipe right now. It looks great.

    Linda I have a friend in Monroe. We also have a camp just just outside of Winnfield. I don't know if you know where that is. There are a few LA gals here but I have only met a few of them.