** June 2006 Fitness Challenge ** JOIN NOW!

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  • It's that time again... Everybody Join in on another monthly challenge we all so grown to love!
    Set your own fitness goals.
    You can join in at ANY time.

    1. Post a reply in this forum with your goals.
    2. Write down all the dates of June so you can keep on track with your goal.
    3. EDIT your post everyday/or when you have the chance with your progress.
    4. If you need anything or have any questions PM me.
    5. The numbers are minutes of exercise by the way.

    Good luck on reaching your goals!


    Cardio 800 + Miles 40 | Flexibilty 400 | Strength 300 | JJ 6000 | Water 100

    June 01 - cardio.020min | miles.00 | flexibility.00min | strength.00min | jj.050 | water.03 20 00:00 mile | 00 lb arms +
    June 02 - cardio.020min | miles.00 | flexibility.00min | strength.00min | jj.000 | water.03 20 00:00 mile | 00 lb arms +

    Total * Cardio 40/800 + Miles 0/40 | Flexibilty 0/300 | Strength 0/400 | JJ 6000 | Water 0/100

    Total * Minutes 40/1500

    key: * sick | + dog | red gym | black home | silver none


    Cardio 600 + Kms 50| Flexibilty 340 (Stretch/Yoga)| Strength 260 (Weights)

    LEGEND - black text = completed, grey text = planned exercise, still to be completed (not in totals)

    June 1 - Nil
    June 2 - Nil
    June 3 - Nil
    June 4 - Cardio 80 (Kms 5), Flexibility 10 = 90mins
    **Week 1 Totals - Cardio 80 + 5 kms| Flexibility 10 | Strength 0 **

    June 5 - Nil
    June 6 - Nil
    June 7 - Nil
    June 8 - Nil
    June 9 - Nil
    June 10 - Cardio 150, Strength 150 = 300 mins
    June 11 - Cardio 60 = 60 mins
    **Week 2 Totals - Cardio 210 + 0 kms| Flexibility 0 | Strength 150 **

    June 12 - Cardio 45 (Kms 3), Flexibility 10 = 55 mins
    June 13 - Nil
    June 14 - Cardio 60 (Kms 5), Flexibility 10 = 70 mins
    June 15 - Strength 25 (Weights Upper & Abs), Flexibility 10 = 35 mins
    June 16 - Nil
    June 17 - Nil
    June 18 - Cardio 60 (Kms 5), Flexibility 10 = 70 mins
    **Week 3 Totals - Cardio 165 + 13 kms| Flexibility 40 | Strength 25**

    June 19 - Nil
    June 20 - Nil
    June 21 - Nil
    June 22 - Nil
    June 23 - Cardio 60 (Kms 5), Flexibility 10 = 70 mins
    June 24 - Cardio 75 (Kms 7), Flexibility 10 = 85 mins
    June 25 - Cardio 60 (Kms 4), Flexibility 10 = 70 mins
    **Week 4 Totals - Cardio 195 + 16 kms| Flexibility 30 | Strength 0 **

    June 26 -
    June 27 -
    June 28 -
    June 29 -
    June 30 -
    **Week 5 Totals - Cardio 0 + 0 kms| Flexibility 0 | Strength 0 **

    Monthly Totals - Cardio 650/600 + 34/50 kms| Flexibility 80/340 | Strength 175/260

    Total - Exercise Minutes 905/1200
  • I am still not getting this...but will...promise.

    June 1--25 minutes cardio/15 strength
    June 2--21 minutes cardio/14 strength
    June 3--
    June 4--20 minutes cardio/15 strength
    June 5--
    June 6--22 minutes cardio/15 strength
    June 7--

    June 8--
    June 9--
    June 10--
    June 11--16 minutes cardio/15 strength
    June 12--
    June 13--
    June 14--26 minutes cardio/13 strength

    June 15--
    June 16--26 minutes cardio/10 strength (I am going to have to make up for last week!)
    June 17--
    June 18--26 minutes cardio/15 strength
    June 19--
    June 20--
    June 21--27 minutes cardio/15 strength

    June 22--
    June 23--48 minutes cardio/15 strength
    June 24--
    June 25--
    June 26--41 minutes cardio
    June 27--45 minutes cardio
    June 28--

    June 29--60 minutes cardio

    Goal: 20 minutes a day cardio/min. 4 times a week--15 Strength/4 times a week-- 520 Minutes Total. Starting small to make goal.


  • Ok ok, I'm in again. Going for 1,000 minutes and hoping to bust it!

    6/01- 30 min treadmil incline walk
    6/02- 30 min strength training
    6/07- 30 min strength training
    6/08- 30 min treadmil incline walk
    6/09- 30 min strength training

  • Going for 1200 !
    [COLOR="Black"]June Goals - 1200 min exercise , 2000oz of H20
    Totals : 1020/1200, 1008/2000oz

    6/01- 0 min, 33oz
    6/02- 0 min, 48oz
    6/03- 20 min,48oz
    6/04- 60 min, 48oz
    6/05- 0 min, 64oz
    6/06- 60 min, 50oz
    6/07- 70 min, 60oz
    ***Week 1 Totals:210/1200 Cardio & strength, 310/2000oz H2O

    6/08- 50 min, 64 oz
    6/09- 50 min + 20 , 50oz
    6/10- 0 min, 40 oz
    6/11- 60 min, 68oz
    6/12- 75 min, 42oz
    6/13- 0 min, 73oz
    6/14- 70 min, 68oz
    ***Week 2 Totals:325/1200 Cardio & Strength, 405/2000oz H2O

    6/15- 45 min, 40oz
    6/16- 0 min, 50oz
    6/17- 50 min, 32oz
    6/18- 45 min, 48 oz
    6/19- 30 min, 32oz
    6/20- 45 min, 32 oz
    6/21- 0 min,
    ***Week 3 Totals: 215/1200 Cardio & Strength,234/2000oz H2O

    6/22- 45 min, 54oz
    6/23- 45 min
    6/24- 40 min
    6/25- 0 min
    6/26- 0 min
    6/27- 70 min
    6/28- 70 min
    6/29- 0 min
    6/30- 0 min

    TOO Much partying and not enough working out Just missed goal by 180 min.. been too lazy to track water intake.. July will be better.

    ***Home stretch Totals: 270/1200 Cardio & Strength, 64/2000oz H2O
  • 0875/1315 FIRM minutes | 0450/500 Other (Walking, etc) | 01384/2000 Oz Water

    1) 075 FIRM | 030 Other | 072 Oz
    2) 060 FIRM | 030 Other | 064 Oz
    3) 000 FIRM | 060 Other | 096 Oz
    4) 070 FIRM | 060 Other | 128 Oz
    5) 055 FIRM | 030 Other | 064 Oz
    6) 040 FIRM | 030 Other | 064 Oz
    7) 000 FIRM | 030 Other | 064 Oz

    8) 060 FIRM | 030 Other | 064 Oz
    9) 040 FIRM | 030 Other | 064 Oz
    10) 070 FIRM | 000 Other | 064 Oz
    11) 000 FIRM | 000 Other | 064 Oz
    12) 075 FIRM | 000 Other | 064 Oz
    13) 030 FIRM | 000 Other | 064 Oz
    14) 000 FIRM | 030 Other | 064 Oz

    15) 070 FIRM | 000 Other | 064 Oz
    16) 055 FIRM | 000 Other | 064 Oz
    17) 060 FIRM | 060 Other | 064 Oz
    18) 000 FIRM | 030 Other | 064 Oz
    19) 060 FIRM | 000 Other | 064 Oz
    20) 055 FIRM | 000 Other | 064 Oz
  • I'm in, and hoping to do better than last month.

    This month, every single minute counts, including walks!

    June 1 - can't remember...
    June 2 - can't remember...
    June 3 - can't remember...
    June 4 - walking around two markets and getting lost in a maze... some 1h30 min walking
    June 5 - 90 min Ashtanga Yoga class
    June 6 - 50 min walk with the dog
    June 7 - 50 min walk with the dog, 1h15 min figure skating
    June 8 - none
    June 9 - none
    June 10 - 1 hr mini-golf, 30 min walk

    June 1st to 10th - 505

    June 11 - 65 min Nia class, 1h 15min bushwalk
    June 12 - 40 min mini-golf, 1h 15 min bushwalk
    June 13 - 15 min walk, 16 min run, 25 min walk
    June 14 - 1h 15 min bushwalk, 1h 15 min figure skating
    June 15 - lots of walking downtown - count as 60 min
    June 16 - none
    June 17 - 1 hr hike/bouncing around rocks
    June 18 - 2.5 hrs bushwalking, 60 min Nia class

    June 11th to 18th - 791

    June 19 to 23 - none
    June 24 - 2 hrs hiking
    June 25 - 1 hr 15 min hiking, 40 min mini-golf

    June 19th to 25th - 235

    June 26 - 50 min walk with the dog
    June 27 - some walking downtown
    June 28 to 30 - none

    June 26th to 30th - 50

    Monthly total: 505 + 791 + 235 + 50 = 1581
  • walk 100 miles (w) --- do 600 pushups (p) --- 300 crunches (c) --- dance/yoga 1000 minutes (d) --- jump rope 450 minutes (r) --- jumping jacks 6000 (j)

    [Yes, it does look like I am trying to kill myself. Shoot for the stars and reach the moon, and all that jazz.]

    6/1 --- 4.5w, 20p, 10c, 5r, 50j.
    6/2 --- 3.4w, 20p, 10c.
    6/3 --- 20p, 10c.

    6/4 --- 5.5w.
    6/5 --- 6.9w.
    6/6 --- 4.3w, 8c, 5p, 60d.
    6/7 --- 5.3w.
    6/8 --- 3.8w.
    6/9 --- 8.1w.
    6/10 --- 1.8w.

    6/11 --- 5.4w, 90d.
    6/12 --- 7.4w.
    6/13 --- 6.7w.
    6/14 --- 7.4w, 75d.
    6/15 --- 7.4w.
    6/16 --- 3.4w.
    6/17 --- 5.0w.

    6/18 --- 10.0w.
    6/19 --- 4.2w.
    6/20 --- 5.0w, 10p, 22c, 90d.
    6/21 --- 3.3w.
    6/22 --- 5.0w.
    6/23 --- 5.5w, 60d.
    6/24 --- 11.0w.

    6/25 --- 5.0w.
    6/26 --- 4.0w.
  • Omg, I always see these but dont have the will power or time to do exercise goals.
    Cardio 600 | Flexibilty 200 (Yoga/Pilates) | Strength 300 (Weights)

    June 1 - 20mins transport
    June 2 - 20 mins+20mins transport
    June 3 -
    June 4 -
    20mins transport
    June 5 - 40mins(jog:7)+20mins transport
    June 6 - 50 mins+20mins transport
    June 7 - 20mins transport
    June 8 - 60 mins+20mins transport5mins
    June 9 -
    June 10 -
    June 11 -
    20mins transport
    June 12 - 60 mins 40mins Gave Blood
    June 13 - -
    June 14 - 60 mins 30mins

    Monthly Totals - Cardio 430/500 | Flexibility 0/200 | Strength 75/300

    Total - Exercise Minutes 505/800
  • Going with 1250 again!

    6/1: Run (60!!), walk (20)
    6/2: None
    6/3: Run (40), walk (70)
    6/4: None
    6/5: Run (50), walk (10)
    6/6: Tennis (60), run (30), walk (10)
    6/7: None
    6/8: None!!
    6/9: None!!!
    6/10: Walk (60)
    6/11: Run (45), walk (5)
    6/12: Run (30), walk (5)
    6/13: Tennis (60)
    6/14: Run (40), walk (15)
    6/15: Run (50), walk (5)
    6/16: Walk (20)
    6/17: Run (30), walk (30)
    6/18: None!
    6/19: Run (60)!!, walk (5)
    6/20: Tennis (75)
    6/21: Walk (30)
    6/22: Walk (20)
    6/23: Run(60), walk (5)
    6/24: None
    6/25: Run (30), walk (5)
    6/26: Walk (30)
    6/27: Walk (50)
    6/28: Run (40), walk (5)
    6/29: Run (40), walk (10)
    6/30: Run (35), walk (10) I wouldn't have gone today except to make goal!!

    TOTAL: 1250/1250!
  • Count me in, this is great! Im excited
    My goals for June:
    stretch/yoga/pilates- 600 mins
    cardio- 400 mins
    strength- 200 mins
    pushups- 450
    situps- 1500
  • June Goal - 1800 Minutes

    Bike 1400 | Stability 200 | Other 200 (walk, jog, rollerblade, etc) | Water 3200 oz

    June 1: 65/1400 (25.00km) | 0/200 | 0/200 | 192/3200 oz
    June 2: 80/1400 (33.80km) | 0/200 | 0/200 | 192/3200 oz
    June 3: 80/1400 (31.00km) | 0/200 | 0/200 | 192/3200 oz
    June 4: 0/1400 (0km) | 0/200 | 0/200 | 192/3200 oz

    June 5: 0/1400 (0km) | 0/200 | 40/200 | 192/3200 oz
    June 6: 65/1400 (25.22km) | 0/200 | 0/200 | 192/3200 oz
    June 7: 80/1400 (31.02km) | 0/200 | 0/200 | 192/3200 oz
    June 8: 80/1400 (30.08km) | 0/200 | 0/200 | 192/3200 oz
    June 9: 60/1400 (22.00km) | 40/200 | 0/200 | 192/3200 oz
    June 10: 80/1400 (31.42km) | 0/200 | 0/200 | 128/3200 oz
    June 11: 60/1400 (22.51km) | 40/200 | 0/200 | 64/3200 oz

    June 12: 60/1400 (22.12km) | 0/200 | 0/200 | 192/3200 oz
    June 13: 0/1400 (0km) | 0/200 | 0/200 | 32/3200 oz
    June 14: 80/1400 (30.18km) | 0/200 | 0/200 | 192/3200 oz
    June 15: 80/1400 (31.34km) | 0/200 | 0/200 | 192/3200 oz
    June 16: 80/1400 (31.07km) | 0/200 | 40/200 | 192/3200 oz
    June 17: 80/1400 (31.26km) | 0/200 | 0/200 | 64/3200 oz
    June 18: 80/1400 (29.11km) | 0/200 | 0/200 | 64/3200 oz

    June 19: 80/1400 (30.79km) | 0/200 | 0/200 | 192/3200 oz
    June 20: 80/1400 (30.06km) | 0/200 | 0/200 | 192/3200 oz
    June 21: 80/1400 (30.86km) | 0/200 | 0/200 | 192/3200 oz
    June 22: 125/1400 (48.23km) | 0/200 | 0/200 | 192/3200 oz
    June 23: 80/1400 (31.25km) | 0/200 | 0/200 | 192/3200 oz
    June 24: 60/1400 (23.28km) | 0/200 | 0/200 | 96/3200 oz
    June 25: 0/1400 (0km) | 0/200 | 45/200 | 96/3200 oz

    June 26: 80/1400 (28.87km) | 0/200 | 0/200 | 192/3200 oz
    June 27: 80/1400 (30.18km) | 0/200 | 0/200 | 192/3200 oz
    June 28: 80/1400 (30.63km) | 0/200 | 0/200 | 192/3200 oz
    June 29: 80/1400 (29.07km) | 0/200 | 0/200 | 96/3200 oz
    June 30:0/1400 (0km) | 0/200 | 120/200 | 64/3200 oz

    Monthly Totals
    Bike 1935/1400 (741.25km) | Stability 80/200 | Other 245/200 (walk, jog, rollerblade, etc) | Water 4732/3200 oz

    (I am going to double check these totals later
  • Ok, I'm in...I kept working out in the past, but was too lazy to add everything in...I better do it this time!

    Cardio 1500 l Strength 500 l Stretch 500 l Water 2000 l JJ 5000
    1: Cardio 35 l Strength 00 l Stretch 05 l Water 16
    2: Cardio 20 l Strength 20 l Stretch 05 l Water 16
    3: Cardio 40 l Strength 00 l Stretch 00 l Water 32 l JJ 100
    4: Cardio 60 l Strength 00 l Stretch 05 l Water 64
    5: Cardio 00 l Strength 00 l Stretch 00 l Water 00
    6: Cardio 00 l Strength 00 l Stretch 00 l Water 00
    7: Cardio 00 l Strength 00 l Stretch 00 l Water 00
    8: Cardio 00 l Strength 00 l Stretch 00 l Water 00
    9: Cardio 00 l Strength 00 l Stretch 00 l Water 00
    10: Cardio 00 l Strength 00 l Stretch 00 l Water 00
    11: Cardio 00 l Strength 00 l Stretch 00 l Water 00
    12: Cardio 00 l Strength 00 l Stretch 00 l Water 00
    13: Cardio 00 l Strength 00 l Stretch 00 l Water 00
    14: Cardio 00 l Strength 00 l Stretch 00 l Water 00
    15: Cardio 00 l Strength 00 l Stretch 00 l Water 00
    16: Cardio 00 l Strength 00 l Stretch 00 l Water 00
    17: Cardio 00 l Strength 00 l Stretch 00 l Water 00
    18: Cardio 00 l Strength 00 l Stretch 00 l Water 00
    19: Cardio 00 l Strength 00 l Stretch 00 l Water 00
    20: Cardio 00 l Strength 00 l Stretch 00 l Water 00
    21: Cardio 00 l Strength 00 l Stretch 00 l Water 00
    22: Cardio 00 l Strength 00 l Stretch 00 l Water 00
    23: Cardio 00 l Strength 00 l Stretch 00 l Water 00
    24: Cardio 00 l Strength 00 l Stretch 00 l Water 00
    25: Cardio 00 l Strength 00 l Stretch 00 l Water 00
    26: Cardio 00 l Strength 00 l Stretch 00 l Water 00
    27: Cardio 00 l Strength 00 l Stretch 00 l Water 00
    28: Cardio 00 l Strength 00 l Stretch 00 l Water 00
    29: Cardio 00 l Strength 00 l Stretch 00 l Water 00
    30: Cardio 00 l Strength 00 l Stretch 00 l Water 00

    TOTALS: CARDIO 00 l Strength 00 l Stretch 00 l Water 00 l JJ 0000[/COLOR]
  • Ok Im in. Im not really gonna set myself too many goals, except trying to go for walks 3x a week until my ankle heals better. Im gonna say 600 minutes this month i guess..

    6/04- 15 Minutes of walking
    6/06- 0
    6/07- 0
    Week 1 Totals: 15 minutes

    6/09- 25 Minute Walk
    6/14- 30 minute Walk
    Week 2 Totals: 45 minutes need to kick it up a notch...

    Week 3 Totals:

    Last Week Totals:

    Total Exercise Minutes:
  • Well, I sure didn't do so well last month. I am going to shoot for 900mins this month. 30mins/day

    June 1:
    June 2:
    June 3:
    June 4:
    June 5:
    June 6:
    June 7:
    June 8:
    June 9:
    June 10:
    June 11: 33mins on the treadmill
    June 12: 25mins on the treadmill
    June 13: 30mins on the treadmill, 5mins of sit ups (25)
    June 14:
    June 15:
    June 16:
    June 17:
    June 18: 21mins on the treadmill
    June 19:
    June 20:
    June 21:
    June 22:
    June 23:
    June 24:
    June 25:
    June 26:
    June 27:
    June 28:
    June 29:
    June 30: