Thursday (aka nearly Friday!) Chat

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  • Hi everyone! I thought that given my place in the time zones, I should start some thursday chats... since it's 9am for me but most of you should be happily sleeping!

    So far, Thursday isn't so hot - my alarm failed so I was late to work and then when I got here I weighed myself (no scales at home) and much to my dismay have discovered that I am actually fatter than I thought! It's kind of taken the joy out of the looseness I was feeling in my waistband too

    But I guess ultimately it's all the more motivation to stay on track! I think I'm having too much dairy though, I need to readjust my morning routine - a coffee with f/f milk (I can't quit coffee and carbs in the same week!) and plain f/f yogurt for breakfast pretty much takes care of my 2-3 cups a day I think. I'll have to think of something else quick & easy I can do for breakfast!

    Hope all your early mornings turn out better than mine!

  • Morning Ellie!

    Down another pound here for me! I am staying on Phase 1 until I reach the 150s- I am going to tighten up the reins as I have been a bit loose on things I can eat (like nuts) and have a had some wine here and there.

    Gotta go- busy day at school and no time to chat!!
  • OMG! Just "slept in" again! Back in a bit. Hersh has her legs crossed!
  • Good morning chickies, I am feeeeeeeling oogles better. I am up before the sun, coffee in mug and working my tail off. I should be able to get a bit of a nap in this afternoon and then get my long postponed run in. I would like to do my yoga/pilates class too however with how this week has been going NO PROMISES. I ate exceptionally well yesterday - water was a different story though. Man why can't this triple life I lead (workout, eating, water) ever go well in all 3 areas? Just as I am feeling better...I am going away for business again FRI/SAT. It is my 25th birthday on SUN so I see sweets in my future Well I am chatty today so I will talk to everyone later I am sure.

    ellie - Oh don't lose your looseness joy...who cares what the number says if we are feeling better? Now I am as guilty as the next gal but so many things can effect the number on the scale that just are not permanent.

    kiko - congrats on your are so motivated being able to stay on ph1 for so long...

    ruth - You better let that puppy out I know how mine gets.
  • Morning everyone....I finally had a good day at work yesterday. I closed and we closed with $14000.00 in sales (that's almost triple what we closed with the rest of the week!) and we opened 14 credit cards. Its's amazing what a little customer service will do. My disrict mgr called me last night to check on me & at the time I had $6000.00 in & 10 credit cards she was thrilled, so I'm sure I'll recieve another call this morning!
    ONLY 8 DAYS UNTIL KEY WEST!!!! I can't wait, I'm shopping for a cute dress tomorrow.
    Stephie - enjoy your run.
    Ruthie - That's why I'm glad I have cats....I can sleep in & not worry about their bladders
    Kiko & Ellie - Morning!
    I'm off to work - see ya!
  • Schmellie ~ Don't let the scale ruin your day, there are so many factors that make your weight fluctuate daily. Just continue to eat OP, drink your water, and you'll be fine. As for breakfast, check out our recipe boards for some great ideas!

    Kiko ~ Congratulations on the loss!!!! You seem really motivated, keep up the good work!

    Ruth ~ What's on your busy schedule today? Where are those pictures of the new puppies, we're all dying to see them!

    Stephie ~ I hear you on the water, I've been pretty lax about it lately, too. Happy Birthday! , in advance!

    I have to work late today, so I'm baking a pizza for Jake's supper right now. I'll probably eat with the girls. Cindy insisted I bring home part of her "birthday cookie" yesterday, she couldn't stop picking at it and needed it OUT of the house, and now I'm having the same problem! I took it to Curves with me this morning and left it there for everyone to enjoy. That recipe is GREAT! I won't make it too often, though, as it will spell trouble for me, LOL!
  • Soon ~ Wow, you're really turning that store around! Congratulations! You sound like you're feeling a lot more positive than you did yesterday, and I hope you are happy with your new job and position. Have fun shopping for a new dress!
  • Morning, Beachies!

    Ellie, thanks for starting us off! Hon, I was so sad to read your post. Not because of your weight but because of how you feel about it. Ellie, if you're feeling looseness in your waistband, go with it! Any of the maintainers will tell you that the scale is pretty darn arbitrary. Some of the most successful dieters tell us not to use the scale at all! The truth is, those numbers are just that, numbers. They don't tell you what is causing them, whether it's a bit of extra water filling your fat cells because you didn't get enough the day before or because they're about to deflate (once the fat leaves your fat cells, the fill with water to try to stay open...then get rid of the water when they finally give in to the fact that they are empty), extra water in your muscles from working out, or that you may have lost fat, but gained more muscle than the amount of fat you lost...which would make you weigh more, but be tinier (look at the pictures of fat vs. muscle that are all over 3FC, but especially in the exercise forum). Please don't let this get you down. Know that the scale fluctuates. If you're going to use it as a tool, do that, but use it as a TOOL, not as a predictor of your mood, okay? You CAN do this and you are doing GREAT!!! Looseness in your waistband is a much better indicator of weightloss than anything the scale can tell you. Also, about the dairy, I'd try to keep it to fat free, but be aware that many of us have had more that 2-3 cups of dairy a day and it hasn't affected our weightloss. I'd wait a bit to see if your scale issue was a fluke or if your waistband keeps getting smaller before you go changing your dairy intake. That said, I'd get some veggies in your breakfast to make sure you feel more full in the morning. Maybe some cucumbers in the yogurt? Yogurt and milk are carbs (though this is NOT a plan that limits your number of carbs!!!) to your body, but cheeses are protein. So you might try some cottage cheese instead, with some veggies, or perhaps some veggies spread with soft cheeses like Laughing Cow Light or light cream cheese. That is likely to stay in your stomach longer and make you feel more fulfilled.

    Congratulations, beautiful Kiko! Hon, you know how dangerous it can be for your health to stay on P1 too long. Please don't stay on longer than 2 weeks even if you aren't in the 150s. First of all, it's not good for your health. Second of all, it stops working (and pretty quickly if you've been pretty much following the plan, which you have) after a bit and can actually make you gain weight. Thirdly, if you lose weight using P1 but can't maintain and lose on P2, you're going to have a very hard time maintaining your loss. It makes much more sense to lose your weight using something that you can keep doing after your loss so you can maintain. You can do P2 successfully!!! I know it! : Just get those nuts out of your house if they're a temptation and start again as you did before. I think you're amazing, Kiko and I know you can do this!

    Mornin' beautiful Ruthie! (and cross-legged Hershey) I think it's good that you slept in, hon. Once Lucy is back home, that'll be harder, eh?

    Stephie, I'm so glad you're feeling better and am in awe of your ability to run. WOW! Please don't get down on yourself about not getting all three things done. It's tough to balance them all and even the maintainers have trouble with it sometimes. Just focus on what you are doing well and think of some ways to get better on the things you need to improve. Perhaps you can keep some water in a drawer at work in case you forget to bring it? Do whatever works for you. Good luck on getting to yoga/pilates...I wanted to go to mine this morning but I scheduled a phone call during that time by mistake!

    Good Morning, Soon! I'm so jealous about Key West!!! on those amazing sales at work...I know they're going to be so happy with you! Enjoy shopping for that cute dress!

    Well, the bathtub/shower's in! It looks really nice. They have to finish putting on a faucet or two and then it's back to us to finish up. The plumber will spend the afternoon moving a sewer line over and up so we'll have more ceiling room in the basement. We're trying to finish off half of it and this line is in the way. I don't envy him that job.

    I realized the conflict with yoga earlier this week and had planned to go to the gym early this morning. But the plumber wanted to come smack in the middle of that and I had to be here to let him in. So I remember Meg's version of Sandi's "find a way..." and renegotiated my schedule. It'll put me in the shower while the plumber's in the basement...hope I can run upstairs in my robe without being seen!

    Had a great time at my mood and food group yesterday. This plan teaches us so much about healthy eating that I was able to tell the others in my group so much about nutrition that I never knew before reading the SBD book. : That felt good...especially after a week of feeling pretty clueless about eating! P1 is going pretty well...I had an extra serving of OP food before bed, which wasn't great, but at least the weight is slowly coming off and I'm feeling less cravings.

    Hope everyone has a great OP day!!! Mornin' to the chickies that posted while I wrote this long post...and to those that come after.
  • Feeling crappy today but checking in anyhow.

    Later today I'll try for some garden work. I'm getting used to being cold and damp out there but it's not doing the remains of my cold much good. I feel like time is getting away from me, partly because things are so early this year. It feels like the first of June although I know it isn't! I need some sunny days and a reality check.

    I'll finish putting away the winter stuff this afternoon and dig out summer stuff. I really want a whole new wardrobe but that isn't going to happen. I also want a new roof and eavestroughing! Getting a couple of sewing projects done would help assuage my longing - I still have not finished that tourquoise silk shirt although the collar is done!

    Whining! Sorry! I think I'll crawl back into bed for a bit.
  • Good morning all
    Looks like another beautiful day in sunny Florida . It's amazingly cool at night and in the am. Very unusual for May. It's day 4 of P1...I was a little disappointed when I got on the scale this morning. Only 1 pound so far. I know, I know, slow is best but I was hoping for more. We'll see how the rest of P1 goes.

    I tried the salsa baked chicken last night. It was pretty good. I did mine in the crock. It's probably better in the oven. I wasn't sure what to make with it but ended up with green beans and summer squash. I made some rice for DH and the kids. The kids wont eat squash. The only veggies I can get in them are green beans and sometimes broccoli. They do like corn also.
    The afternoon the kids and I are going flower shopping. I have a large raised bed in the front that is in desperate need of flowers. I also have to pick up more sprinklers. I have 5 at home that wont work properly. The darn things aren't cheap either. DH put out 200lbs of fertilizer so I have to keep the lawn watered since we have no rain in the forecast.

    Ruthxx: hope your day gets better

    Beachgal: sounds like a good mood and food meeting. It always feels good to help others.

    Soon: congrats on the good day! Hope it keeps up for you.

    Stephanie: glad your feeling better. I too envy your running. I wish I had the time and ability to run.

    Schmellie: I know it's hard when weight loss is slow. I have the same problem. But if your clothes are looser than somethings going right. Must be loosing inches. Stay with it. Sometimes it takes our bodies a bit to quit fighting and give in.

    Hope everyone has a great OP day!
  • Lottie~ I read about the diet being Expensive in yesterdays post.... I hear ya.... I plan the cheap meals mainly... I mix it up as not to get burnt out.. but it is getting hard here this month is a bad month for me,, and oatmeal, bbq chicken, greenbeans, brown beans and triscuits,, and some other veggies is about it...this month... but my mind set is Eat right or NOT eat.. so I have got to do what I can, and find the cheapest way to live this life..
  • Morning, gals! Last night was the program kickoff for next year's scouting program. Now I have the dates for all the council and district events so we can work on our Pack calendar.

    Tonight is a PTA meeting. The den doing flag ceremony needed one more boy so Brian will need to wear his uniform and help out. I just need to make sure that I get him picked up early enough to study for tomorrow's spelling test. It is the last test of the year and this week's words are a little tougher.

    We've got a parent/teacher conference with his Talented/gifted teacher at 11 this morning. Good thing I work from home on Thursdays anyway. The end of the year just gets so busy. I can't imagine what it would be like if I had more children or he was in a sport other than his gymnastics lessons.
  • Well I am finally back OP. Yesterday was the first day that I had a totally SB day. I am hoping that excitement will keep me on track. Just a busy day with work and then tonite we are going to my in-laws to see my DHs aunt an uncle from CA. Looking forward to it because we don't ssee them much and thaty are so fun. They will be here for 2 weeks so we will be having lots of visits and seeing our cousins from NJ too. It should be a great 2 weeks. Thank God my mother in law likes to cook healthy! Off to work now. Have a great beachy day!
  • morning ladies. tooth is still sore but considerably less so and the vicodin is working today.

    I made the chicken enchaladinis last night, only instead of beans I used fresh green beans layered on top it was good.

    I finally turned in my essay to my editor and now I'm going to start back work on my book today if I can stay awake! The vicodin knocks me out, I'll do anything to escape that stoned feeling. blech!
  • Quote:
    I made the chicken enchaladinis last night, only instead of beans I used fresh green beans layered on top it was good.

    That's a great idea. I've wanted to try the enchiladinis, but I really don't like beans enough to make a big batch. I thought about chili, but green beans sounds yummy!