completely lost it - sigh

  • I blew it so bad today. I started out doing good ate a couple of waffles for breakfast walk for 40 minutes and then ate everything I could purged and ate more but didnt purge a second time. I dont know why I do this to myself.
  • Hi there again Bravelilchicken. I'm so sorry to hear you had a rough day. But you can decide whether or not it turns into a rough week. End it now and begin anew tomorrow. I'm only on my 3rd day B/P free and I've had a REALLY tough past few weeks. So you are not alone. Be strong
  • Bravelilchicken, I'm so sorry. We know exactly where you're at.
    Harpo is right... you have the strength to turn this around. Whatever happens, we're here for you.
  • hi
    I wish I knew why we did this to ourselves. Try not to dwell, move on and don't look back