Phase 1 Starters week of May 8th

  • I dont know if this is the right place to put this or not, if not please move it to where it needs to be, but I just want to know if you think this is a good plan for tomorrow

    B: 1 cup of coliflower 1 cup of cucumbers 2 hard boiled eggs
    S: 1 part skim motz cheese stick
    L: chicken breast, lettuce
    S: .5 c coliflower
    D: SBD cola chicken, 1 cup coliflower, 1 cup cucumbers
    DS: 1 SBD Frozen peanut butter cup
  • I know that sb isn't a 'calorie counting' diet, but make sure you stay above 1200, my nutritionist said that anything less is starvation and it doesn't look like your getting many don't want your body to shut down and conserve cals....maybe add some healthy fats like olive oil to cook your veggies/chicken in and some nuts or yogurt...but I could be wrong, I'm just eyeballing it. I know I eat a lot and I only get about 12-1300 cals a day. Do you use fitday? If you do how many cals is that for the day?
  • no i dont know what fitday is, and yeah, good point. I dont like yogurt tho, yuk. lol. I'll check out fitday. Thanks Alicia
  • is a nutriton counter. it's fabulous and helps keep you accountable. I input all the food I'mgoing to eat the next day in it, this way I know that if I sneak anything *extra that I will have to account for it on fitday. Try it out, it's awesome!
  • Also, do you hate all yogurt or just plain nonfat? I put splenda and some vanilla in it and it tastes sooo good. You can also prolly put a dash of crystal light in it for flavor. If you don't eat much dairy be sure to take supplements.
  • All yogurt. Even the flavored stuff. I won't eat it, it discusts me lol. I do love cheese, so I try to eat that as much as possible without going over board, and I take a calcium pill every day because of my DEPO and it decreases calcium in your bones. So yeah. Im tryin fitday to see what ill get tomorrow for cals.
  • haha, I love yogurt, it's up there with ice cream in my book!

    I see your eating a lot of cauliflower tomorrow, did you see the recipe for the 'faux popcorn' made out of cauliflower? You might wanna try that out (but I think there's a mistake in the recipe and it should be 1tsp instead of 1 tbls of salt, a tbls would be WAY too salty!)
  • According to fitday, right now without my dessert, I'm about 1200 calories, but theres no option for "grilled boneless skinless chicken breast" so i had to do skinless chicken rbeast battered, but without the skin, so I'm sure that the calories from my actual chicken breast will be less. I'll try to add some more calories, but what? like i said, i dont like yogurt

    Also, i like raw cauliflower. A lot of vegetables I won't even eat if they're cooked, like cabbage. It has to be raw. If its raw I'll sit down and eat the whole head lol. Cauliflower is the same way. I love it! lol. Cucumbers too! I had sliced cucumbers today for a snack, and they were yummy! lol.
  • Quote: According to fitday, right now without my dessert, I'm about 1200 calories, but theres no option for "grilled boneless skinless chicken breast" so i had to do skinless chicken rbeast battered, but without the skin, so I'm sure that the calories from my actual chicken breast will be less. I'll try to add some more calories, but what? like i said, i dont like yogurt
    You can put custom things in, this is my custom input for grilled boneless skinless chicken breast:

    Amount Per 1 breast, bone and skin removed
    Calories 210
    Calories from Fat 54

    % Daily Value *


    Total Fat 6g 9%


    Saturated Fat 2g 10%


    Polyunsaturated Fat 0g


    Monounsaturated Fat 0g


    Cholesterol 100mg 33%


    Sodium 135.88mg 6%


    Potassium 474.72mg 14%


    Total Carbohydrate 0.877g 0%


    Dietary Fiber 0g 0%


    Protein 38g 76%


    Alcohol 0g


    Just click "add custom food" and input the info. You can do that for all sorts of foods that they don't have listed. I just took an hour one night after grocery shopping and input the most common foods I ate that weren't on the list.

    What to add...hmm, peanuts? natural peanut butter? (one serving of nuts only) olive oil to your veggie dishes/chicken....shouldn't be tough.
  • yeah ive been eating peanut butter the last couple days for breakfast on my celery in the morning on my way running out the door lol. I'll have to try putting in the chicken
  • Hi Pink and Lottie too... Pink, Ruthie our Mother Hen usually starts a thread for newbies... while she is away I forgot to do it.... so I changed the name of your Meal plan to be that starter thread!
  • Can anyone tell me if Crystal Light is allowed during phase 1 of the SBD?
    This is my first week and I want to stay with in the guidelines of how phase one was designed!

    Thanks in advance!
  • yeah crystal lite is allowed but make sure you drink plenty of plain water. Also, I put just a bit in my nf plain yogurt and it's yummy!
  • I am starting back on Phase 1. I started yesterday. So far, so good. I am not really having cravings. I am having a slight obssession with losing weight though! I know, I know. It isn't good. But I am SO motivated that I know I will succeed. The only thing that will be hard is that I work at a top restaurant..they feed us such amazing food. But that is how I gained 6 pounds back. I know I can do it though- I did it before. I lost 40 lbs. I need to keep going!