New to 3fatchicks, just saying hey!

  • I have read several of your posts and decided this was a very friendly place to be. I am hoping to meet someone who lives in the Nashville, TN area,,but even if I don't,,it will be nice to talk to others about the constant weight struggle.
    I started off really good in March, but mid April I started back not doing so great. In the past 2 years I have lost 19lbs,,and I lost 7 of those in March and April. I got a new treadmill for my birthday,,I love it,,but haven't been as dedicated to it lately since I am outside gardening when I get home from work and on the week-ends. I am a seasonal school employee, and my last day is May 25th,,so I think I will do better at the excercising being home in the summer months.
    Just looking for a support system and this looks like a great place to be.

  • Welcome!

    You've come to a great place for advice & support!

    I'm not from Nashville but...I've been there & I LOVE it...does that count If you'd like to send me a PM or if you have Yahoo messenger & you'd like to add me...please feel free.

    You CAN do this!!!

    All the best to you,

  • Beth, welcome to 3FC!!
    Isn't gardening addictive? I love it, too.
    Post around the forum in a few different areas... there are such wonderfully supportive people here.
  • A big welcome to 3FC... I am sure you will have fun and make many new friends!