What happened to the "lower-sugar" cereals?

  • For a while there, Post or Kellogg's or one of those big-named cereal companies was making lower-sugar versions of their popular kiddie cereals. I do remember complaining that the lower-sugar box of Fruit Loops more was more expensive than the regular, but to cut my son back on as much sugar as possible, I bought it anyway. I haven't seen the lower-sugar cereals around for quite a while now.

    What, they didn't go over very big or something? Nobody was buying them? Does anyone still see them on their grocery shelves? Because I sure don't. I thought it was a great idea. My son was getting less sugar and he couldn't tell the difference.
  • I just found them on Amazon for $4 and $5 a box! Sheesh! Guess I'll have to start mail-ordering cereal.
  • There were on the shelves at my Frys (division of Kroger Stores), Safeway and Wal-Mart yesterday when I was shopping.
  • Well dang. They must have not gone over very big in our area because I can't find them anywhere. Our stores had them for a while and now they don't anymore.
  • Maybe you could contact the manufacturer through their website and they could let you know the nearest place that still carries these cereals. I've done this in the past and it's saved me from mail ordering stuff (which gets expensive with the shipping).
  • Good idea, thank you
  • They are still in my area as well. Maybe also try talking to the manager of your grocery store and ask them to bring them back. It couldn't hurt anything.
  • Lol maybe if you fed him "adult" cereal like special K.... I know kids want their cereal, but do fruit loops actually TASTE like fruit?? lol
  • That's a good idea. I've been trying to convert my little ones lately. I've switched them over to honey nut cheerios. They actually eat those more than they ever ate the full sugar kinds. I haven't actually compared the amount of sugar in anything, but you might try doing that if he isn't too picky.
  • Quote: Lol maybe if you fed him "adult" cereal like special K.... I know kids want their cereal, but do fruit loops actually TASTE like fruit?? lol
    Oh he likes things like Cheerios and Kix. He also likes cocoa wheats and grits on occasion. But he still likes his "kiddie cereals" every now and then. So does my husband, for that matter. Those two go crazy over Peanut Butter Crunch, lol.
  • Funny thing you mention fruit loops, because when I was 7 I said to my mom "Mom, why do you buy this? It's not fruit cereal. Theres no fruit in this? It doesn't even taste like fruit! They think kids like it because its got so many colors, but it only makes me puke!" I hated cheerios but I wish we had chex, or maybe evn lucky charms (well yeah i was a kid... so...) but something without all that color leeching into my milk!
  • Quote: Funny thing you mention fruit loops, because when I was 7 I said to my mom "Mom, why do you buy this? It's not fruit cereal. Theres no fruit in this? It doesn't even taste like fruit! They think kids like it because its got so many colors, but it only makes me puke!" I hated cheerios but I wish we had chex, or maybe evn lucky charms (well yeah i was a kid... so...) but something without all that color leeching into my milk!
    Fruit Loops are okay, but my favorite was always the original Cap'n Crunch.

    And anything chocolatey. Cocoa Pebbles, Cocoa Puffs - I still love that stuff.

    One of my favorite cereals is Frosted Mini Wheats.