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  • Hey Ladies,

    My daughter was just accepted into a modeling agency. I am just curious to know if anyone has experience in the industry, and if so what should I look for as far as scams. They are asking for 150.00 for Jessie to be in the Agency Baby Book. That fee is for marketing and printing. I provide my own photos to the company. I think that is fine to ask for money for something like that, but my husband feels differently.

    Also, the agency name is Model Club, Inc. Anyone in the Boston area ever heard of it?

  • Hi! congrats for ur daughter!
    I think ur husdand is right to be suspitious, I would be and they have many programs in the UK showing 'talent agent/modelling agency firms' scams
    I googled 'modelling scams' etc to give more answers more relavant to the usa.

    I hope this is at least of some help
  • i just signed my son (he's 10 months) up with a local modeling agency here in winnipeg. i paid a 70 dollar registration fee (that will be good until he's 7) and supplied 2 snapshots that get attached to his stats.

    now i just wait for some phone calls.

    i would try calling the Better Business Bureau in your city to see if anything has been reported about this company.

    i went with one of the city's more well known agencies to ensure it wasn't a fly by night operation or anything like that.
  • True Modeling Agencies will not ask for any money from you. They will provide photographs and they only get paid when your daughter is booked. That's when they take their percentage of pay.

  • I phoned some modelling agencies once, and a kind lady gave me these words of wisdom, "Don't pay anyone for anything - not photos or registration fees." If they want you, they'll pay.
  • Wow- I am so confused. Last night I did read that in order for model's to get into the agency book, they must pay. This was at a website that protects you from scams and what not.

    I guess I will try to do a little more research. They are listed in the BBB as having 5 complaints in the lst three years, but have all been resolved. It also said that # was not unusual for this type of business.

    Thank you for the info you have all given me.

    Canadian Girl- Good luck with your son.
  • Congrats to you and your daughter!!

    I have no knowledge of this stuff at all, but just wanted to say congrats.
  • I'm assuming that is your daughter in your avatar--she is ADORABLE!!

    That said, all I ask is that you PLEASE be careful when introducing a child to such a superficial career. I mean, all of us here know what it's like to have self-esteem and self-image problems because of our weight and physical appearance. Modeling is not something I would ever consider for my children (once I have any) simply because I wouldn't want them to grow up thinking that beauty is so important, but that's just me (and my extrmely cynical view of modeling and the world in general). My sister has been approached by professionals a few times over the past couple of years regarding her step-daughter (who is now 6), but they want her to have a normal childhood and not start worrying about her looks at such a young age, so they have always declined offers.

    I'm not saying you absolutely shouldn't do it--after all, different strokes for different folks--just because I would never do it obviously doesn't mean no one else should. I just ask that you PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be as careful as humanly possible
  • ANother thing you want to be careful of is having her picture and information held readily available to anyone who is interested in being a "client" of this modeling agency. It is a sad world we live in, but I see news stories all the time about pedophiles who find peoples family photo snapshots on the internet to target their next victims...I would be worried about that aspect if it were me.

    I definitely understand them maybe charging you a registration. However it makes no sense to me that you provide the pictures. If the agency is going to make money off your daughters modeling it would make much more sense to take professional headshots to improve her chances of being selected. Did the BBB say what the claims were for or about?
  • I just found this site speaking specifically about the company you are looking into

    also here was good point in being able to test the scamness of an agency

    "If they are as selective and competent as they claim, they will not have a problem deferring payment for photos or advertising until after your daughter has worked, taking it from the first paycheck."
  • Stephie- I have read several times, that professional photos are not needed due to toddlers changing so often. That would be a huge waste of money. Which makes total sense to me. They ask that you provide pictures that truley represent your child.

    The BBB did not really specify what the complaints were about. Some were advertising issues, customer service issues and contract issues. However, they are in good standings with the BBB, which is good to know.

    I checked out the link that you provided. My only thing is that the Model Agency stresses to you that it is NOT a guarentee that you will get work. So the first person proabably just never got work. There is always two sides to a story, right.

    I will see what happens. Thank you all for giving me the advice, and the support. Hopefully things will work out.
  • your daughter is gorgeous!! i just had to say it!

    Jill is right though... careful with the surperficial profession. I think its only good when she's really young...
  • I wouldnt do it. My sister and her daughter did some modeling before and they were never asked to pay upfront for anything.

    Also, when I was 19 I had a casting director interested in me.. all she needed me to do was find an agent because she didnt work with people that didnt have agents. Well ... only ones I could find wanted me to pay before I worked and I couldnt do it.

    Just like home based businesses... you should NEVER have to pay to work. If you want to pay that kind of money you are better off looking into ProScout invites. Basically they are talent scouts for acting and modeling and if you are selected you pay x amount of dollars to go, and you have the privilege of auditioning in front of companys like Ford, Elite, Marie Claire, ect.. there are like 20 different modeling agencies and like 5 casting directors and agencies. Ford was interested in my neice, however, my sister couldnt leave her job to take her all over the place, even though they were paying for it because my sister has 2 other children and it was too big of a risk. So.. If you are going to spend money, I recommend looking into an agency like that.
  • here is the website for the company I was telling you about.. the open call is free.. if you are selected is when you pay to go the he "event" They dont select you if they dont think you will get any "callbacks" trust me.. during our open call, like 3/4 of the room got sent away.

    They are a member of the BBB
  • Ready3shed- I checked out the website. The min. age is 4, my daughter is only 19 months. So that is out. But I am not too sure about having to pay for something like that, anyways.

    But thank you for tip.