Runners Thread 04/24-04/30

  • Sorry I am getting this started late ladies.

    Went for my 3rd training run on Saturday. The weather was crappy but I kept my my goal of having at least one run outside a week. Ran at the highschool track so that if the weather got too hasty I would be close to the car. Took my dog with me and he loved it. Did my wk2day1 run today. The running intervals got a little longer. Once again I can feel it in my calfs. I can feel myself building up some endurance though. I think I may be able to do that 5k that is in a couple of weeks. Its crazy but I find myself actually looking forward to my training runs! I never thought it would be possible.
  • hey all
    i meant to join the last weeks thread but I got too busy with life!
    I am a big fan of running - I ran the NYC marathon in 2004 and meet my goal of 5 hours (11.5 average). I am finally running for real again - it took me a while, and have entered my first race in a LONG time (I ran in hs track a little my senior year - hey I set a senior record in the 1500 - partially cause no one had ever done it before ) and ran a half marathon and a marathon.

    so now I am running a 10K - my goal is under an hour - which would be 10 minute mile - i just did my training 5k in 9 minute mile - so I am hopeful.

    I am running with the Athena women which will be interesting - that is women 165+ - I partially did it because I wanted to beleive I could run faster than a bunch of people. who knows if I will. Or if I will break my time!

    anyway this week I'm just cross training with spinning - since I kinda missed my 7 miler on sunday. ah well.

    good luck all
  • oh yeah, my 10K is on sunday!
  • Went for a run again today. I decided to make it a bit easier and not start in my usual starting spot, but a bit further, past the big slope. Despite that, it was a struggle, especially the first 8 or 9 minutes, and I was about to give up a million times. I kept pushing though, and in the end ran the two lenghts of my dirt road in 18.5 min, which is not that bad a time, and pushed a bit more and rounded the run up to 20 mins.

    I actually enjoyed it for a bit, between the 9th and 16th minute or so. But overall it was no good and not pleasant at all. I don't understand why it's so difficult now. I was exhausted in the 4th minute, which is sooner than when I first started running. It's been over a month since I ran regularly, I know, but still... you'd think it would be easier to restart, no?

    I think I'm going to run every other day for a while (instead of daily). Maybe that will make it less of a struggle.
  • Today I can feel my run in my calves and in my butt, but my hamstrings are great which is awesome (those are the hardest for me to WORK through the pain with) Got another run scheduled for tomorrow. Doing some cardio today. It is snowing here so my one run outside goal could be tricky!

    bida - I am in awe of you 10k in 9 minutes, I have so far to go lol. Good luck on your 10k though, you will have to report back so all of us baby runners will know what it is like. You would probably get a long famously with lizzbabe I think she does 10k's

    sushi - You know NOT being a runner for more than 2 weeks I probably do not have the best advice. BUT the thing that this beginner program I am on is doing for me is building up my endurance and getting my body used to running...maybe a modified beginner program or some interval walking/running???
  • Hey Ladies! I think I want to join yall here! Im gonna start (trying) to run!

    How long have you been running: Have been doing jogging/walking intervals for a few weeks
    Following any kind of program:Nope
    Training for anything: To be able to run 1.5 miles and join the navy
    Running Schedule: As much as possible!
  • I'm pretty new to this whole running thing, but i've been at it for about 2 months now and i've stuck to it and am even tempted to say that i've enjoyed it (maybe not every single minute of it, but the overall experience). The thing i've noticed with myself is that sometimes it's my own fear of failure that gets in my way. I know i can run continuously for 30 minutes because i've done it before (only twice, but anyway) but i never am able to start a run saying "today i can run 30 minutes". I have to set smaller goals and see how i feel. And you know what? It's working! I'm improving. Besides, the days i can't run for the whole 30 minutes i just throw in some walking and some sprinting and all of the sudden it's turned into an "interval" workout.

    I"m looking forward to increasing my long runs to 40 minutes (at about a 12:00 min pace... yeah, i'm a speed demon!) And i'd also like to increase the speed i run my intervals at. Right now i know i can run for 2.25-2.5 miles and i want to push that number up to 3 miles in the next month or 2.

    I also am really looking forward to taking my runs outside. Right now i'm mainly a treadmill girl.

    I find it so helpful and motivating to hear how everyone built up to where they are now as runners. Seeing someone else go from beginner to doing "easy 4 and 5 mile runs is so inspiring!
  • hey all

    so I must admit it took me a long time to get into wanting and liking runs - i've been an on again off again runner since hs - but i think there is something i really like about it - else I wouldn't be doing it still - I once got the alledged runner's high sometime after college - and I have been trying to attain that ever since - but since I have not gotten that in so long it's been just the accomplishment and feeling really good about my goals met.

    I remember once in hs getting back into training (for field hockey so we had to run a lot) and just being dead for the rest of the day - that finally wore off after day like 3 - but I remember the struggle - so Hang in there!

    btw - I found that spinning has improved my speed and ability a lot - its a bit difference but helps with the endurance and breathing as well. I have forgone running this week before my 10K in lew of spinning for most of it. partially because it is less stressful on my knees - and I want my legs to be fresh on sunday. I hope!

    Ok I must run though I'm not running today - I'm thinking Yoga - gotta increase the flexability as well.

    remember when running it is IMPORTANT to STRETCH!!! for all of you newbies - I have never gotten shin splints and I think that is partially because I take care of myself and stretch - you don't want injuries!
  • Hey ladies, took my run yesterday at the park. Took my husband and my dog. The terrain was really hilly and the sun was shining down so although it was hard, if was very nice. I did calves are not as sore this time. I did strength training last night after that. Tonight? Who knows maybe spinning...after the great tip from bida.

    heather - go right ahead and join hun! I am doing walking jogging intervals too, trying to get my body into running shape.

    miss dc - You do feel a nice sense of accomplishment after a run, I think it is different than just completing a cardio session for me. You are such an inspiration, I hope after 2 months I can run 30 minutes straight...right now for me it is baby steps.

    bida - I wouldn't have linked spinning and running, makes sense though I will have to try it. I love yoga! Do you stretch before and after running?
  • one should stretch before and after - i always stretch after....sometimes (truthfully) before

  • I've been absent here for a few days. I'm still running, but I've decided to only run the 3 days a week that the C25K calls for. On my other days I cross-train and bike around the park I live by (which is about 7 miles). And let me tell ya...I can feel the burn in my legs going up those hills! I noticed that last week when I ran, I got a little sore and found it hard to keep going. But I just kept going. That's probably part of the reason I decided to run only 3 days/week.

    Glad to hear everyone's doing great!

    Oh...I'm on week 3 of the C25K program...and I was so scared to run 3 minutes straight (yes, I'm that out of shape). But it was SO much easier than I thought it would be. So that was a huge victory for me!
  • I've decided to run every other day for now. Maybe I've been overdoing by making myself run each day. We'll see how this goes.
    That was yesterday, but I didn't go running because my neck was all cramped after sleeping funny and it hurt to move around. But I did go today instead, and did 20 minutes again. It went better than last time, I think. So I'm looking forward to it getting better and better. Which it hopefully will.
  • stephiewilliams, thanks for the kind words. I joke with my trainer that one of his clients (Cindy) is my idol. She's gone from like 168 to 120 and he says that pound for pound she's by far his strongest client. Now he tells me that Cindy is using me for inspiration. That's so cool!

    My legs have been really tired out this week. I find that after i go to the trainer my legs feel like jello and then the next morning they feel like lead! Neither of those feelings makes for particularly good running. But on those days i just hop on the elliptical or try out some power walking. Ya know, sometimes walking at high speeds (for me that means about 3.8 or above) bothers my shins WAY more than running does. I think the key for me is to really let my body get warmed up.

    I'm starting to notice that i really do get a second wind when i'm running now. Just when i'm starting to wonder if i am gonna make it all the way through something clicks and i feel reenergized. This confidence that i will feel better if i just keep going has really helped me gut through the hard parts of my runs.

    I always laugh to myself when i see people saying it took them the first 3 miles of their run to really find their rhythm. Man, i bearly even can make it to 3 miles (right now my runs are generally 2.25 -3 miles long)! How long are these people running! hehe. Hey, at least it's something to shoot for. I think i am going to throw myself a party the day i am able to make it through a 5 mile run. This is why i love running, there's always some new personal goal to go after!
  • It's funny you say that, about finding your rythm in running,
    I remember when training for the marathon it would take me at least 10 minutes to get "into" it. where I didn't feel like i had to keep mentally telling myself, come on you can do it you can do it.
    Now it seems like I can get "into" it pretty easily, but sometimes it does take me longer - and on the times it takes me longer I usually feel like by the end of my run I could go on forever - but I know if I stop for just a minute that feeling of I can run a marathon today will be over immediately - becuase my body really is tired, but I don't notice it till I am walking.

    u can do 5 miles!!! remember pacing is very important for longer runs!