Memorial Day Goals

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  • OK, I know that I am always coming up with goal and challenge threads, but I think they help, at least a little bit, to give us some insight and structure to our goals. Memorial Day is 5 weeks away, May 29 (I know this is a U.S. holiday, but I did see something about Victoria Day around the same time for our Canadian chicks--not sure what that is??). That's five weeks towards better health and trimmer waists! OK now I sound like an infomercial.
    What goals would you like to achieve by May 29?
  • Here's mine:

    1. Lose 6 pounds
    2. Stick to some sort of plan through moving and finals
    3. Walk for 300 minutes (in whatever increments I can find)
    4. Focus on water, fruits, and veggies
    5. Celebrate our 5th anniversary in a smaller size!
  • Here's mine!

    1. Get to or below my goal.

    2. Stick to Core foods

    3. Make sure I drink ALL my water

    4. Can't walk or do cardio but I can (and will) use my hand weights and resistance band
  • my goal is to lose 5 lbs in may. i had the goal of 5 for april and have already dropped 8.6 so i'm ahead of schedule and the month is still young (sort of). anyway, from may 1 to the end of may (around memorial day) i plan to lose another 5 lbs.

    (am i making any sense?)
  • Id like to set my goal at 6 pounds that would make me under 300 I want to be in tooterville for the summer!!!
  • I'm going to follow the plan and track carefully all my Core goals including my WPA'S. That means I'll use know more than 35 WPA'S per week, 8 eight ounce glasses of water a day (my goal), 3-5 servings of fruit and veggies daily and my healthy oil (no problem for me!).

    It's going to be hard for me to do this with Jim being on soft food but I'm REALLY going to try. I'm worth it.
  • Quote: I'm worth it.
    You're correct ma'am!! We all are.
  • yes, we are. "God didn't make no trash."
  • Sandra, I just love you so much. You make me smile every day.
  • Alright, I'm in.
    My goals are .....
    1. To lose 3 pounds.
    2. To drink my water.
    3. To eat totally core.
  • OK I would say I'm probably up to about 30 minutes of walking this week. Not much, and I'm not really keeping good record, but that is an estimate. And this is just moving, I'm not even talking about cardio walking. But it's movement.
  • congrats on the exercise, melissa. i did 15 min on the exercise bike last night. first exercise since march. at least we're moving our bods now.
  • add another 15-20 mins
  • Melissa, why don't you add an exercise tracker? I think those are cute. Maybe you did one before? Someone did. I'm thinking about doing one myself.
  • Ok scale going in wrong direction here....Ive been good all week and it shows a 2 pound gain this morning?? whats up with that...on to week I have a goal of 7 pounds to make before memorial/victoria day