LAWL fun

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  • I thought it would be fun to see where all of us LAWL chickies live. Click on my profile, then the link for my homepage. When you go there, scroll down to the bottom and you will see the guestmap icon and a sign that says place pin. Click on the place pin icon and put yourself on the map. You don't have to leave an email or web page, but be sure to pick an icon and a flag!
  • Okay, I did it. Thanks Lori, what a cute idea!
  • What a great idea thanks Lori
  • Cool idea!
  • I put a pin on your map
  • IM A MORON, I couldnt figure out how to chose an icon...I am exhausted, Ill try tomorrow...
  • Lori:
    This is so fun, Your kids are so cute! I posted twice, where I live and where I'm from, hope you don't mind!
  • Thanks, all for playing along!

    Deets, no morons, only those that are computer challenged at times! I get that way frequently.

    Milca - post away! I love that you chose an alien for Chicago!
  • I posted, but it took me a couple of times also, due to you needed to put all the info in for it to accept mine. Thanks fun idea.
  • What I a great idea!
  • I did mine...your kids are the cutest!!!
  • Somebody help me please! I've tried like 100 times, and I can't get my pin to post for me.
  • Sherry:
    Did you fill all the blanks.Did you try to click in the top of the page the pin icon?
  • I got it, after trying a few more times. Finally! And I considered myself to be pretty computer literate. Shows what I know!
  • Lori--cool idea--Texas (the whole midwest!) needs some representation!! I have a 3rd grader and Kinder--your kiddos are too cute! Typical panhandle the wind in blowing 40 mph today!! UGH--even my house is sighing!