34 days and counting! woooo hooo!

  • Well, I have set a goal of loosing 20 pounds in 34 days. I have a good reason too. My husband will be coming home! He is stationed in Korea with the Air Force, and it has been one LLOOONNNNGGGGG year! And I want to have another 20 pounds off before he gets home! I have been trying to loose the weight and have done pretty good so far, but now it is crunch time! I just have to get back on that diet and exercise wagon and work hard ( I have been very lazy lately) and hopefully I will have success in this goal!

    [link=http://www.3fatchicks.net/index1.php] [image noborder]http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar-retro4/cartoondino01/lb/0/0/0/.png[/image] [/link]
  • Good luck with your diet and exercise. 20 lbs seems like a lofty goal, but if you work hard and keep exercising, you'll definitely be toner and slimmer when he returns. Remember to eat enough calories to avoid starvation mode!
  • WOW! 20 pounds does seem like alot for such a short time. Remember to be happy with anything you achieve. Regardless of the number, your hubby will be returning to a healthy you and that's what matters.