Help with my Hair....

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  • I got a perm last week and I plain hate it.. Its just to curly.. I tried to use a straighting iron on it, but I have a hard time getting all my hair.. I'm hoping there is someone that has experience as a hairdresser that can help me.. I was thinking about having it chemically straightened or it possible to just get another perm with bigger rods this time.. Are any of these an option? which one would be less damaging to my hair? Or is there any way to get the perm to relax and go out faster then normal? I'm just really unhappy with this perm and need some advice... thanks..
  • Have you tried washing the perm out & using a crazy amount of condition? (let it soak! -deep conditioning treatment) That might help relax it without damaging your hair....good luck!
  • Have you tried washing the perm out & using a crazy amount of condition? (let it soak! -deep conditioning treatment) That might help relax it without damaging your hair....good luck!
  • I don't know much about perms (I get my hair relaxed)....but I just assumed they wash out after a few washes. You might do well to just go to a hair salon and have them straighten your hair for you or advise you on what's best to do. Good luck hun!
  • I had my perm last ur may/june time, and the hair dresser mucked it up, so I went back there a week later and she redid it, still not exactly how I pictured it. but now of course my hair is growing out so I straighten my hair all the time, which is damaging.
    If it isnt what you asked for ur hair dresser(uk) should fix it free of charge,
    but it she did it rite and u just dont like it, heavy condition it as much as possible, wait a couple of weeks from your perm and then talk to ur hair dresser and relaxing it or other options
  • I told the lady I didnt want alot of curly or little curls.. Its littler curls then I wanted.. I conditioned it over night so will see how it goes today.. Might make a trip to the saloon if still to tight.. otherwise I will just live it out.. and keep conditioning heavily.. thanks for all the advise.. have a good day..
  • When I straighten my hair, I flip my head upside down and that helps me get all my hair.
  • I'm certainly no hairdresser, but I do have naturally curly hair. So...

    Be sure that when you style your hair (especially if you straighten it) that you are using a product designed to protect your hair from heat damage. Also, if you are blowing your hair dry set your dryer on cool or warm air and use a diffuser - it will help you tame the curls without as much styling. When you condition don't put too much at the roots of your hair or it will weigh your hair down creating the illusion of even more pouf at the bottom. Finally, as you blow dry, twirl large chunks of hair around your fingers. This will help turn a lot of little curls into larger ringlets.
  • First, call the stylist and tell her it's just too curly for your taste. If she's worth her salt she'll make you happy. If she's not, you never would have been anyway. Call the stylist.

    Yes, it will relax a bit over time but a good perm should stay true to rod size. If it's been longer than 48 hours then deep conditioners might weigh it down a bit but they won't relax it - plus, that's simply a gamble anyway. The cuticle has closed. Okay, technically the cuticle will never close completely ever again but it won't relax this way. Deep conditioning is good practice but not every day. Condition everyday - Deep condition once a week (twice if it's overprocessed). Call the stylist.

    Doing any other chemicals (relaxers or another perm) will do more damage but the only way to tell if your hair could handle it would be to do a finger test. When your hair is wet, can you stretch it? If you can, then doing anything more to it will give you vinyl curls or bowl curls....those curls that fall on the floor or in the the shampoo bowl You don't want that. If it doesn't, then you could have it redone. But, and this is very important, listen to the stylist. If she doesn't recommend it (because she will be the one with her fingers in your hair) then listen to her and don't do anymore chemicals. Call the stylist.

    And lastly, in my professional (yes, I'm a stylist) the stylist.
  • I went to school and got my cosmetology license-and managed a salon for a few years.

    Please DO NOT overprocess your hair and damage it! Do not jump the gun and go back for another perm...go the chemical straightening route, or start straightening your hair by using a straightening iron!!! This is only going to damage your hair!! I agree with what was said above, about letting the STYLIST judge if your hair can handle it or not. A lot of times stylists have to do processes that we KNOW will not turn out well-because the client won't listen to our warnings.

    There are certain things a hairdresser can do to fix problems-but adding processing to processing usually only results in a lot of damage.

    Yes, a perm WILL relax over time and not be QUITE as curly-even a god perm. Using a really good conditioner WILL help it look a little more relaxed, though. I also agree with only using the deep conditioner once a week or so...use regular every day, but use a GOOD one-as in, not Suave or V05. If it is under $2...then that's not good.

    I do stress though, that you should not turn to chemical processing to cover up a bad processing job-unless it is a terrible emergency as a last resort. You are only going to cause further problems. Also, while straightening naturally curly hair or normal hair for that "super straight look" with a straightening iron only causes minimal heat damage-doing this to freshly permed hair is a different story. Don't do it.

    Chemically permed hair is basically "broken down" inside the hair shaft and shaped around the rod with the first processing solution. The second one neutralizes this process and "sets" it around the rod shape. You have basically just gone and broken down the natural configuration of your hair shaft with chemicals and reshaped it. If you take heat from a straightening iron and then "fry it flat" after chemically doing just the opposite-you are really going to damage it as well.
  • Definitely...condition, condition, condition...and give it a week. I bet you'll get used to it and, at the same time, it will loosen a bit.

    Chemicals to correct chemicals is never a good idea. You'll end up with mush for hair. Kind of like over cooked'll just fall apart. And next time you get a perm, be sure to tell the stylist that your hair takes really well to perms. Sometimes (I'm a hairdresser and suffered through the 80's with zillions of perms), a hairdresser will perm with a size perm rod that is smaller than what they're looking for because, in the 80's anyway, curlier was better than not curlier enough (it took and we wouldn't have to do a re-perm).

    Good luck!
  • Just outta you remember what color rod was used? Is your hair thick, medium, thin? Is your hair coarse, medium, or fine? Is it layered or not? What size curl were you looking for?

    Again, just curious what it looks like and what you would prefer.
  • Thanks for all the replies.. I have decided just to live with it.. Guess I'm getting use to it..kindof.. as for the color of rod.. I think they where white.. my hair is layed, and thick.. I was looking for a bigger curl.. I should of said something when I seen the rods.. but I guess maybe I didnt think about it.. it has been awhile since having a perm,, I though the curls would end up coming out alittle bigger then the rod.. but guess not.. I will know next time..
  • Well, actually white rods are not even close to the smallest there are...(yellow/blue, pink, and gray are all smaller) so your stylist didn't actually use kinky curly perm rods on you.

    Honestly, I would have probably used the same rod size-considering that your hair is long and thick-that type of hair tends to "weigh down" the curl a bit, and if you use a really big rod, a lot of times it doesn't turn out well on thicker, longer hair.
  • Have you tried Frizzeze hair serum..?
    I had this same perm last year. My hair was short layered and i looked like a poodle when I first got it. The only thing that saved me was this product called frizeze(not sure how to spell it.) It comes in a little pumper and it's like a clear gel/oily substance. You put a dime size, or more depending on how much hair you have, into palm of hand and rub it together and then rub into hair. I would then let mine air dry or use a defuser on a low setting and it worked wonders. After about 4 days of conditioning your hair with relax some too. Hope this helps.
    My mom said "oh yuck!" when I came home from getting my perm if that tells you how bad I looked. Although that wasn't a very nice thing to say to someone who wanted to dig a hole and crawl in it uh?