Six Flags

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  • Yesterday was the opening day of Six Flags in St. Louis. So of course my ten-year-old just had to go. At the end of the summer last year, I was told I could not ride one of the rides because the restraints wouldn't lock. (I can't even begin to tell you how mortifying that was!!! )

    Well, my son was begging me to go on the ride and I told him that I just didn't think it would work. Well, after several "oh please's", I gave in and went up to the ride. The restraint clicked close and when the attendant came through, he said, "ma'am this needs to be tighter" and pushed it down more!!
  • yay for you!!! You'd be such a happy mom to do such things with your lil tot.
  • Yay!! What a great NSV!!
  • Good for you
    Good for you. I hope you enjoyed the ride.
  • Yay for you. I want to go to Six Flags this year. I couldn't last year because of my weight.

  • Yay for you. I am going to Six Flags in St. Louis in July and one of my goals is to lose 30 more pounds so I don't have to worry about these same issues.
  • Yay for you. This is one of my biggest motivators. I don't ever want to tell my daughter no to something because of my weight. I love roller coasters and stuff but haven't been in years because of my size. My daughter is only 11 mos old now but you can bet when she is old enough to go, we will go & I will be slim & healthy. I hope that she won't even remember Mommy as fat.
  • Oh, that's great! The 50 pound reward for my hubby and I is going to be a rollercoastering trip. We went 'coasting for our honeymoon and the attendant had to STAND on the buckles to get them to click on my husband and I, so I know the embarrassment of which you speak! Good work!


  • That is so SWEET! I avoid amusement parks for just that reason!

    Im thrilled to hear it!! Keep up the fan-taboulous work!!
  • Hooray for your sucess. Hope you had a wonderful time out with your son!
  • ROF Sheila, that is fantastic! And did you throw your arms around the ride attendant and give him a big hug? LOL I am sure you wanted to!
  • Thanks guys! Yeah I did want to give him a hug! Now if I can just get over the trauma of the ride!!! It was Mr. Freeze and it shoots you out of the station at about 70 mph and after it goes through the course, you get back to the station by going through the course backwards!!!
  • AWESOME victory! I can only imagine how great that must have been. Sometimes the littlest thing is the greatest motivation. Your kids are loving a more healthy "Mommy"
  • girl i hear you. i feel the same way. i went to six flags in georgia two years ago, and was really afraid i wasn't fitting into some of the rides very well either. i was embarressed thinking i wasn't going to get the seat belt fastened around me. this year, i don't plan to have that problem!!!

    Congrats on your victory!!! that is the most awesomest feeling!!! CONGRATS!!!
  • I had a similar experience last week. At the doctor's office I had to take a blood test and they flip a little arm rest thing down in front of you. LOL in the past I always try to squish myself up and pray the thing will go down in front of me! This time... pop... right down it went!!!