I need help with my numbers...

  • Hey chicky's - Okay, I went and did some figuring to see how many calories I need to lose weight. I used the calorie council's calculator on their website.

    It said that to maintain my weight of 179 lbs, I need to eat around 2004 calories per day. So to lose 1 lb a week I need to eat about 1500 per day. So technically, If I eat about that much and excercise, I should continue to lose, hopefully a little more than 1 pound per week. Right?

    I just wanted one of you smart ladies to look at my numbers and make sure I'm on the right track. I think I'm going to start using nutridiary to track my calories and excercise, because I have been just writing it down on paper.

    Thanks Y'all!!
  • I don't know where the smart ladies went ... so I'll answer. In a nut shell, yup, you've got it.
    Just remember that weight doesn't always come off in a straight downward logical line. We're women with hormones and water etc.
    I think there's a couple of gals in Calorie Counters KISS who use nutridiary and quite like it.
  • Very funny susan, I think you qualify........ Anyway, I tried nutridiary, but I think fitday might be easier for me.
  • I like fitday but I've been playing with mine for years.
    I'm happy to help if you'd like to give it a try.
    I'll be around off and on all morning. Just shout! or post I guess
  • 1500 Sound right to me just try not to go below 1200. Susan's right Darn that water retention hits us every month sound funny but the more water you drink the less you will retain
  • Susan thanks!

    Sarah- It is SO hard for me to go under 1500. I usually end up right around 1500, although some days I try for 1200. Yesterday I ate 1280 and today I'm really hungry.... But I do need to drink more water, that is for sure.