Body Brushing (anyone tryed it)

  • I was just wondering if anyones ever tryed body brushing? I know its when you use a medium stiff brush like a back scrubber on trouble areas with celulite and loose skin..... but I want to know if it works? and if so how long did you have to do it to see results?
  • Ouch! I wonder if this does work, Gotta hurt though with all my cellulite.

    I will have to watch this to see what everyones in put is!
  • I have done it a few times and have to say it is great for exfoliation but I haven't done it enough to see results for what it is suppose to be for. I think it does increase circulation to the parts that are brushed so it does seem to make sense that it could make a difference in skin tone.

    I'll watch this thread myself to see if anyone else has more experience.
  • Unfortunately, if you're left with excess skin after weight loss, dry brushing can't make it disappear. Skin is an organ - in fact it's the largest organ in your body! - and increasing circulation to it won't diminish its size. Just like rubbing your nose won't make it smaller.

    Check out our Weight Loss and Skin FAQs for more info on skin and weight loss.
  • Ive done it, but strictly as an exfoliate, and it felt really good, and I liked it, it really woke me up in the mornings before my shower, but I didnt see any changes in cellulite or anything like that. But I also didnt follow through, its one of those things that when I remember, I do it.
  • Figures that it doesnt work although I dont have a problem with loose skin more like celulite on my butt and upper thighs.. and a little around my belly button, very frustrating when you lose all that weight and you still find things to complain about.