How can i make something similar to KindBars?

  • Ive been looking for a way to make KindBars. Just the nut and dried fruit kind. So far ive been unsuccesful in finding any kind of recipe. Most of the ones ive found call for oatmeal or some other kind of grain or just the nuts and a crap load of white sugar. Im not very good at finguring cooking things out on my own so if anyone has any ideas i would be greatful.
  • Sorry - I haven't any clue as to what these are - wish I could help

    What are the KindBars made of? Are they like a granola bar or a protein replacement bar?
  • I have this recipe where you take any kind of nuts, fruits or whatever and put honey with them. Then you put them in tin cup cake things and freeze them. I dont know if this is like them or not?!?! Sorry.