Wow could this really be me?!?!

  • Alright ladies, I started a new job today... and this is a desk is a great job but i do a lot of sitting!! Now a month or so ago..this woulda been great...being that i was still a bit of a lazy bum. Plus it was a orentation day, (you know long...boring and lots of paperwork), so usually on a day like this ...i get bored and all i think about is what i am gonna eat for lunch. haha but today as i sat there...all i could think about was..."God, I hate sitting here...My legs are getting tired and siff, I can't wait to get to the gym and get on the treadmill!!" And then we took a tour of the building...usually i DREAD this ...lots of walking...but today i totally loved it and hated going back!!! I can't believe i was soo afraid to go to the gym...i absolutly adore it!!!

  • Congrats!!! I know how you feel. I went to a 3.5 hour long play the other night and had a similar experience. I guess this means we're changing our minds as well as our bodies. Keep up the good work!!!!
  • That's great! That's what I think when I'm sitting in my ultra long night Criminal Justice class....I'll look at the clock, and be thinking about the weight room that closes waaay too early!

    And shocker! I actually don't MIND walking from the parking lot anymore!
  • It is great! I usually go to the gym on my lunch break, and it is amazing the way my mind has changed habits from starting to think about lunch at 10am to thinking about what machine I am going to grab first when I get to the gym!
  • that is great news!!! I feel the same way. I get so bored sitting at my desk all day that i can't wait to move again. I didn't get to walk monday on my lunch break, and i found i was soooo bummed about spending another whole hour sitting on my tush at lunch. I too get excited about going to the gym. I can't wait until 5:30 today. I am trying a new class. a 30 minute abs class...and i could soooo use that!!
  • I know what you mean! My gym is in my office building, which is a pretty good drive from home. That means that I don't go over the weekends. I have never looked forward to Mondays so much!
  • Quote: I know what you mean! My gym is in my office building, which is a pretty good drive from home. That means that I don't go over the weekends. I have never looked forward to Mondays so much!
    ah man, i would love that. i don't have far to travel from my job to my gym but still it takes 15 minutes of travel time to get out of my building, into my car, on the road, into the parking lot, find a spot, out of the car and into the gym to go get changed. such a pain but i do love the gym though!!!