Girl Scout Cookies

  • In the past I have binged on boxes of Girl Scout Cookies. Just remembering it makes me feel sick to my stomach. But, it's the best feeling in the world because I do not feel any temptation to eat an enormous amount of them now.

    Last night, we were at someone's house and they had Thin Mints cookies out. I did have 2 of them and tasting them brought back SOO many not so good memories.

    I'm just so glad that I have finally experienced some kind of food that I didn't want to eat a crazy amount of. It was a nice feeling and I hope to feel a lot more of it in the future. Yay!
  • Isn't that a wonderful feeling!? I had the same experience the other night when my daughter was eating some Doritos. I had four of them, and was able to stop! Normally I'd eat an entire (large) bag myself.
    Congratulations on being mindful of what you eat!!