Self Challengers?

  • Is anyone else doing the Self challenge? I just did the month 1 workout, they have an mp3 on their website that plays the workout with counting and everything! I was impressed!
  • Ooooh what is this? Sounds v v interesting!
  • Its in Self magazine. They do a 3 month challenge every spring. I think March is the first month, so you might still find that issue in the stores. They have a cardio, strength, and eating plan/goal for each month and you can win stuff for finishing. I did it last year with a friend, but she moved away I don't know that I can list their website, but if you type it into google or another engine, I'm sure you can find it
  • I started the self challenge as well. To be honest, I haven't been using their workouts, just been using it as a log/accountability place. I will have to check the MP3 out though. Sounds interesting.
  • Yep. I really like it and it was one of the things that helped get me motivated to keep at it. I don't always do their workouts--I mix them in with other routines that I do, but I like that they have the option/outlines. I also like the menus that they provide (calculated to be around 1600 calories a day--I shave it down by about 150 and don't follow it to the letter, but it is a great place to get ideas, and they incorporate options like salads from McDonald's (with low-fat dressing and grilled chicken) and other quick and easy things to get/make).

    The best part is the log, though. I like the interface, it calculates calories burned for a bunch of options and is easy to use/look at. I know a lot of people here use fitday and this does not have as many features, but to me it is easier to use/a more appealing interface.

    I also really like Self magazine. I let my subscription lapse because I was eating and not moving so it made me feel guilty, but they have good workout tips and regimens and it is much more focused on health and well-being than a lot of other women's magazines. I've tried a few of those tips "guaranteed to please my man" and I want my money back. And so did he.

    You can set it up/see it here: Link Removed.
  • I'm sorry Misanthrope, I had to remove the link due to our Link Policy.