Protein shakes vs workout times

  • I've read a few different things about drinking protein shakes along with workouts/weigh lifting...Are you supposed to drink your shake before or after your workout? ..I've heard both and was just wanting input on what everyone else does and what they have heard.....I just joined a gym yesterday and want to start off on the right foot..
    Thanks for any help/advise you can give me
  • I think it's after. Muscles use the protein to repair themselves so it makes sense to drink it afterwards.
  • I usually eat a whole grain an half hour or so before working out then drink a protein shake within an hour after. This was advice given to me and it seems to be working. It seems to help the soreness that sometimes shows up after a day or so.
  • 45 mins to an hour before my workouts I usually have oatmeal and eggwhites.... After my workouts, within an hour, I usually have a protein drink with strawberries along with my sups such as Glutamine, Glucosamine and Vit C, I've read that everything absorbs faster after a workout...I haven't had a cold in 2 years...
  • Thanks everyone for the input...You all have been a big help