I weighed myself today and was so upset...

  • There was no one in the ymca area where the scale is and I said to myself let me weigh myself, I thought I would be in the 240-50 , and could not believe it when I saw my weight 267, I am still cringing just writing it down, and I know I have lost some weight because my clothes are loose, Oh my gosh I weigh so much, I have 100 lbs to loose, it is soo much. I am so depressed about this. Now I can go to the 100lb to loose group and post . Now I know why it is so hard to move around and have energy I am at the highest weight I have ever been at in my life. ugh!!
  • When I had to lose weight, I looked at in 10 lb increments. Losing 10 lbs doesn't sound too scary, does it? AND since I love to treat and reward myself, I promised myself fabulous rewards at every 10 lb milestone. For the first 10 lbs, I bought these absolutely adorable completely frivolous way too expensive sandals I loved. At the 20 lb mark, I got a one hour massage! Decadence. When I lost 30 lbs, I treated myself to a little shopping spree got a couple of cute sweaters and a new pair of jeans. To celebrate my 40 lb weight loss I got an expensive cut/color at a fancy salon. 50 lbs was another massage

    Don't let the numbers get in the way of the progress, little steps. Every pound lost is one pound closer to goal!!
  • Don't be so down on yourself, at least you know the size of the task now, and you sound like you're ready to get down to the hard work. It is possible, if it seems daunting at the moment just break it down into smaller goals like 5 or 10 pounds at a time. Losing 100lb sounds hard, but losing 10lb 10 times isn't quite so bad. The hardest pounds can sometimes be the first ones because it seems like such an effort to get started, but the one advantage of having a lot to lose is that it starts becoming a habit and you really get used to your new healthy lifestyle over the course of the journey!
  • But hey.... now when you lose the weight you can brag about losing 100 lbs! Don't feel to bad hun... we all get that "omgoodnes I'm not really that big, am I?!" moment. You'll get through it dear, just use this as motivation. Don't think of it as trying to lose 100 lbs. Think of it as trying to make yourself healthy. I'm assuming, on your journey to lose 100 lbs, you'll get to 240 lbs. Then you can say to yourself, wow! So this is what 240 lbs REALLY feels like! Then you can proud of yourself for losing more than 20 lbs and being so much more healthier than you started.
  • I'm sorry you had a bad scale day. Try to look at the positive changes you've already made. You said your clothes are already fitting better. Congatulations on that achievement!!!! I know it sounds horrible when you see 100 pounds to lose. You need to just take each day as a chance to make healthy choices, and gradually, those choices will add up.
  • But you can tell yourself that today is the last day that you'll ever weigh 267 pounds.

    We all have to start somewhere - I was only ten pounds less than you are when I started. And when I thought about losing 100 pounds - 100 pounds! - I thought it was simply impossible.

    But I knew that I could lose five pounds, and so I did. Over and over again. Just like the other posters.

    MrsJim (one of the moderators here who's lost 115+ pounds and kept if off for more than 15 years) once said that having to lose 100 pounds is like being handed a cup and a teaspoon and being told to move a mountain. It's overwhelming! But if you take it little by little, day by day, you will move that mountain!

    Don't be depressed! You're taking the first steps on a journey that will change your life in wonderful and unexpected ways! There are so many of us standing on the sides of the road, all at different stages of the journey, and all cheering you on and ready to pick you up if you fall. And there's a group of us who have made it to the end of the road - who have succeeded in moving that mountain - saying come and join us -- you'll never regret it!
  • I completely agree. Sometimes it is really hard to not allow yourself to become overwhelmed by the numbers. I admit that I obsess over the scale and my measurements, etc. to the point of driving myself crazy sometimes. I have friends who always try to remind me, however, that even if I didn't lose a pound in the past few days, or even if i FEEL fat, I am making better choices, and that's making a world of (very slow) difference. So, sometimes, when I start to get overwhelmed, I have to remember to have faith. Faith that the system does work, if you keep after it. It's sort of like a mountain of housework...you'll get it done a lot faster if you don't check around on your progress too much, but instead just grit your teeth and go for it.

    Good luck to you! If you stumble along the way, join the club! We're all here to help you out.
  • I, for one, am extremely proud of you, my dear. You faced down that demon scale. Getting on was a big, big step. I know, because I avoided mine for over a year (last weigh-in was before Christmas season, 2004). Since it's one of those big sliding weights ones, hiding it in a closet was never an option. It stood in the bathroom every day, silently challenging me... get on, get on...

    On January 1 of this year, I finally gathered up my courage and did what you've just done.

    Believe me, I know it's disheartening to have it tell you more than you were hoping to hear, but now you know. And you've already started on the journey to where you want to be! I know you'll get there.

    Good luck, I have faith you'll do just fine!
  • Wow the support here is amazing, and being able to read stories of everyday people who have stood in your shoes and walked those miles ... it helps. Chin up!
  • Scales s-u-c-k
    But....they are a necessary tracking tool. I weigh myself every 3 weeks. I was getting to the point where I was weighing myself 3 or 4 times a day. I was obsessed. Finally I had my hubby hide the scale and he now brings it out on my weigh-in dates. I also measure myself every 2 weeks. That is also a great way to measure(no pun intended) progress. I love losing inches more than pounds!

    It's so hard in the beginning, but it's at the beginning where we learn our greatest lessons. We all have to start somewhere and then we get to look back and think, wow, look how far I have come. You'll get there. Please just be patient. Have faith in yourself, eat well and move. That's all ANY of us can do. We are all only as great as our inner strength allows. Inner strength will grow as you shrink. Believe me!

    Take care hun. We are here for you.
  • Take a deep breath, Everything is going to be alright. You now know your starting point. And that's ONLY what that number on the scale is! That number would've been the same had you not seen it. Don't take that 100# goal on all at once. Break it down into something managable and realistic for the short term. Start out with 10#, which is very do-able. You may be able to take that off fairly quickly (alot of people with 100# or more to lose see drastic changes alot sooner than those with less to lose ) and this will give you even MORE motivation to keep it going.
    I know how hard it is to get that determination, that iron-clad will that makes you exercise everyday (even if it's just walking in place in front of your t.v. for a half hour) and keep those cals to a minimum. I have struggled with that too. After many start and stops, I finally just said to myself that I DON'T want things to be the same way this time next year. I want to live my life healthy and fit. If I can make that decision, which is what dieting is- YOUR decision, you can too!
    If you need to talk, you can message me! We are here for you and everyone here understands how difficult it can be to see that number on the scale...just don't let a number defeat you and prevent you from goin for your goal!
  • I don't know anyone who hasn't had that moment. Stood on the scales and seriously thought that this is impossible, and then felt all the self hatred that goes along with being morbidly obese.

    There are two sorts of people. The first lot see that number, and walk away. Think the problem is too big, and just live in denial of their weight. I did that for 10 years.

    The other type of people take a huge sigh, have a bit of a pity party, then get on with it, taking it a pound, a day and a meal at a time. It is hard, but it is doable, there are so many success stories here.

    And every single person here will help you, we may not always agree with one another, but we all care about you and your journey.

    Joining 3FC has been the biggest help in my weight loss journey.
  • I just want to second everyone here.

    You CAN do it, and the fact that you were IN THE Y ALREADY shows that it doesn't matter what it says on the scale, you're already embracing your healthy lifestyle.

    Keep going, making small changes is the way forward. Forget about the scale, use your clothes as a guide - and they are already loose, so that's GREAT!
  • My psychologist reccomended to me that I not use the scale that often. I still do, but she reccomended that I use another thing to guage my weight loss. I have a dress that I last wore when I was 14 (and weighed about 130) and I use that dress to mark how much weight I have lost.