Calories for 3 Oz Chicken

  • Can anyone help me with this ?

    or a website referral ....

    I just wanna know I am also keeping track of my total calorie intake for the week. Wanna see How I do.

    If I cant count it with a Definite number It is NOT going in my mouth.

  • How is the chicken prepared? Is it dark or light meat? 3 oz of roasted light meat (meat only, no skin) would contain 129 calories, 3.4 g fat, and 0 fiber = 3.4 pts. The nutrition is slightly different for chicken, depending on how it's prepared, and if you are counting 3 oz before cooking or after. The USDA has a huge listing under chicken to cover just about every method and part. We had the USDA database programmed to provide pts, you might find it helpful

    A great site for tracking all of your calories is It's free and really useful.
  • Oh yeah I forgot those details.

    It is skinless boneless chicken breast. I made it on the stove top.
  • Quote: If I cant count it with a Definite number It is NOT going in my mouth.
    don't do this to yourself or you'll just drive yourself crazy. There are going to be things (dining at a friends, dining at a restaurant, etc) where you are not going to have exact numbers and the best you can do is a close guestimate. It is not going to kill you efforts if you are a little over or under on occasion.

    Even the items provided on fast food or restaurant websites are not always exact...different regions or different brands can be a little off.

    In general if you don't have the nutritional info use 1 point per 1 ounce cooked for the chicken provided there is no skin and no oil used in preparation. Spices are freebies.

    I actually get about 6 oz of boneless skinless chicken breast from Costco that works out to 4 points.

    Suzanne provided you a good reference for nutritional info but there are some others out on the web:

    Calorie King

    Diet Facts

    and the USDA website at
  • Okay your right ... it is almost impossible to be that OBSESSIVE over it ...

    I am gonna take your advice. It sounds like you know what your talking about.

    Thank you so much
