Have You Fallen off the Weight-Loss Wagon?

  • I noticed that lately I'm not as "gung ho" as I was earlier. I haven't been counting EVERY calorie. (Shame on me!) I can't blame counting calories on this at all... because it DOES work. I suppose some of it started when I gained those nasty four pounds when I last had my period. Apparently it wasn't just water weight because I certainly didn't LOSE them the next week. For ME, I think it is because I like to hear or see or read weight loss success stories... such as the "Special Edition Biggest Loser" programs... They haven't had any lately but I did hear that there WILL be one tomorrow night!! Also, I still am not able to exercise because of the broken bone in my foot. I swear that the physical therapy is more like physical torture. Anyhow, in my Inbox this morning was the latest newsletter from Weight Watchers. (I can't seem to unsubscribe because I no longer have a log in at the website.) It's on "falling off the wagon.."

    This is from Weight Watchers:

    Have You Fallen off the Weight-Loss Wagon?

    If you're like many people, you started the new year with some serious dieting — and tons of motivation. But it's been a few months now... has your drive begun to wane?

    You may have noticed it happening. A few weeks ago, you were excited to strap on your sneakers and go for a walk. Now: What a nuisance. You prided yourself on absolute perfection then; now, well... lots of high-calorie foods are slipping under your radar. To an outsider, it probably looks like you've given up. And it may even feel that way to you.

    The good news is you're not alone. Running out of steam is normal, even if it's to the point where you've stopped your efforts altogether. It's a page in every success story. The difference between those who succeed and those who don't, though, is what they do when they lapse — give up or keep going.
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    Keep Driving!

    "Losing weight is a process," says Howard J. Rankin, PhD, clinical psychologist and author of Inspired to Lose (Stepwise Press, 2001), "one that requires work and naturally involves problems. So falling on and off the weight-loss wagon is to be expected."

    Think of it like a road trip. When you first get on the road, do you expect to never have to stop and get gas? To never have to check the road map to get your bearings? Also, when you get lost, do you get frustrated and say, "Forget it, I'm going back home"?

    No. You keep going. Because the place you want to go is worth the trip, and giving up is not an option. It helps to look at weight loss in the same way: You will get to your weight goal, no matter what the route. Rest stops along the way are only pauses. They're not failures; they're lessons learned. It's getting over the fear of failure that stops a lot of people from seeing weight loss as a journey. When you've lost and gained over and over, the prospect of dieting can become more intimidating, rather than less. You don't want to be disappointed again. It can be hard to get back on track.

    Tips for Resuming Your Weight Loss

    Forgiving yourself when your diet goes poorly is the first step, but once that's done, Rankin suggests putting things in perspective. Wherever you are, from this point forward it can become better or worse. Then, take it one step at a time to make things better. Try these tips:

    Set small, manageable goals to overcome the inertia of getting started. This usually means tackling one behavior at a time, like cutting down on desserts or drinking more water. One dieter, Melissa, started by substituting water for soda. "Then I changed from regular potato chips to baked potato chips," she says.

    Reconnect with your motivation as often as you can. Revisit the reasons you wanted to lose weight in the first place (if you haven't already, write them down). Are they still true today, or do they need reworking?

    Readjust your expectations. Finally, accept that if you wanted to lose two pounds a week and are averaging two a month, at least you're moving in the right direction.
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    Take each day as it comes. Even if you have a "bad" day one day, start out fresh the next.
  • Hmm.. I did some "housekeeping" on my website and apparently I deleted my tulip image. Drat! I wonder where I found that?? LOL


    ******* Disregard... I found a new one! ***********

  • Wow..Kim ...that is totally awesome article. I think that the mental part of losing weight is so difficult. I know that I have been struggling with the darn scale and finally buried it in the closet. THat DARN! thing rules my day..Well not any longer. I am the boss of it....Thanks for posting that!
  • Thanks, Kimberly, for a great article find! I especially like the Tips section at the bottom. It's so important that we periodically re-evaluate how this plan (whatever your plan is) is working, or not-working, and make adjustments. Sometimes just a tweaking to the plan is all that's needed to get you fired up again!

    I'm still in the honeymoon phase, all giddy and hepped-up about this "new" lifestyle, but I'm sure I'll hit the wall eventually. I always do, but usually by this time, I've already hit it. Hard.

    This time, though, I think I'm ready for it. Scratch that, I *know* I'm ready for it. And when it happens, I have every confidence I'll acknowledge it, get back on track and keep on moving. Easier said than done, as I know from past experience.

    Reading articles like that are a great help when that time comes.
  • Thanks for this article....I had a baaaad weekend!
    Yes, we went to the moutains this weekend and although I spent a few hrs. raking leaves in the yard, I packed on the calories too. I hoped it would even out but this morning....the scale...was up 2 lbs. Pizza, liver and onions,
    and too embarased to tell you the rest. I am sooo mad at myself, it felt so good to lose 6 lb now its down to 4. Back to the drawing board, I know I must move on, but the next time we go to the mts. the same temptations
    will be there, after all I eat salads 3-4 times a week and there is no such thing as a low cal restaurant up there, its pizza, steak restaurant, or a good old fashioned homestyle restaurant. oh well time to move on. I think I'll get on the treadmill this morning. Thanks for the words of wisdom anyway.
  • Thanks for that, I needed it! I've had a lot of stuff going on lately, ranging from awesomely good to horrible news. It's been a roller coaster, and I let calorie-counting and exercise slip completely for the past couple weeks. As a result, I've gained back 5.5 of the lbs I'd lost so far.
    But, I teamed up with my sister and we started a two-week jump start yesterday. It feels good to be back on track, although I am still sorry for the time I lost. I know that March is when most people (who started dieting with the New Year) jump ship, and I so hate being a bad statistic. Thanks for the pep talk!