300+ And Ready To Try Again.. #849

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  • WELCOME !!!

    We are a group of individuals who weigh or have weighed 300+, or near there. This group was formed to provide a place for others like us to find support and hope. We are aware of the distinct problems that come with weighing over 300 lbs.

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  • Oops - posted to the last thread after brandnewme had closed it . . .

    Julee – I can’t believe I forgot to say happy birthday yesterday. Sorry! Hope your day was fantastic.

    Luan – I wish I could invite you over for a make-up party. I totally need help in that area! One of my problems is that makeup doesn’t seem to stick to my face very well.

    Putting on my accounting hat . . . since you are using it for work, it can be a tax write off, but only if you are actively engaged in marketing and selling something, including services in conjunction with the expenditures. As well, you can be limited to expense write-offs up to the amount of money that you make doing that activity if the IRS could consider it a hobby (if it isn’t your primary source of income). If most of the work you are doing is as a subcontractor, you probably are OK, but if your shoot jobs pay you on a W-2, then you might want to so some more research. Here is a little blurb from the IRS on business vs. hobby: http://www.irs.gov/businesses/small/...=99239,00.html. Don’t mean to be a downer, and maybe you know all this already, but I remembered this from my tax class last year.

    Countess – I use the weight charting in the online food recording site I use (like fitday, but another one), so I don’t keep anything in Excel at this point. If you are looking for some help with Excel, I would be happy to help. I use Excel all day long and can pretty easily throw something together.

    Lillian – I can only do about 5 minutes on the elliptical and I feel totally worn out. Good job on making it for 6! I am trying to keep going with it because it really works the top of the thigh and that is where I am really weak, which causes me all the trouble in stair climbing.

    Tashabella – That is really good news about the mammogram. I know how you feel about the bleeding. I haven’t stopped for a couple of weeks now. I was supposed to have my pre-surgery appointment today, and the doctor cancelled on me – again! This is the second time. I am rescheduled for Monday – we shall see. . .

    Dogpal – I am sorry to hear about your job. You got that one, so you can go out and find an even better one that won’t immediately discriminate against you for health problems. I am just glad to hear that you are OK. That must have been so scary!

    Heather – Just tell yourself you will exercise for a few minutes – I set my goal at 10. Once you have done that you can always do more. 10 minutes is not intimidating and totally do-able. I find with exercise the hard part is starting it. Once I am doing it I am usually glad to be, and then I can continue.

    Crock – Congrats on the loss! 2 pounds is great!
  • Thanks Nancy I was very shocked at a 2 lb lost considerring that Aunt Margaret is here for her monthly visit.....shew... However My Mother made her infamous home made spaghetti today,, and it is MY FAVORITE meal, this is a test for sure,, the smell is killen me and I know that a craving will be following,, it is 20 degrees outside, and I may put some warm clothes on and Hang outside for a while just to get away from the smell..... This is my first hurdle. in a month.. I have had absolutely no cravings,, but the Spaghetti is a killer.....................................
  • Ammi-I shoveled snow that was knee deep yesterday. I haven’t done that since my knees were much closer to the ground. I hate having occasional treats because it can set me up for a binge or make it harder to get off. And yes, the mango pie was heavenly.

    Stephanie-Welcome! Take everything one day at a time, and one pound at a time, and think healthy first, and it will work out in the long run.

    Brenda-I had to cater a lunch meeting for my husband this Tuesday, and they got veggie plates, low fat hummus, and low cal ranch dressing, etc. I salute you for having the courage to make brownies. No way I’d ever be able to do that. Of course if you are actually trying to raise money, you couldn’t do low-cal. My husband’s cohorts couldn’t complain about only having low-cal choices.

    Valerie-are Dachsie’s good mice catchers? We don’t have them yet, but apparently mice are rampant here, and my husband’s last roommate took his cat with him when he left. I’m convinced that as soon as I steam clean the basement, and get rid of the old cat smell, that the mice will come back. I don’t really care for cats, and would prefer a dog that is bred for rodents. I’ve always had bassets, and they are good to keep gophers out of the yard, although they do more damage than any gopher could, but I’m not sure about mice.

    Julee-Happy Birthday, if you are celebrating this year. Mine is coming up, so I am trying to decide how I feel about it.

    Dogpal-I’m sorry about your job. The American’s with Disabilities Act doesn’t allow them to fire you for having a mental illness so long as they have enough employees to come under the AMA, and you can do your job with reasonable accommodations. Shame on them. I can take several weeks for some medications to start working. Use this time to make your health, not your weight, your full time job.
  • Crock - Can you have the sauce without the spaghetti - perhaps put it on some veggies or something?
  • Hello all...no time to catch up on posts right now.
    My friend Katt is going to come over...and I'm making a set of dreadfalls! So excited! So I have a new set to wear to the concert. Should be able to catch up later. It's just been a crazy day!
  • NANCY~~I never thought about it, but I think it is regular sauce,,, one serving has ever bit of 16g of sugar,,,, However, I have drank water, took a walk outside, then just chilled out and evaluated this......... I dont even want to go of plan till I see a 50lb loss, and if there is something then that I would like to have then I will do that,,,,,,,,,,as it stands at my 50 loss goal, the spaghetti dinnier will be fine,, but Clothes will be on the list as well....
    Thanks for talking me through this Nancy,,,, You are apreciated........big hug.
  • Julee - happy belated birthday - congrats on the size 16s and I hope you have fun shopping for your dress!

    Luan - are you going to be a makeup artist to the stars when you finish?

    Crock - let's make a deal is back on TV??? What station?

    Tashabella - I hope you get your health straightened out. I know it can be horribly frustrating dealing with gynecologists who act like it is not your decision what happens to YOUR body!!

    Tracey - Way to go with the attitude! Carpe Diem, seize the day and exercise whenever you can. I am bad about setting up particular days to begin something...just another way to put things off. Glad you are not falling for your own tricks there. ha ha ha

    Wyllen - Thanks for the link. At the gym they have an electronic machine that sends a current thru your body to measure the BMI. It is supposed to be more accurate than the calculation. It is one of the newer methods of figuring out BMI. Like they used to weigh you underwater to do it. I like the machine, it doesnt hurt at all.

    Dogpal - sorry to hear about your job but maybe it is for the best. Give you time to adjust to your meds and all that. I hope your medicine gets rid of the panic attacks. I know they are awful, I have them myself sometimes. I take clonipin to help with mine. Im not sure what other medications I take affect them but I know that one helps.

    Heather - get your butt in gear woman!! you are only cheating yourself, you know. You have come so very far, not time to stop now!!! You can do it!!

    Wow Countess - You are doing great!! Are you on South Beach?? Phase one moves the weight fast like that. Congratulations!

    Nancy - good advice for Luan! It is nice to know people from all walks of life who are willing to help each other! This is such a great group!!

    Crock - maybe you could do like I have done and just eat the sauce and meatballs (if she makes em) and skip the noodles. Just a thought. But I see now that someone else suggested it. If you think it will throw you off program to have just the sauce, skip it! But if you can have a little bit you could make a chicken breast and put a tablespoon of sauce on that and eat it to get the taste and stay on program.

    Catherine - I have never ever shovelled snow. I am glad to miss out on that exercise but I bet it is good for the muscles all over your body! You have your own built in gym in your front yard this time of year. ha ha

    Tashabella - congratulations on the mammogram! I know you are very relieved!

    Kayle- what exactly are dreadfalls? something you put in your hair???
    Glad you and andrew worked out your difficulties.

    Went to the gym today and weighed and today it was 282. I do not know how people can weigh daily. This would drive me stark raving mad with the fluctuations! I am going back to weekly weigh ins only!

    Bad news, since my mom joined the gym, my workouts have been cut in half. She can only go about 5 minutes on the bike or treadmill and less on the elliptical and she does just a few of the machines right now. Today she did one. plus the treadmill for 5 min and the elliptical for a minute or two.

    so I only got a 30 minute workout before I went to find her and she was sitting in the car in the heat on her cell phone. So I went ahead and left. I am used to doing an hour at least so this is bothering me. I hope it improves. The good thing is we went two days in a row and that is nice. I am very glad she is making some kind of effort to workout too. I think that is great, but I miss my longer workouts.

    Guess I am going to have to get back to doing videos in my room. I have so many now, it is a crime that I am not using them.

    I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!
  • Hello Everybody,

    Woohoo, well I did it, I actually exercised every day this week. I SO didn't want to on most of the days, but I dragged myself out of bed, did it, and feel so happy that I did.

    It's been a weird week, sometimes I have felt so good because I am in control and dieting, but other days I have felt like a big fat pig, and that the lbs can't be coming off because I still look so fat when I look in the mirror. I know I have lost 11 lbs, and on Monday I will find out if I have lost more than that. Today is one of the days that I feel fat and ugly, so I keep having this voice in my head saying you will only have lost 2 lbs or something in the last month. Oh well I will try not to dwell on it. What do you all do to snap out of similar moods?

    Julee - sorry I am late wishing you a Happy Birthday. It sounds like you had a really lovely day and that Jason bought you some lovely gifts. He sounds like a real romantic.

    And Size 16 pants, that is awesome, good for you, that would have been the best birthday present ever. I will be happy to just get out of th 30s and into the 20s

    Have a wonderful weekend, I look forward to hearing all about the shopping for a dress etc.

    Zelma - I am glad that my words helped perk you up. I think you have done amazingly to lose all the weight you have and as I have said before, you look like a different person, a much happier, healthier woman. Any time you feel down about trying to shift a few more lbs always remember how far you have come and how wonderful you look now.

    Kayley - I wish I could have some of your enthusiasm towards exercising. To actually look forward to exercising would be wonderful. Hopefully it will come as I lose the lbs. Now it's just hard work.

    Garnetfairy - I hope that when you have your official WI you will still have lost that 7 lbs. I am such a wimp when it comes to weighing, I won't even weight a day early because if I weigh the next day and see a gain I will be so depressed. I hope you are braver than me just in case it being two different scales will mean you will see a different outcome.

    Crock - oh for goodness sake, Will and Grace was off again, that sucks. I hope that the episode will be worth the wait. So it will be on next Thursday??

    Congrats on the 2 lbs lost, you are doing brilliantly, woohoo

    Tasha - you are really going through the wars aren't you. I am sorry that the mamogram was so painful, and that you are still suffering with the bleeding. Did you manage to get your letter written to the gynaecologist. I don't blame you for ripping up the original referral you had, it must have been a bit much to deal with. I just hope you will get another referral and that all your health issues can be dealt with.

    Tracey - I hear you on the putting off exercising thing. Why do we put things off til Monday, it's crazy isn't it. Good on you for not waiting til Monday and making yourself exercise today

    Wyllen - I hope you will be feeling much better soon, don't forget to drink lots of hot lemon and honey.

    Dogpal - I am disgusted that you lost your job because they said you were mentally disturbed. Since when is a panic attack considered as mentally disturbed anyway. I have them, and it's all linked to my depression I guess, but even then I don't consider that being mentally disturbed. A person mentally disturbed takes a knife and butchers their baby, or the person who sacks them Seriously that is really awful that you have been treated so badly. I would take them to some discrimination board if I was you.

    How are you doing now anyway, feeling better I hope. Congrats on losing another 3 lbs, you are doing brilliantly

    Heather - what is the dance dance game? It sounds fun, would it help inspire me to exercise? I have been in a rut myself this week, though as I said at the start of my post I managed to force myself to exercise this week.

    Countess - 18 lbs in 12 days, that is amazing. Are you feeling well, no problems with dizziness or anything?

    Catherine - now see, that is the kind of snow that we should have if schools are going to close and for buses to stop running etc lol. Good on you for getting out there in the thick of it shovelling it off the path, I bet you worked off that Mango Pie. I can understand you on the treats thing, I am like that now, but I hope by the time I have lost a whole heap of weight I will feel safer allowing myself treats.

    Sharon (neurotica) - haven't seen you on here in ages, I hope you are at least lurking and reading posts. I hope to see you post soon.

    Jill, Sharon, Andrea, all the Brendas, and everybody else I have missed, I hope you are all keeping well and that you will post soon.


  • Dogpal -- I am so sorry about your job! That truly stinks. Catherine's ADA comment was interesting, but I wonder if you work in an "at will" state, can they fire you for any old reason they want? (I know we're getting way off topic now...)

    Ammi -- WooHoo! for exercising every day this week! I completely understand the feeling of dragging myself kicking and screaming to exercise. I still feel that way often.

    I know what you mean about having those days when you feel fat. I think I feel it more sometimes after having lost a lot of weight. I mean, I've lost almost 70 pounds and I'm STILL obese? How can this be? I don't have any great advice for pulling yourself out of it, except to focus on the positives -- the healthy eating and the exercise you're doing. You'll be fitting into new clothes and able to do new things and THAT'S where the focus should be. Course, I know that's easier said than done, but it's what I'm trying to do.

    As for me, I am FINALLY starting to feel better. I went into work today and actually felt stronger as the day went on. yesterday I was only in for a couple of hours, all fevery and coughy... so maybe I've finally turned the corner!! Hopefully I can get some exercise in soon!
  • Wyllen - thanks for the and for the advice about what to do on my fat days. I mean I KNOW I am fat, but it's just weird how somedays I really FEEL it.

    I am sorry you feel that way even though you have lost so much weight. I guess it's because you just want to hurry up and get to goal. So all I can say to you is when you have a 'fat' day, look at old photos, look at old clothes, you have proof positive that you are doing fantastically well and are way on your way to your ultimate goal.

    Glad to hear you think you are finally turning the corner when it comes to your flu. Mind you, you are better than me, I wouldn't push myself to go to work if I was feeling poorly. A cold is one thing, but flu is something totally different.

    Anyway take care, have a good weekend, and I hope by Monday you will be feeling so much better.


  • Ammi~~ I think you are beautiful..... I have days like that as well, and I just look at long term,,, each and every day I am doing better , Understanding more,and am going to be around longer and enjoy my success.... I try to focus on the big picture,, 1 lb loss is not two gained,, you know what I mean,,?? Look at what all you have overcome, and look at what you do each and every day,,, You will get through this,, thats what I am here for and all of your friends here...... You take care,, We will try to chat this weekend,, Take Care My Friend
  • Evening chickadees!

    I took part of today off and went shopping in the city alone. It was really kind of nice being able to go to the stores that I wanted to go to and take my time there. I found a denim skirt ( which I have been looking for forever!) and a nice tee-tank shirt type thing. I am going to be moving departments on Monday and want to WOW the staff there that havent really seen me since last spring. It is SO cute and actually slims me out and a size smaller again than what I have been wearing. YEAH!

    Other than that, my nephew is here watching hockey on the TV and steve is at work so I took my nephew out to eat for dinner and of course wanted pizza… I had a thin crust chicken thing. It was very good and lowfat so I think I was ok.We walked there too and I walked all day shopping (8.5hrs) so I am sure I could afford it. After dinner we went to the clothing store and I tried on a bunch of clothes and found a really nice shirt and skirt for a wedding this summer. I think I might go back tomorrow and get it.

    Crock ~ Congrats on the 2 lbs gone forever!!!! I hope I can show a loss this week!

    Dogpal ~ So sorry and p*ssed off that you lost your job. I truly belive you are better off and there are brighter things ahead for you! Congrats though on losing weight this week !

    Tashabella ~ Glad to hear that all went well with your tests as unpleasant as they can be.

    Lillian ~ You are inspiring me. I think I will try 6 tonight too! That machine is EVIL!

    Julee ~ happy birthday to you… happy birthday to you….la la la I’ll spare you my singing…. I am not very good at it! I can only DREAM of size 16 jeans!! I bought a 26 demin skirt today and was tickled L

    Garnet ~ Maybe you could ask your mom to take a book with her even every second trip to the gym so she would have something to do when she finishes her workout. Then maybe you can catch a few more minutes without feeling guilty.

    Ammi ~ Good luck with your weighin… you have been so well behaved and exercising I am sure you will be sucessful And we ALL have those days. Today was a skinney day for me.....yesterday, well that was another story!

    Wyllenn ~ curl up on the couch and take care of yourself.

    That’s all for now!
  • I almost didn't do it you guys. I almost talked myself into waiting until Monday but then I remembered that I promised myself I would exercise and that there is nothing wrong with me so I got off my butt and got it done. And I'm really proud of myself. But boy oh boy do I already feel it. Not exercising for seven weeks and my body forgot what it felt like. So it felt like I was starting all over again but I know after a couple of weeks I'll be back into the swing of things again.
  • Ammi -- Thanks for the good words. I know I'm thinner... it's just a paradox that I'm also still fat.

    As for going to work, I teach and am just missing so many classes! At least I have the option of going in for an hour or two and getting something done.

    Brenda -- Thanks for the couch wish. I'm doing that right now!

    Tracey -- Good for you for exercising!! Way to go!! Now, do it again soon!