frozen vs. fresh

  • COD got onto me because I used frozen chicken breasts and frozen fish. Now let's talk's cheaper to buy the frozen stuff because you can buy it in bulk. So if I use the frozen chicken and frozen fish is it really that bad?? I know it's higher in sodium....but if you soak it in water will it help decrease that? (i heard that somewhere didn't know if it was true). Any advice?
  • I never thought of the frozen chicken having more sodium. I buy them all the time for the same reason as they are cheaper. I've never mentioned to them that I buy them frozen I just write what I eat. I'm not going to start paying a lot more for fresh chicken unless it's a whole fryer I'm cooking. Were already buying fresh fruits and veggies
  • I always but frozen chicken too.I sometimes buy fresh but only if there is a sale . I just put what I eat. If there is more sodium it hasnt effected me. I wouldnt worry about it personally.I would buy what was cheaper!
  • the chicken I buy that is frozen (the breast in bags) have no sodium....i thought it was only when it was seasoned that you had to worry. I don't know though, but at my gorcery store, most of their meat like fish or chicken is frozen (unless you shop in the evening and it has unthawed)
  • I too buy the frozen chicken. I did the fresh(or so I thought) one time and ended up getting so sick it wasn't funny. Won't do that again. As far as fish, there is nowhere here in town that sells fresh fish, most of it has been frozen and then thawed out, and says previously frozen. Like Barbara said, I never even write down fresh or frozen, I just write chicken and fish.
  • I think your COD is on crack!
  • I buy my chicken breasts at Costco in a big box, each one individually wrapped. I haven't had any problems with more sodium.

    I did look at the label on the Gorton's Garlic & Butter Fish that my DH likes so much... it was like 400 mg of sodium. I'm wondering if your COD is thinking along those lines?
  • Juliemarie:
    I am starting to think so too! All this has been since the new people have come in. I was just wondering what ya'll thought. I am currently out of chicken so I couldn't check the label! Thanks ya'll.
  • I have a full bag here is what it says.

    1 piece
    210 cal
    cal from fat 70
    total fat 7 g
    saturated fat 2 g
    polyunsaturated fat 1 g
    monounsaturated fat 2.5 g
    cholesterol 110 mg
    sodium 610
    protein 36 g
    contains up to 15% solution of water, salt and sodium phosphates. Well I guess I won't be putting any lite salt on these anymore.
  • Total Fat 2.1 g
    Saturated Fat 0.6 g
    Cholesterol 99 mg
    Sodium 111 mg
    Total Carbohydrates 0 g
    Dietary Fiber 0 g
    Sugars 0 g
    Protein 39.3 g
    Calcium 18.7 mg
    Potassium 434.5 mg

    this is 6 oz of chicken from calorie king...fresh, so you can compare.
  • Quote: COD got onto me because I used frozen chicken breasts and frozen fish. Now let's talk's cheaper to buy the frozen stuff because you can buy it in bulk. So if I use the frozen chicken and frozen fish is it really that bad?? I know it's higher in sodium....but if you soak it in water will it help decrease that? (i heard that somewhere didn't know if it was true). Any advice?
    Were you up in weight? Any time I have been up regardless of how small it is, the counselor says "What did you do?" and pours over my journal looking for reasons. One time, a Wednesday, she couldn't find any reason so she told me to follow the book (I do) and only eat chicken or fish for a week. I said "the book says venison is good with no red dot for limited". She said "Eat only fish for the next week and see how you do!"

    I had steak that night AND wine. Then I had venison the next day for lunch and dark meat chicken for dinner. I was down a pound on Friday.
  • On Tuesday, I went in the afternoon to weigh instead of first thing in the morning. I also had jeans on instead of the usual lightweight pants I normally wear. I knew I was going to be up, but wasn't going to let it bother me. I was up 1.2 lbs. and she really looked at my journal. Blamed it on the beef I had 2 days prior - Eating red meat and a starch in the same meal - Eating fruits after dinner - blah blah blah I explained all this to her and she jotted it down in my file. Went in on Thursday and was down 3.2 lbs. and had the same counselor, her comment was "I see you followed my advice" WHATEVER!!!!
  • When I weigh in, the same thing happens - they seem to have to find some comment to make about the journal. I mean, I'm losing an average of over 2 pounds a week, I just have to keep doing what I'm doing, but it's always "You need to switch up your diet - don't eat the same things every day." Or they want to sell me some supplement or other.

    The chicken I eat is whatever frozen chicken is on sale - sometimes it has a salt solution added, and sometimes not. And I only eat frozen fish - doesn't seem to have hurt my weight loss any!
  • Boy, In reading these comments I'm soooo glad my COD are nice. Only twice have they told me something "weird" one was that celery contains a lot of sodium (NOT true) and that if I sucked on a piece I could taste it... I tried and I didn't, LOL, and the other thing they tried to tell me was that the soy in the LALites would help my skin shrink back during weight loss. My doctor just raised his eyebrows...