stretching after running - need recommendations

  • Hi everybody,

    After months and months of fear, I finally started running back in December (21-day challenge). Then I stopped for a bit, and started again in February. I've made a lot of progress, going from just 3 minutes of comfortable running to often more than 20 minutes. I've done 30 minutes several times as well. When I started running again in February, it was just 10 minutes at first and then I was adding 30 seconds each day, sometimes more if I felt up to it.
    I usually run a long an unsealed road and, apart from stones, find it a lot more comfortable than asphalt. The road is a series of up and downs with a few steeper stretches, so it's certainly a tougher and better workout than on a flat track.
    I run every day, and the reason for that is that I want to make it into a habit. If I'd take a day off, it would be very hard to get back to it... Maybe that'll improve with time, but right now I'm still somewhat making myself run. I did take a day off once because of extreme tiredness, and the day after was horrible!
    The first 5-8 minutes are usually tough, which means that interval running is out. No way I'm going through the first few minutes several times!

    What I do is walk a few minutes to a spot where I start running, do the run, and then walk for at least 10 but usually 20-30 minutes to cool down.
    I do some stretches when I get home, mostly things from my Yoga class. I do know I'm not doing enough. Recently my legs have been feeling very stiff, so I know I need to stretch more and better. So I need advice...

    When to stretch... right after, or after the walk? Before runnig?
    What stretches are best? Descriptions would be best... I'm a bit dum when it comes to names of moves/stretches.

    Thanks so much in advance.

    PS: Is there anything that could stop my face getting SO AWFULLY red? I'm getting self-conscious because people I meet stare at my face... I goes totally red no matter whether I'm running faster or slower and how long...
  • The jury's out on stretching before running. Some studies show that it makes no difference to flexibility, and risk of injury. If you want to stretch, walk briskly for 5 minutes first, never stretch a cold muscle. Dynamic stretches are best before running, according to my reading. Here is a good link

    Stretching after running is important. You'll find good books and websites on stretching. I do hamstrings, calf, glutes, back (several ones for back) shoulders and arms. I can't describe stretches in a post though!!!
  • Quote:
    PS: Is there anything that could stop my face getting SO AWFULLY red? I'm getting self-conscious because people I meet stare at my face... I goes totally red no matter whether I'm running faster or slower and how long...
    there isn't much you can do there... There is one girl in our running group who gets beet red when she runs, she's the only one that gets that red in the face, so everyone is different... I think you just have to live with it and to heck with the people looking at you...

    Here is a great site with pics
  • My face gets a 2 tone effect.....a mask in red, alternating with yellow. haha...I get lots of stares and some people at the gym ask if I'm okay. I've ALWAYS had this since I was a kid. Nothing strange about it.
  • i totally understand what you are saying about stiff muscles. i start out walking, and then when i start jogging, i can feel my legs are very stiff until i get half a lap in. then when i stop jogging to go back to running, when i start back jogging, my legs feel stiff again until half way thru the lap. i am a walk/jog/walk/jog because my poor little lungs can't keep up. sometimes it's because i feel the burning in my butt, but usually it is because my cardio vascular system can't seem to keep up with my legs. does that make sense to anyone?? anyone else have that problem?? maybe i'm not pushing myself hard enough, i don't know. but the longest streatch i have been able to jog so far, is about 4/10 of a mile and then i have to walk about 3/10 of amile if i want to be able to do the 4/10 jog again. anyone got any thoughts on this??
  • Quote: i totally understand what you are saying about stiff muscles. i start out walking, and then when i start jogging, i can feel my legs are very stiff until i get half a lap in. then when i stop jogging to go back to running, when i start back jogging, my legs feel stiff again until half way thru the lap. i am a walk/jog/walk/jog because my poor little lungs can't keep up. sometimes it's because i feel the burning in my butt, but usually it is because my cardio vascular system can't seem to keep up with my legs. does that make sense to anyone?? anyone else have that problem?? maybe i'm not pushing myself hard enough, i don't know. but the longest streatch i have been able to jog so far, is about 4/10 of a mile and then i have to walk about 3/10 of amile if i want to be able to do the 4/10 jog again. anyone got any thoughts on this??
    Lumi -- keep doing those intervals and eventually the running times will get longer...but it takes time...
  • Thank you very much for the input and for the articles! They're very helpful!

    The reason why I'm annoyed with my face going red is that people are quick to see that as a sign of unfitness, and I don't want other runners or walkers think I'm dying there - because I'm not (usually ).