Support for Judy.

  • I thought it would be appropriate to have a special thread for Judy where we can all post especially for her.

    You have lots of friends here in the Thin Group, Judy. Our thoughts are with you and Cal and your family now. Please feel free to vent as much as you like and know that we share your pain with you. Hopefully we can help ease your immense burden a little.

    You and Cal are in my prayers at this time - God be with you and your family. We love you. Gail
  • Judy,
    As you have been for the last year and still will be, you and Cal and your family are in my prayers. You have been in this group a very long time and we all care about you. feel free to vent and pour your heart out here if you need to. We will do whatever we can to help you with the heavy load you are carrying. Love Sandi
  • Judy I just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. If you just need to talk or vent feel free to e-mail me at [email protected] I'm here to listen anytime

  • Judy, you and Cal are in my thoughts and prayers! Please, vent your feelings whenever you need to - you are important to this group and we are all here for you! I know how hard it is to watch someone you love suffer - please just know that we are here for you.

    My prayers for you and your family ... Love, CJ
  • Hi Judy, sweetie. How's it going today? I'm thinking of you. Don't let Cal's daughters or any other family members get to you. You and Cal are the important people here. You take care of what's important and the heck with the rest of it. Love you!
    Hi Judy,
    I am posting on Chrissy's puter, still here in Michigan. But I want to tell you how both Chrissy and I have been thinking about you and talking to each other about how sad this time is for you with all you are going through.

    You are so loved in this group and I hope and pray that you get through with whatever is happening with the love and support of your whole family. Please don't let Cal's daughters spoil you time with him, they sound so selfish and now is not the time to be trying to take over things with you are handling things the way you see fit.

    Please post and let us know how things are going if and when you have a chance to. Otherwise we will be praying for everyone, especially Cal.

    Take care Judy, Love you, Sharon (and Chrissy too)
  • Judy-

    You,Cal and your family are in my prayers and thoughts. You are a well loved person and you have all of our support. {{{{{JUDY}}}}} Please remember, you are not alone and we are here for you!

    Bless you and your family.

  • Judy,

    It's been over a week since your last post. How are you doing? God bless you and Cal!

  • Judy, just wanted you to know that you and Cal are in my thoughts and prayers. God be with you at this most difficult time. {{{{{JUDY & CAL}}}}} God Bless. Love, Gail
  • Hi Judy. Haven't heard from you in a little while. I'm just sending you my love and my prayers. We all love and miss you here.
  • How you doing today Judy?
    Hi Judy,
    Just have been thinking about you and you family and how have you been holding up. Love you and miss you!

  • Judy....Just wondering how things are going there. Have faith and try to keep up your strength.My prayers are still with you and Cal. Love Sandi
  • Judy,
    Just wanting you to know I am still keeping you and Cal in my prayers and think of you often. Love Sandi