Falling Off the Wagon

  • Hi Everyone,

    I've been coming to this site for support for last 6 months and I've been doing really well. I've lost almost 30lbs. During my weight loss process, I realized that I was exchanging my food addiction with "gambling". I gambled heavily while dieting /working out and lost a whole a lot of money.
    Now that I've got the gambling in control, I see that my weight is climbing back up. I feel totally out of control. Did anyone experience something like this before?

  • Hi Tory, to 30-Something's. I do not have any experience with that kind of situation, but it sounds like maybe you would benefit from discussing it with a professional. In the meantime, just try to stay in control! That's awesome that you've lost 30 lbs.!!
  • Thank you for your warm welcome and your positive words. I need a positive way to keep my mind off food. I checked out the GA site and I do not "qualify" as a gambleholic, but I am sure I have an addictive behavior, for sure. I stopped myself from gambling just in time for my hubby and family to find out. I feel horrible about losing more than $7K altogether...that money could have got me a personal trainer and probably a counselor.. but I have decided to take my losses and move on. Only thing I can do right now is to make sure it doesn't happen again.
  • Addictions
    This is interesting to me. I wonder if our addictions just move from one vice (food) to another - be it gambling or something else. I wonder if anyone else has noticed a pattern of this behavior just translating over to another activity??? I know I have...I started smoking again.

    It seems to me that we do tend to exchange one thing for another, just some behaviors are more destructive than others.
  • Welcome! I haven't experienced anything like that. But something to consider, IMO, for you to make sure you stay away from it - come clean with your husband, at least. Lean on him for the support.

    Good luck!
  • Jenn,

    I think I will take your advice and share this with my hubby.
    As hard as it is going to be letting him know, I think my battle will be half as hard with his support.
