Measuring up...

  • Down another 4.5 inches in the last 2 weeks!

    Another wonderful discovery, Wednesday night at church, I was able, for the first time in 5 years, to CROSS MY LEGS!!!!

    Sorry if that was TMI, but it was very cool to me.

    Thanks for reading!
  • Awesome job! Measuring is so great. I just measured the other day, and I was down 17 inches total from my bust, waist, and hips! That's huge for ME! lol...Keep up your hard work!
  • Awesome Job Kayle
    I enjoy measuring too! Weighing...that's usually another story. I weigh in a week from Monday. The last weigh in I lost 6 lbs. I know I will never see results like that again! Or at least I don't think. I weigh in every 3 weeks. I am hoping to lose at least a pound. I have a mini goal of weighing 170 by April 15th. We'll see. I have 7 lbs to go.

    Great job on your inches lost.