More elliptical...

  • Ok, so my aunt is a personal trainer and she says that if the machine asks how much you weigh then it's pretty accurate on calories... another trainer said that I was probably only burning 75% of the cals I thought I was since I have bad allignment...

    I've read quite a few times on here that the cal counters are just plain wrong... anyone else have any input?
  • Hi Sarah~~
    My elliptical asks for the weight but I have never really trusted the cal ories burned. I take it as a ballpark figure. I do try to focus more on the intensity, time and distance that I put into my workout.
  • I'm the same as you... I do an 30 mins to an hour a day and push myself by making sure I stay above a certain RPMs and switch it up by doing the random program and reverse mode... just nice to know how accurage the cal counter is...
  • I put in my goal weight (10lbs less than I am) to compensate for it overestimating.
  • Hi gals!! I was wondering if anyone can help me? I would like to buy a Treadmil or an ellipical but dont' know what's best and what kind. Please help!!
  • Be sure to read the sticky from Suzanne about the 2005 Consumer reports on ellipticals/treadmills
    I also read several other reports and
    Check out this site for reviews, too:
    I ended up getting a Life Fitness X3.5 elliptical crosstrainer and LOVE it!!