Nutrisystem Buddies?

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  • How are all my Nutrisystem buddies doing?

    I am doing great- just finished my sixth week on the program, and have lost 29 pounds! I am amazed at how easy it's been- I still LOVE that every day my food is ready to go, and I don't have to cook! I did get a little tired of salads, and have been substituting carrot sticks on some days instead of my salad.

    I have been exercising 6x a week, doing water aerobics and walking on my treadmill- I'm finding that I am actually looking forward to exercising now, when before it was my biggest struggle.

    Just curious how everyone else has been doing?
  • Riz~ WOW!! 29lbs....CONGRATULATIONS!! VERY NICE WORK!! I am pleased to see this today. My dd and her bf just bought me a months supply and I am very excited waiting for it to get here. I wish you and myself "courage"!!! I love the's so true.
    Time for responsibility and I am ready. I'll look for you when I start. Would appreciate any input from a 6 week "pro".
  • Great job Riz! I'm in my 3rd week and have lost 8lbs. so far. Not bad, since I really haven't been exercising. Not to mention this week I have my monthly visitor I really need to get on the ball and start exercising regularly.

    Melody, I know how you feel. I couldn't wait till my shipment arrived! I have found the majority of the foods pretty good, although it can't beat home-cooking! I've only had 3 things so far that weren't to my liking.

    I've been using the NS website to log all my food and the journal to keep track of my daily thoughts about the diet. It has helped me see what triggers my cravings. I have cheated here and there, and don't really stick to it totally on the weekends. But I need to get serious because if I don't lose enough this month, I'll get frustrated...

    Good Luck all and keep up the good work!

  • Hello I saw your thread and I'm thinking about doing nutrisystem. I'm married and my concern is how to do the meal for the hubs? Any body have this problem and how have they handled it. How have you liked the diet and any info would be helpful. I'm not dieting it and I probably need to lost 50+ pounds I'm too scared to get on the scale.
  • Sharon~ Thanks for the encouragement. Congrats on your loss also!! Very nice!! I went to the website and joined after they ordered it. Wanted to read all the info I could get. I also ordered the book through our library.
    They also sell it at I like your quote also and I am ready for action.

    Quilt~ the kids bought me a month's supply. Not sure if I could really afford it on my own but I am hoping to get a good re-start out of it. go to their website and women there talk of how they handle meals. I read where they cook like they always did and just eat their food instead.
    Either way....good luck with your decision.
  • Nutrisystem
    I've yet to decide and I'm giving myself this week "hopefully" to resolve and go forward. I'm going to check out QVC and see if I can get them there just for a check and see.

    I have some regular meal bars and some slim fast can drinks that I may use just this week to stick my toe in until I can get with a plan. I'm already facing a hurdle by visiting relatives out of town this weekend and I know there is a big dinner involved so I figure Monday is a good place to start. Thanks for the advice.
  • My food supply came Tomorrow is Day 1 :eat1:
  • Melody is this your first time on nutrisystem. Keep me posted I just ordered a week supply and will begin in when it comes in. I'm interested to hear how your week goes. Which type did you get?
  • Great job! I started NS about five weeks ago, lost 16 pounds but fell off the bandwagon after having back surgery. However, I just went back to work yesterday and my skirt actually fit (it was snug before I left work about six weeks ago) - so I am motivated again to continue! Promptly got back on plan yesterday morning... and now DH wants to do it with me! He's been eating all my "reject" meals, lol.

    Gonna stay on for another week before I weigh-in again (afraid I gained during my time off) - but I'm so glad to hear of other people doing this!

    What's your fave meal? Personally, I'm digging those pizzas - I sprinkle about half a tablespoon of bacon bits and put garlic powder & italian seasoning... mmmmm!
  • That pizza sounds good, I'm not sure what comes with mine. I just ordered the one week supply. I've not weighed yet. Almost did this morning, but chickened out. I think I'm also going to join TOPS as a face to face support group. We've lived here 3 years and I've not worked very hard to make any friends so it wouldn't hurt to meet some nice people and have some diet support locally. TOPS will weigh me so I may leave it at that. But I think I will track during that first week on NS and see how it goes. Wow it would be great if my husband would join me, but he losing his weight another way.

    Hey where do ya'll get those cute little scale measurements? As soon as I know what I weigh I'd like one of those.
  • I'm a really picky eater, so my autoship is very simple-

    Breakfast- Granola, Shredded Wheat and Chocolate Chip Bars
    Lunch- Bean and Ham Soup, Cream of Broccoli Soup, Minestrone Soup and Vegetable Beef Soup, and I also get the Toffee Nutripeptide Bars
    Dinner- Chicken Primavera with Vegetables, Lasagna, Ravioli and Meat Sauce, Almond Chicken and Rice, Pepper Steak and Rice
    Dessert- Lemon Blueberry Bar, Mocacchino Bar, Peanut Butter Bar, Caramel Bar

    Those are my favorites, and that's what I stick to.

    BUT, I strongly recommend trying everything, because you never know what you are going to like- personally, I hate the pizza, and that is most everyone's favorite!

    Melody- how was day one?
  • Well I will try everything because I get funny/weird moods with food so I'd better give things a try. I'm getting excited for my package to come in and to a test week. Since I only ordered yesterday it should probably take about another week to get here. So I will weigh the day I start and then at the end. Even though mid way I may decide to go with it for a few months and then switch to calorie counting. Right now, I'm still making it minute by minute and hour by hour.
  • Riz~ i am having a ball. I feel a little silly about it but it's been a fun day. I got a basket and put day 1's meals in it and left it on the counter last night....i could hardly sleep like it was Christmas. I love not cooking too and tossing the containers in the trash!! lol Hopefully these smaller portions will be the answer for me...just a bit worried about the sodium count though but time will tell.
    yopu have done a fab job and wish you continued success!

    Lun~ hello and I am glad to find others myself. congrats on your loss also and lots of luck. I am more than ready for some success!!!

    Quilt~ I ordered from and they had the 28 meal International program there. I didn't want weekends off like the 20 day because that's the time when I can cheat and no one sees it! Hope the kit arrives soon and you can tell us your thoughts too. you can find these "tickers" when you go to your user page. Then you click on change your signature and there will be an address you can click on to make one. There are also instructions on the webisite if you will go above here and click on 3fc on a diet weight loss community...then once there you can browse through the forums for instructions. if i find it, i'll post a link here later.

    As I said day one is going well and it's so simple. I did my food shopping for veggies, salad and dairy and am all set to go. Even Jen (DD) was impressed with the varieties and amounts of foods allowed. with the international I will get to taste a LOT of different meals. Then I will sit down after the month draws to an end and decide if I can afford it and is it working. Keeping my fingers crossed.

    Quilt~ this is a good page with lots of info. Enjoy!
  • Hi, I'm new at this site, well not new, new I've browsed a few times for the reviews on the current "quick loss" pills that you see advertised on TV - You know which ones I mean! I joined and ordered my Nutrisystem meals yesterday. I can't wait til they come. I just celebrated my one month anniversary of quitting smoking, I was overweight before, and I've put on some more weight now. I need to loose at least 50 pounds, I don't own a scale, so I guess I'm going to have to buy one. I bought a book "Eat up to slim down" and I swear I was cooking every nite until about 7:00pm getting ready for the next day's breakfasts & lunches, my husband & I were both following that plan. What a pain!! I'm hoping the NS plan will be easy to follow. My mom lost weight on Nutrisystems a long, long time ago, think I was still in high school, I'm 42 now. I started walking on the treadmill a week before I quit smoking and have been trying to do it at least 5 times a week. Boy I hope this works! So glad I found this forum I wanted to find some people that had actually done the plan themselves and not just go on the testimonials on NS's website, I mean really who would put negative things on there when they're trying to sell you something?? I'll post more when I finally get my meals!
