Emotional eating and emotional weight.......

  • I have found that everytime I get to the low 160's almost 150's I set myself up to fail....hence the binge last week.....I have been trying to work through this issue...but it is so deeply ingrained.....I thinkit comes from being sexually abused as a child and when I lose then weight I get more attention form men...which is a love/hate thing.....I know TMI lol....but I just thought I would see if anyone else sees their weight/food as an e motional issue as well as physical
  • Absolutely. And the best thing is you can recognise it. Im so sorry you were abused, that is really terrible. You cant punish yourself though. You never caused the abuse and you cant cause anything like this now regardless of what you weigh. I think we all emotionally struggle at all phases of the weight loss journey, best thing is you can come here and talk to us and get back on the wagon
  • The whole reason I am the size I am now is because of emotional eating. I eat when I am bored, or depressed or whatever. So I guess it's all just a learning process and finding something else to do besides eat.
  • Gymgirl- So sorry about the abuse. I would guess that emotional eating is at the core of most of our problems with food. There is a really good book that helps you to let go of the emotional stuff, and deal with a lot of things, including food and weight. They focus on letting go of guilt, and learning to love ourselves. It is called "Body Clutter" by Marla Cilley and Leanne Ely. You can purchase it at flylady.com. I would strongly recomend it to everyone on a weight loss journey. Hugs, Katie
  • Gymgurl, I am very much an emotional eater too, and I find myself doing the exact same thing as you do. I get close to a 30 pound loss and binge...then I get back on track, do really well, and bamm...do it again! I have alot of "issues" from my childhood as well which makes it even more difficult than normal. But, WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!
  • LOLOLOL......it is such a strange thing isn't it.....how we think we are protecting ourselves with food and all we are doing is hurting ourselves.....Katie I love flylady! i will look for the book....you would think after years of dealing with this in therapy that it would be easy to let it go....I remeber when I was in my 20's bulimic and aneroxic (due to the abuse) that before that I had lost 50 pounds or so and kept going down to 116 which can you imagine on me lol....anyway When men told me how good i looked I was really angry and thought screw you...what did you think of me before.....I was so mad then I would be mean to them......talk about the xycle of abuse.....anyway...EMMY we can do this....we all can!!
  • Nobody came to take away the bulk box of cookies in my cupboard from the other day and I just ate another one
    Sad thing is I don't even feel guilty about the one I just ate.
    It was dam good. I have THE worst PMS this month and I 'needed' a few cookies.
    Ok, I won't buy anymore because obviously I can't resist them.

    I am just finishing up week 16 of this regime and I am starting to give in to temptation a little more easily.
    Could this be self-sabotage or just rebellion against any more chicken and spinach.

  • I can also relate to what you’re going through. I don’t admit to many people about what happened in my past, but I guess its okay to say it on here. (It’s not like anybody knows me outside this forum.) The timing of this thread is pretty ironic for me. On Wednesday I received a phone call, while I was at work, from the police department telling me that the low life that abused me when I was 15 years old was released from prison. He’s now living right back in my home town. Need less to say, Wednesday wasn’t exactly an OP day for me. I can say, Thursday I was right back on my feet. I’m not about to let him win. Every time I get down, I tell myself this because I’m stronger than him and now I’m in control.
  • Quote: I can also relate to what you’re going through. I don’t admit to many people about what happened in my past, but I guess its okay to say it on here. (It’s not like anybody knows me outside this forum.) The timing of this thread is pretty ironic for me. On Wednesday I received a phone call, while I was at work, from the police department telling me that the low life that abused me when I was 15 years old was released from prison. He’s now living right back in my home town. Need less to say, Wednesday wasn’t exactly an OP day for me. I can say, Thursday I was right back on my feet. I’m not about to let him win. Every time I get down, I tell myself this because I’m stronger than him and now I’m in control.

    That had to be really hard for you...Last year I went through counseling and we had talked about pressing charges...I couldn't do it....to hard to deal with the courts and eveything else...though mine was out of state....I'm sorry someo have you have been through this to I wish it on no one!
  • Isn't it ironic how we as women punish ourselves for what someone else did to us? I was raped when I was 19, and after that is when my weight started to get out of control. Gymgirl, I know what you mean about the courts...sometimes it seems the victim is on trial instead of the person who actually did something wrong. And here I am all these years later...still dealing with the aftermath of a rape, not so much the emotional side but repairing the damage I have done to my body with all this weight.

    To me this message board provides more than just diet support....it's a way we can all deal with all the issues of our lives that impact our weight loss.
  • ((HUGS)))) to you all....