When did you move from Phase I?

  • I have about 100 lbs to lose. I really don't look or feel mordibly obese but my BMI says that I am. It's 40.8, since I'm 5'7" and I weight 260 lbs. I've read that the individuals with more weight to lose or those of us with a higher BMI could probably stay on phase I for up to two months. What have our experiences been? Personally I'm afraid to move from phase I this will technically be my last week on it. I haven't lost the 8- 13 lbs and I do realize that not everyone does. I workout 6 days a week 5 cardio and 2 weight training. I've only lost 4 lbs in the past month, very jacked up metabolism, thyroid is medically slow but I'm taking care of that soon. I really don't like experminting with carbs b/c I am very insulin resistant and I usually get drugged after eating carbs. Ok I'm rambling. But please share your Phase I situations with me!

  • I stayed on phase 1 for only two weeks both when I initially did phase 1 and when I did it again after Christmas. You could probably stay on it a little longer but I don't think it is healthy to go too long without the phase 2 foods. You can add them back in gradually. I only lost 4 pounds the first time I did phase 1 and while my weight wasn't as high as yours, I am also only 5' 3" so my BMI was pretty high.

    You probably are not losing as much since you are working out but you are making yourself much healthier. Please read the posts about this in the FAQ section. You can also add back in fruit and hold off on the grains if you want. Try an apple with some peanut butter. The peanut butter tends to help people from craving.
  • A lot of people are scared to move from ph1 to ph2. If you find something triggers cravings, then either that food isn't a good choice or else you need to change when you are eating it.

    For example, some people are fine with grains, but not if they eat them first thing in the morning. So someone like that could eat a slice of ww sourdough with their dinner, but not a bowl of oatmeal at breakfast.

    Remember Dr. A's tips on slowing down the absorption of sugars, too - such as avoiding processed carbs like juice or white breads, eat carbs either that are acidic (like grapefruit or sourdough) or eat them with acidic foods (like vinegar). There are other tips, too - these were just examples.

    And finally, just take it slow and easy. Start with one carb the first week - say, steel-cut oatmeal at breakfast (for example). So for the first week, eat like ph1 except for the bowl of oatmeal every morning. Eat it at about the same time of day, and make sure you aren't eating it by itself. If it triggers cravings, back off for a few days and try again at a different time (say, an afternoon snack). If you still get cravings, then it probably isn't a good choice for you. Avoid it, and try another new carb the next week. There's no great rush, but there are nutrients in grains and fruits that you need - so don't stick around on ph1 for too long. I don't have my book right here, but I think (if I recall rightly) that Dr. A didn't like people continuing ph1 for more than 3 weeks and really preferred 2 weeks in most cases.

    There are some good sticky threads in the FAQ forum on switching to phase 2, an updated food list, and much more - check them out for some good advice!

    Good luck!
  • Moral of the SBD story-Watch what you eat.
    I just figured it out today that since starting eating this way I have watched everything that goes into my mouth. This makes me aware and accountable for my own actions regarding food and excercise. Thanks for your comments. Looks like I will be moving to Phase II on schedule even though yesterday, I had 1/4 cup of whole wheat pasta and today I had some fruit juice packed mixed fruit. No sleepies yet but I really needed it. Yesterday in SPIN class the instructor took us into lactate threshold. We were burning sugar instead of fat. And oh boy did my carb-less body feel that one. It taken me all day to try to recover, my legs burned all night and I was exhausted this moening. The only thing that helps in that state is food. So I know that if I keep up training at this rate I will need carbs and I won't have a choice. I used to wonder how people on low carb programs trained 5-6 days a week I see now, no workie. Just my 0.2$

    Thanks chicks
  • Ruthie, advice from another Ruthie........

    This is NOT a low carb programme. Even on Phase I you should be getting enough carbs from milk, legumes and vegetables. That may help with the wiped out feeling.
  • I thought about that
    I thought about that after I typed it. Yeah I need to include some of those things in my eating. I will get past being scared of all carbs soon I guess. I have just spent the last 5-6 years in a bad carb haze of sleepiness,and weight gain so forgive me for my low-carb speak. I'm going to start phase 2 slowly, I can tolerate sweet potatoes pretty well so I think I'll start there. The meal plans in the book don't sound bad either the meals are very balanced so I'm going to start with some of those day by day phase 2 meal plans. I really do need to be taught to eat good carbs. I've always abused bad carbs so I'm still learning. Thanks so much
  • I think that it's important to not to stay in Phase I for a long length of time becuse of all the nutritional benefits some of the Phase II foods have to offer such as fruit, whole grains, & carrots. It's simply not gonna work if you don't make that transition. These things are SO good for you (in moderation)!