Hello all 300+

  • new To The Site, Am Anxious To Start Adding To The Excercise Times., Start Reporting Weight Loss...... Good Luck To Everyone And I Am So Happy I Found This Site,,,,,,,, God,, If I Had Found U Four Yrs Ago..........................cant Wait To Meet Everyone And Get Kicked In The Rear For Motivation.
  • MsCrockett -- Consider yourself ever so gently kicked! We'd love to have you on the exercise thread!
  • Great!!!!!Thanks, ouch on the kick....lol
  • Welcome Ms Crockett! It's a great bunch here, hope you love it!

    Wyllenn - I already saw the Febuary exercise thread, and have committed to another month. I've got one more day to work on January tho.
  • MsCrockett - Check out the 300+ forum, and also the Old Hens forum. FANTASTIC forums! The exercise thread is so GREAT! It really helps motivate me to exercise, knowing that I can help out the group total!