Hi I am new here!

  • Hi
    My name is Julie, 26 years old, married for almost 5 years, 2 children:Erin 3 and Ella 3 months.

    When I got pregnant with my first daughter I gained 50 pounds, that put me at 170. I never lost all of it and stayed around 135 until I got pregnant again. I gained another 50 pounds, so 185. I am now down to 145-150 but I am stuck!. I am 5'1'' and I feel so frumpy and unattractive at this weight. I just need that extra kick in the behind to loose the rest of my weight.

    My ultimate goal is 115. I am not trying to loose it by any specific date, but it sure would be nice to look "hot" for summer!!

    Right now I am walking/running 2 or 3 nights a week and lifting weights 1 or 2 nights a week. The hardest part for me is eating right. I love chocolate and cookies and pasta and all the other delicious stuff out there!!! Eating vegetables and fruit is hard work for me.

    We do want one more baby but I do not want to get pregnant again until I have lost all of the weight from Ella and Erin.

    If any one want to buddy up I would sure appreiciate it.
