swimming... here's hoping it lasts!

  • ever since I was little, I have loved it, and back in my day, I was really good at it, and was just getting into competitive swimming when those lovely rebellious years arrived, and I stopped doing everything my parents were proud of me doing!

    And now I weigh 105kg! So i've started swimming again, with the aims of losing 35kg (77lb)... Of course the exercise is also combined with healthy eating! Does anyone else swim? Have you noticed results? and in what way have you noticed the results??? My aim obviously is to lose weight, esp from around my stomach - but I also want to tone up my arms & chest.......

    would love to hear any positive stories!
  • I was fatter than you when I took up swimming last year I was 119 kilos! I have swum at least three times a week and often more since then. I do other stuff too like weight training, but the swimming has certainly helped me tone up and get some cardio in. And the added bonus is that everyone in the pool notices my weight loss!!!
  • I used to swim loads and it really slimmed down my buddah belly!

    Then I ate for England when I worked in the sweet shop!
  • My gym has a pool and I am going to take the plunge. I just got a waterproof case and headphones for my ipod so i am good to go. Waiting for my gym partner KFS be ready in a few weeks post op.
    I hope it will add alittle variety and help slim down and tone up.
  • Swimming laps or water aerobics are great forms of exercise! Much easier on the joints and less chance for exercise related injuries. With the recent passing of Shelley Winters, her quote from The Poseidon Adventure has been in the news here in the U.S. - "I'm still a very skinny lady in the water".
  • I used to swim a lot when I first started at the gym, it was something that I enjoyed a lot more than the treadmill, and promising myself I could swim rather than do anything "hard" got me to the gym far easier than the lure of any other sort of exercise. As time has gone by I do less swimming and more other stuff, but it certainly does help
  • Quote: I just got a waterproof case and headphones for my ipod so i am good to go
    I wondered if there was something like this! What a great idea! I wonder if they sell them over here yet... I would love to take my ipod swimming with me
  • I would check e bay for opods by otterbox, depending on which ipod you have. I have a nano so I had to buy a new case and sold my mini case to a friend. I got mine at watertight cased. Nice peopple and i would bet you could work out the shipping with them.
  • thanks for that! Definately something for me to look into at some stage!!!!
  • I would go swimming, I remember loving it when I was younger, but... uh I don't think I'm ready for a bathing suit. lol and I don't know how I'd manage being in a pool without my contacts on!
  • I was in a bathing suit at 262lbs!!! And I'm still 199 and much bigger than you!!!

    I don't wear contacts, but I do wear glasses, I am as blind as a bat in the pool, which is kinda good because if anyone is staring at the fat chick, I can't tell LOL.
  • koookie, it is not baout looking good in your bathing suit now, it is about exercise so you can look good in your suit later.
  • Quote:
    I don't know how I'd manage being in a pool without my contacts on!
    I haven't been swimming much lately (only HS pool, and weird hours) but I too am blind as a bat without my contacts. My solution was to save an old pair and wear them with swim goggles. If one got ruined it wasn't a disaster. You can also buy prescription goggles (and scuba masks) that will work unless you have a really oddball prescription. Even then you can probably get some that are better than going without. I really liked being able to see the clock, and recognize the other swimmers!