Ok ...... Ladies I need some advice!

  • You Know me! LOL I always need some advice! So here goes......

    First of all, I am doing wonderful, fantasic, awesome all day long UNTIL>........... I get home in the evening. I don't know why but I just start pigging out as soon as I get home from work! WHY WHY WHY?

    And it is funny that I can't seem to quit munching on junk and then when I finally get supper fixed, I only eat a bit b/c I am so full of junk. And I want to be healthy, and supper is healthy. So what can I do?

    Any advice!?????? I need some.

    I also realized that I have no or little self esteem. I went to Walmart twice today, Lerner's, and even Goodwill. I kept trying to find me some clothes, and I need some new underwear and bras. But I left WalMart both times putting everything down b/c I felt that I did not deserve it! Do you understand what I mean.

    Even though I need shirt and bras and underwear. I did not even buy any. I did end up buying a couple shirts for Lerner's and two pair of jeans from Good will. I got home and hated both pair of jeans....... LOL Go figure huh! LOL
  • Penny,I wish I could give you some magic answer but in truth there is none.You are not doing anything that many of us are also struggling with.Many of us do good til we get home.
    As for buying clothes most of us hate to go clothes shopping.But it is usually because they don't make a lot of nice large sizes and even when we find them we still think we look bad.
    But your reasoning needs to change.I know first hand what a sweet,caring and loving person you are.You are a great mother ,wife and friend who deserves nothing but good things.Don't let anyone make you feel otherwise including yourself.I say you are great and mothers are always right.
    Tomorrow is a new day and I hope you feel better.
  • Eleni, that was such a nice post.

    mompen, you are probably pigging out because you've set a pattern that way. Whenever I visit my parents, I pig out: for years that's what I would do in that house, so when I visit, my body says, "FOOD TIME!"

    Try to set a new pattern for yourself: come home and have a hot bath while you're steaming the veggies, or waiting for the crock pot to finish (you didn't mention whether you had a husband or kids who could help get dinner ready earlier to help you out, otherwise I would have suggested that too)

    I know that when I'm hungry I need to eat RIGHT AWAY or I get dizzy and lethargic.
  • Hey Penny,

    I hear you about the clothes. I don't buy things for me either. Usually the only time I get clothes is at christmas time and my husband gets them for me underwear and all.LOL
    But it isn't because I don't think I deserve it. It is usaully because I say I could use something else more like stuff for others. But if you need them get them. Don't beat yourself up over it and never say that you don't deserve them. You have worked your butt off to get smaller so I would say that you do deserve them and even if you did you still do.LOL

    As for the eating. I would say that motivation 2000 is right. Like Dr. Phil says if you want to change a habit then you have to put something in its place that makes it so you can't do the old stuff.
    Like try cooking your meals in the crockpot during the day. That way your dinner is done when you get home and you don't have to wait for it. Then you can eat healthy. Or put dinner on and go outside to play with the boys. If you are outside with them then you can't be inside snacking. Make yourself busy while waiting for dinner to cook. And tell yourself all day long that when you get home you are not going to snack before dinner. I have found that I do best and have all the willpower I need if I decide something that morning and keep telling myself that decision all day. That way by the time you get home you will have convinced yourself that you are not going to give in and you are going to stick with what you said you were going to do. Also make sure you are busy and occupy yourself during that time.

    Also maybe you should have an afternoon snack. Obviously you are hungry when you get home. If you have some fruit or something for a snack in the afternoon then you might not be as hungry.

    I hope this helps you.
