Need motivation

  • I've tried startting SB 3 times this WEEK. I did good the first 2 days then the 3rd day I was stressed and confused about what things I should be eating (before I came here) and gave in. Then I tried today and did really good till around 4pm and I caved (I think it's because it's that time of the month). I really want to lose weight I am SO tired of being overweight but I have no willpower, no motivation...I can't seem to just fight the urges and get on with it. Then I get frustrated that I've let myself go this much and that makes me want to eat even more and I get discouraged because I know it's going to take awhile to get this off (even though I know it's best). I just need some words of wisdom (or a really swift kick in the tookus). *sigh*
  • Been there, done that - I completely understand where you're coming from. For me, it's always been very hard to follow a plan. I finally got tired of beating myself up for not being able to stay with it, so I just accepted the fact that I'm not going to be perfect. I have my moments of weakness, but then get back on track at the next opportunity. That may not be the best of advice, but the key is NOT TO GIVE UP!

    Everyone has their triggers for overeating, but at the same time everyone has reasons to stay motivated. I'm trying to write some of my motivations down, no matter how goofy they sound. Like being able to walk down the hallway without hearing the swish of my thighs rubbing together. Or being able to fit my backside into one of the seats at the ballpark in the spring.

    There are lots of cheerleaders on this board and lots of great advice. Just keep reading the posts...and hang in there. You can do it!
  • I think part of it is that you have to a. really believe that the way you are eating/living is in fact detrimental to your long-term health and happiness, and b. that this plan (or whatever plan) is the way to go - not just to lose weight, but to live.

    I strongly suggest you toss out or give away any non-OP foods in the house before you start phase 1. If your family is supportive, I'm sure they can and will give up a few foods for a couple of weeks. If they will die tragically if they can't have chips or cookies, ask them to stash it away where you can't see, hear, smell, or reach it and to not eat it around you. Like I say, you can put up with practically anything for just 2 weeks. Then start buying 1-2 new items (such as grains or fruit) a week, and watch your reactions. If you find you go crazy-mad for cookies, donuts, pie, and everything else you oughtn't have if you eat a piece of ww toast at breakfast, than bread (at least in the morning) is just not for you - not yet, at least.

    Be sure to go by the updated food lists in the forum, as the book is now out of date as far as the foods go. On the other hand, don't overthink it - you'll go nuts if you do! Other than phase 1 (which is a detox), the guidelines are just that - guidelines for making wise choices rather than poor ones.

    Good luck - I hope this helps! And remember - we're all here for you! You can do this!
  • BTDT. LOL. Haven't we all. Can you commit to do it for a week ? Have all things prepped and ready to go, and all things deadly out of the house ? Have an activity for that bad time ? (Like you are not at home BUT you have a cheese stick or nuts in your pocket ?)

    I've been struggling with the idea of SB for 3 years. I had gestational diabetes with my dd and I was strictly diet controlled. If I didn't stick to a very high fiber version of Phase 2, I was going to be on insulin, and be high risk, and lose my chance at a VBAC because I have big babies anyway. I checked my sugar at home and since I am a nurse, I got a big wake up call and education about how my body reacts to all the crap I eat. And how my body processes say spaghetti vs. rigatoni (there IS a difference, surface area, spaghetti causes less of a spike). I am definately pre-diabetic, and I am 100 lbs overweight, and I don't want to wind up with heart disease or blind or having my legs cut off from diabetes because I can't control my eating. One of the biggest things, biggest risk factors that you can change / modify is your eating habits and your weight. I was able to LOSE weight while preggo, well actually lose fat I gained weight but once I had baby nothing fit it was all too big. I NEVER felt better than I did on that eating plan. But yet, once I Had the baby I started eating poorly again. But my big thing is, how come I can do it for my baby, and not for me ? This should be a WOE for me. But for almost 3 years, I've been *****in' and complaining and getting fatter. WTF ? I *feel* like a switch has been flipped or something. I feel finally resigned, or something, to the fact that this HAS to be a WOE for me. It doesn't mean I can't ever have cheesecake or chocolate, but I *have* an issue and this is the way to fix it. And it must be fixed. I mean, if I had cancer, wouldn't I treat it ? I'd fill a cavity. I need to treat my "fatness".

    I don't mean to hijack, just sharing what seems to be a big change in my life. I feel much differently this time around.

    Good luck

    Thats the way I look at it. I have had food issues since 15. Anorexia/bulimia, and then once I stopped throwing up, the weight crept on. Probably 8-10 lbs a year on average. And now I'm 265.
  • I can't say enough how much I love this site.

    AMES - It is probably not a good idea to start any diet while on your monthly.....for me, being bloated and tired while trying to start watching what I eat is a joke because I crave salty foods and my stomach looks and feels big no matter what I eat. I would wait until a couple of days after and then think about how you want to approach changing your eating habits.

    Just my two cents...glad to see you here, and glad to see the support from everyone!
  • You have to be at the point where you know this is what you want and are willing to do anything for it. SBD is a fabulous diet, all be it not the diet for everyone. I love SBD. I have tried so many different plans, and cheated over and over..never really giving it a real shot. When I decided to do SBD, I did just as H-Ko said..I donated all the food in my house that was not OP to a food pantry and went out and bought all good foods. I bought the cookbook and started cooking...It cost me a bit more at first, but now..My whole family eats much healthier and the cost has plateaued...not my weight....I am not saying that there have not been times that I have cheated, but I have never gone so far off plan that I did any damage...This has become my WOE for life...when you are ready to make that decision, you will make it..whether it is on SBD or something else. You can do it!! We are here for you, you just have to be there for yourself too!!
  • When I want to "be bad", I just remember that you could eat junk or you could eat right- either way you'll end up full.

    And, Instead of thinking "I have 2 more weeks of this", just try to get through the night- keep yourself busy with crystal light and sugarfree gum- you'll wake up the next day with more resolve!
  • Thank you guys so much. I think once AF is gone I'm going to start again, until then watch what I eat. My cravings are just horrific and I'm going to sit down with DH and tell him I really need support (see he's thin so he can eat all the "bad" stuff and not be concerned with weight etc). I mean the days I did do SB I wasn't hungry and I felt good. I just needed a kick in the butt
  • Planning the week really helps me. I write out meal plans for every day and get all my shopping done at once. I try to make sure to have something "fun" for Wed & Thurs. If you have a lousy day and get home from work with no idea what to have for dinner, you will probably go for comfort food. But if you know what you are supposed to have and you have everything you need to make it, then the easiest thing will just be to have it.

    I may change my plans as the week goes by. I don't feel like I've been "bad" if I didn't stick with my meal plan exactly (I probably never have stuck with it exactly), but I like knowing it is there.

    I also keep a journal. I've listed all the reasons I want to reach my goal weight. I write out how I feel about myself when I've been very good. I write out how I feel about myself when I've been "bad." If I'm not feeling motivated I can read that. I really only have to threaten myself with having to read it because I know very well how I feel after I've been good and I know how I feel after I've been bad and I know how it feels to be overweight and I know how it feels to be a healthy weight... And I know I can get through a bad day and things will be different tomorrow